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Everything posted by Arch4ngel

  1. Here is what I found after 5min of Google Search: http://www.bobpowell.net/generating_multipage_tiffs.htm
  2. Arch4ngel


    Okay... if your "application" is a website... I say ASP.NET Application. If you want a normal window... I say Form. But after that... you can choose if you are going with VB.NET or C#. You also might want to take a look at the System.Data.SqlClient namespace. Much needed for what you want to do. But.. obviously... you didn't gave us that much info to help you and this is what we can tell you for what we had.
  3. That lead you back to linking your code to Microsoft non-managed DLL. You might get information on how to do it through: http://www.codeproject.com/vb/net/ClickThroughWindows.asp?df=100&forumid=262268&exp=0&select=1356584 http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/winui/winui/windowsuserinterface/windowing/windows/windowreference/windowmessages/wm_move.asp But never did it personally. You might want to take a look at WM_Moving too. Here you go.
  4. OKay sorry for all those quick replies but here is a few links that might interest you: http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/dnvs05/html/codesnippets.asp http://gotcodesnippets.com/default.aspx
  5. Does your question look like this one? http://geekswithblogs.net/kakaiya/archive/2005/06/17/43957.aspx If yes... I'll do my research on that and will come back to you on this.
  6. Remind me of my own homework when I was on my professional class lol
  7. Found it at google 2 years ago. Left for a year and now I'm back with the thousand post coming close (even though at the moment you read this comment I might be higher... dynamic word you know...) And I really think a technical society like that is really needed to keep some vital information alive and available for everyone. Cheers
  8. Dont know what you are trying to do... but you are trying to convert an HTTP stream into a picture. The link that you are building is a link to an HTML page. Not a picture. You might take a look through the API http://www.google.com/apis/maps/
  9. I'll need to see your code because when I use interfaces in C#, they dont allow me to have variables, initialization or code within properties or methods.
  10. If you build your interface with C#, you can use the XML comment that are actually built within the DLL. (/// thing) You'll be able to add remark and description of every parameters. If you are using VB.NET... it can only be done with .NET 2.0 (find it stupid). And last... no... you can't have interfaces with code within them. Interface is like a blueprint that people must follow. There is virual class that allow you to have partial code in there (much more like a incomplete class). So that's it. If you have any other questions, feel free to ask!
  11. Okay... here is my piece of advice. I'm a C#/VB.NET programmer. I do Web/Desktop development and I'm pretty happy with the RAD I have now. However... I know that the .NET framework is still not "the way to go" with non-Microsoft OS. So... learning .NET platform was only for Microsoft-using customer. Good or bad choice? Dunno... but there is one thing that is still getting on my nerve today... I don't know C++. I want to learn it. I know that this language going to be compatible with Linux/Windows. The only thing that might change in between is the libraries. You see? Since C++ is CLI compliant, you have an edge over me. I'm saying... learn the C++/CLI "proper way" and extrapolate exemples found in C#. You'll find yourself with more exemples than you can handle. And for C++ .NET tutorial... take a look there: http://www.functionx.com/vcnet/index.htm I would say to keep with C++ since you it's going to be needed for a long time and you can always convert your code to .NET. And while you process this quick conversion... you can always learn C# and take your time. Cheers
  12. I'd use the System.IO.Directory because of it's was built to do the job. It's not faster or slower but you can handle exception and benefit from all the methods that have been included inside of it. Cheers
  13. And if you install XP Home, watch out for ASP.NET because it doesn't come with IIS and make sure you are not on a domain because XP Home can't join a domain, etc.. etc... Can't understand why though. Need to pay 100$ more for this? humm... quite interesting. Cheers
  14. Complex problem/ Simple Solution. Instead of having 2 submit... keep only 1. Put a radiobutton to let the user fill the right section. Base yourself upon that radio button to process either one of those. This is it :) The KISS again :) (Keep It Simple Stupid)
  15. You might want to take a look at that link: http://www.connectionstrings.com/ But here is the syntax: Standard Sybase System 12 (or 12.5) Enterprise Open Client: "Driver={SYBASE ASE ODBC Driver};Srvr=Aron1;Uid=username;Pwd=password" Of course... you use the ODBC objects from System.Data.Odbc and you should be fine doing a lot of nice stuff :)
  16. Woahhh... sexy... I like your nose... wait... you don't have one. I like your smile... wait... you don't have one. In fact... it's just the body that is sexy... for the rest... we have 2 choices. Put a brown bag if you want to reuse the body or a plastic bag if you want to throw out the body. We'll need more sexy face than that I think :P Hahahaha
  17. What exactly do you want to do? Of course CR is giving you this if "entry1" and "entry2" are not equal. Like Nerseus is saying... what about those "entry" do you care for the value or not?
  18. Maybe a section for those 100+ poster. You know... once you made your teeth a little bit and that you are "professional" enough well.... you can have access to a special forum for those 100+ poster. That would be nice. Yet... need to evaluate positive/negative.
  19. Wrong section. Some useful tips but definitly not in the right section. I would put it in Random Thought and if approved by admins right in the Tutor Corner
  20. I like your way of saying "No... you won't be admin" in a way that makes him proud and aprove your decision! lol Really sweet.
  21. Woww... like mskeel said... that is really impressive. That looks like Diablo-like interface. Hey maybe your the next one to release a World of Warcraft-like game!!! :P No but honestly.. if you want to build an editor... make sure you have a map editor (which looks like it), a character editor, a story editor, object editor(weapons, etc.). Make sure also to avoid any copyright problems. Those might kill your project in a snap. I will inform my friend to see what he got :P
  22. I don't know how to do this but running a silent MySql on a computer without the user knowing it is not recommended. Flaws in MySql could be used by potential hackers to exploit the system. Why would you need that anyway?
  23. Dim sqlconn as new SqlConnection(ConnectionString) Dim sqlcomm as SqlCommand = sqlconn.CreateCommand() sqlcomm.CommandText = "your sql query" sqlcomm.CommandType = CommandType.Text sqlcomm.Parameters.Add("@username", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50) sqlcomm.Parameters("@username").Value = username sqlconn.Open() Dim dr as SqlDataReader = sqlcomm.ExecuteReader() If dr.HasRows Then dr.Read If username=dr("username") and password=dr("password") then UserIsAuth(something) End If End If
  24. Would need to know a little more about your project to see if I got anyone that might be interested. 2D or 3D? DirectX or GDI+? Paid or not paid? What is already done in the project?
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