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  1. Check if drive is ready: http://www.vb2themax.com/Item.asp?PageID=CodeBank&Cat=141&ID=635 Get drive label: http://www.vb2themax.com/Item.asp?PageID=CodeBank&Cat=141&ID=740
  2. Do you want the drive letter or the full installation path? Is this any good? http://www.vb2themax.com/Item.asp?PageID=CodeBank&Cat=141&ID=740
  3. My form icon is my NotifyIcon too. This is what I done & it works perfectly!! Create a module & make it the startup Module modStart Public Sub main() Dim frm As New Form1 frm.ShowInTaskbar = False frm.Opacity = 0 Application.Run(frm) frm.Dispose() End Sub End Module -------------- Sub New (form): ' Give the form a title Me.Text = "Your Title" ' Set the icon of the tray control Tray.Icon = Me.Icon ' Set the text of the tray control to the form's text Tray.Text = Me.Text Form Closing Event(): ' Cancel closing the program e.Cancel = True ' Show the NotifyIcon icon Tray.Visible = True ' Hide your form Me.Hide() ------------------------------- Use this code to show the form: Private Sub ShowForm() ' Check to see if the form is visible If Not Me.Opacity = 100 Then ' If not, show it in the taskbar Me.ShowInTaskbar = True ' Make the form visible Me.Opacity = 100 End If ' Show the form Me.Visible = True ' Activate it so, its on top of other forms Me.Activate() ' Remove the NotifyIcon icon Tray.Visible = False End Sub --------------------------------------------- On double click (Icon (System Tray)): Just call the above sub ---------------------------------------------- I hope this helps
  4. Check that the files exist or check the string in the Uninstall registry key. That key gives you a list of programs installed on the computer
  5. Go to the Intel Website. There are VB/C++ Examples there 100% because 5 minutes ago, I downloaded them. Here's the link: http://www.intel.com/intelpress/usb/examples/index.htm I hope this helps
  6. Imports Microsoft.Win32 Dim reg As RegistryKey reg = Registry.CurrentUser reg.CreateSubKey("Software\My Test").SetValue("My Test", 1) reg.Close()
  7. I am using the LogonUser API function, but it always returns zero (fail) on Windows 2000 Professional with SP 4. Other users from other forums are having the same trouble. Is this a bug or can someone help?
  8. Go to http://msdn.microsoft.com & then go to the coding for fun section. Duncan MacKenzie wrote exactly what you need. This example is also in the VB.NET Resource Kit
  9. http://www.gotdotnet.com/Community/UserSamples/Details.aspx?SampleGuid=4f9c27b0-c7f7-42ea-9bbe-83fe9bd50419
  10. Imports System.IO File.SetAttributes([Your Filename Here], FileAttributes.ReadOnly)
  11. Search the VB.NET Knowledge Base site @ Microsoft. The answer is there to you question
  12. http://www.vb2themax.com/Item.asp?PageID=CodeBank&Cat=1501&ID=596
  13. Is this what you mean? System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("http://www.gotdotnet.com")
  14. Microsoft have stopped the MSN messenger SDK now For the process, you can use GetProcessByName. One you have the process you can then continue
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