divil, Thanks you for your help.
Beside this, I still have other question, wish you can do me a favour. :>
In VB.Net, beside using showdialog, how can i know which form is calling from which form?
Assume i have 2 form, Form1 and form2
Form1 contain textbox1
form1 contain sub routine call setValue (This routine will set textbox value)
In form1 ,i will write:
Dim f2 as new form2
In form2, i wish to call form1 value, but if i using :
dim f1 as new form1
it will appear new form1, which not overwrite the exisitng form1, so may i know how to solve this problem? using showdialog will force user to close form2 before goto form1, i want allow user to click on form1 instead close of form2.
Beside this,does any command can make the form2 show only once form? I have try click on the form1 button twice, it will appear 2 form2.
The way i using is
'--> on click button of Form1
dim f as new form2
Thanks and wait for prompts reply :>