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Everything posted by Arch4ngel

  1. LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL What a HACK !!! LET'S GET ROLLINNGGGGGGG !!!!! :p lollll Let's play to "Crash the PDA" !!! :p lolllll Sorry... the way you said things were funny ! :) I always enjoy seeing hack that could cause a lot of trouble ! :p lollll But anyway... it was just an idea... nothing that I tried... but... I've seen someone who tried it !!! Hey... tell me if you have to reinstall your OS on your PDA ! :p
  2. Ohhh... so it's not working... well I though.... lollll And no... it's not a suggestion ! :p it was a question on my own ! I don't know what can be done in CompactFramework 'cause I never used it. I'll put myself in that in a month or two maybe.
  3. You must add it after DataBinding. (at least it's what I do)
  4. Try this... ddlTest.Items.Insert( 0 , new ListItem( "Please select a value...", "-1") ) After that... you could verify that the SelectedValue is not equal to -1 (or change it to any value you want...) if you're field is not optional. There you go [edit]This will require the following assembly : System.Web.UI.WebControls[/edit]
  5. Well... I went to www.Microsoft.com and read more about SP2. I was much more interested in IE upgrades. They, AT LEAST, tighten their security ! So IMHO... you better install it but... make sure that those "Now un-functionnal" software will not cause some dramatic result to your computer :p
  6. No. Only select Rebuild instead of Build. Rebuild will force your project to get the new version of each reference and DLL used by your project while build will only change modifications to your code. That's a good resume.
  7. One question bring another. Can you make it available in another way ? Like importing the DLL from the "Standard" framework and copy it in your APP directory and link your app to it ?
  8. Right-clic in the tool box and select "Add/remove items...". Under ".NET Framework components" clic on "Browse..." and find your WCL dll (Windows Control Library). And now here it is! Make sure that when you do a change to your WCL project to Rebuild to make sure that your Windows App will recopy the right version of your DLL. Have fun !
  9. Wow... didn't think the rumor was true. :confused:
  10. If your SQL-Server is set to Windows Authentication then... the user who want to access it won't have any problem as long as he has received permission. But there's also the SQL Authentication. Which means user id and password. The admin account is named "sa" (system admin). You can create more under the Security folder inside Enterprise manager.
  11. They are both the same. The IL that is generated will be exactly the same. It's just a different way to "see" your code. It will be generated the same way however.
  12. Make sure that in the Load there an frmWizard = new frmWizard()
  13. I'm currently on a Windows 2000 SP4 Server. And .NET is working perfectly. I think you must talk about SP2 of Windows XP. Well... I think it's ok. Maybe by taking a look at www.google.com and you'll see if there's big major problem with it. I don't think there will be. I found something however... when I installed an SP (anyone) it can't create any project. VS is able to open them but not create them. So I had to "Repair" the installation and everything went fine. Beside that... I don't think there's major problem.
  14. Could you only show revelant code or put them in [ code ] [ /code ] tag (without spaces) ? It would ease our reading.
  15. Yeah I agree with you. I won't use Regex when it's "abusive" if you know what I mean... Using a regex while you can use a IndexOf is like trying to kill a fly with a bazooka. You're using a powerful tool to make a light job that would need only 1 function. Like I said before... I had (1 weeks or 2 ago) to get all the content of all href in a web page. I could have done that with IndexOf but... what a mess it would have taked... I would have made a custom function and it would have taked me 5 minutes more. I must admit that I took about 3 or 4 hours to learn as much as possible about RegEx. So all this work was maybe painful... but how much rewarding ? I know a little bit about RegEx and I really enjoy using it when it's possible. Think about it... it's a tool that is already done and is working. What are you asking for ? Okay... it's a little hard to understand if you didn't even touch to that... but once you made 1 or 2 expression on your own... well... you're rewarded ! Because RegEx isn't only used by Microsoft. RegEx can also be used in PHP and many more language. Well... that's it. That's my point.
  16. I suggest VBS because I didn't do client scripting with JS. However here is a link that can get you started with both if needed : http://www.scit.wlv.ac.uk/appdocs/chili-asp/html/chapter_5__developer_s_reference.htm
  17. Make sure that you populate your DataSet inside If Not IsPostBack Then and make sure you don't populate it twice elsewhere.
  18. Put the following before the DataBind : ddAccess.DataValueField = "Access_name" And now .SelectedValue = "something" will now work correctly
  19. Yeah... I see. Good product with bad support isn't it ? Maybe they shall more hear what all of their buyer say. It's worthwile to have a good support. Anyway... good luck ! Hope it will be fixed because it really sux some times... and it's not hard to correct bug (seen from the outside).
  20. I agree with Derek. If you can do it in SQL-Server then... do it. I use Access DB only for small Access App that need "Report" or for some small company that need a "tool" to keep user data and that can't afford to buy a server or to upgrade their old P2 500Mhz. So they have DB and the App and there are only 1 user on it. Beside that... I rather use Sql-Server.
  21. I don't understand how this forum is or used... but can't you simply change the code ? We are all (or almost) VB.NET and C# proficient, master or guru programmer here. Can't we do the job ? Want more detail plz.
  22. Well... I like new brand car. But... what can be less popular than an 6 cynlinder old car ? When you make the engine roar.... aaaaahhhhhh..... nearly an orgasm ! lollll I like the sound from those old car. The look is oldish but still classic in style. Nothing can beat that.
  23. good link. For the lazy... here is a resume (that means you really shall look at the link if your mind is scrambled) : Impersonation is used in ASP.NET app to use another account to do some task. As an exemple of that... If you use ASPNET account... ASPNET won't be able to start any COM object because it don't have the "rights" to do that. You'll have to manually configure your server EVERYWHERE to give the correct right (believe me it's not an easy work). But if you use Impersonate... you create a local user account and you say to ASPNET to use this account to do ALL the task on the server. This give you many plus : Every application have their "own" rights if they all use Impersonate. Otherwise... they have an access to everywhere anyway (plus and con if you can catch what are the consequence) Don't have to reconfigure your server for ASPNET to have the right access everywhere Well... that's the end of my speach... if you want to know more... follow the link of jspencer. If someone knows more pro and cons... don't be shy to say them. It's always good to have an all-around opinion of a function.
  24. Recreate it yourself isn't really hard (if you exclude Security and Summary) but the General tab is easily(depend of your knowledge of course) reproduced. I don't know if you can invoke the one from the OS
  25. I must admit... it's not easy to learn. But the power of this tool is well rewarded (up to my knowledge limit)
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