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Everything posted by Aitmanga

  1. Ace under sleeve Indeed, for now it doesn't seem to be very useful, but remeber that Sun has been loosing money for some time. Don't you think that if they are investing money in this kind of project, they have some kind of Ace under their sleeve?
  2. Project looking Glass is a 3D Desktop environment running on Sun's Java Desktop. At the link I provided there is a video showing of this new technology. Just wanted to show it to you all, as it looks awesome :D.
  3. I'm speechless, so post your comments, and tell me how you feel about the new look for the Sun Java Desktop. Search for the Demo here: Proyect Looking glass
  4. Yuo should visit also: http://www.codeproject.com
  5. My mistake, it should be: Private mCandidate As New ArrayList Public Property Candidate() As ArrayList Get Return mCandidate.Clone() End Get Set(ByVal Value As [b]Object[/b]) mCandidate.Add(Value) End Set End Property [edit]That's what happens when you don't check what you copy[/edit]
  6. Actually it is done with CSS Check this link to know how it is done: http://msdn.microsoft.com/workshop/samples/author/dhtml/refs/scrollbarColor.htm Or this one for a more detailed explanation: http://www.websitetips.com/info/css/scrollbars.shtml But as far as I know, it only works with Internet Explorer
  7. Remove the For Loop, and this code should do the job: i=0 Do While (sr.Peek() <> -1) line = sr.ReadLine temp = line.Split(",") ReDim Preserve memberData(i) ReDim Preserve phoneData(i) memberData(i) = temp(0) & "," & temp(1) phoneData(i) = temp(2) i += 1 Loop The way you had it, the counter was increased only after you finished reading all the lines, that's why only the last entry was saved.
  8. This should get you started: http://samples.gotdotnet.com/quickstart/howto/doc/adoplus/ADOPlusOverview.aspx You could also look in Planet Source code for some more turorials
  9. I think what georgepatotk means is that you should store your results in some kind of database, and use ADO.net to search within the results. Recommended reading: ASP.NET Quickstart http://testing123.info/threads/83993/
  10. If you're only using the ArrayList inside your Class, I don't think you need to use properties, since properties are meant to be used by other objects to access your private members in a managed way. To "tack that result on to the end of an ArrayList": mCandidate.add(strResult) Now, if you would still like to use properties, probably the best approach would be: Private mCandidate As New ArrayList Public Property Candidate() As ArrayList Get Return mCandidate.Clone() End Get Set(ByVal Value As ArrayList) mCandidate.Add(Value) End Set End Property mCandidate.Clone() is recommended so that other objects don't meddle with your original ArrayList and use: Me.Candidate=strResult to "tack that result on to the end of an ArrayList" Since your arrayList grows in size, I would stick with it instead of Arrays since all the resizing is done automatically for you. [horizontalrule]-[/horizontalrule] From MSDN: GetUpperBound - Gets the upper bound of the specified dimension in the Array. Length - Gets a 32-bit integer that represents the total number of elements in all the dimensions of the Array. Capacity - Gets or sets the number of elements that the ArrayList can contain. Count - Gets the number of elements actually contained in the ArrayList.
  11. I also had a similar problem ,but with textboxes. What I did was to use a cssClass instead, and it worked fine
  12. Useful Links C# Help And the always useful MSDN Visual C# Home
  13. You should check the link in this thread: Datagrid with a Combobox Style Column?
  14. Found how to do it in the dataBinder: <%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "registerDate","{0:d}") %>
  15. thanks, it worked: <%# Format(DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "registerDate"),"dd/MM/yyyy") %>
  16. Hello I'm having trouble with formating a date using late binding and SqlServer. I've been using: <%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "registerDate","dd/MM/yyyy") %> So that it only displays the date w/o the time, but I only get this: dd/MM/yyyy instead of this: 25/03/2004 Any help is greatly appreciated
  17. mine would be: http://www.15seconds.com/
  18. FileDialog you should also check this link: File Upload tutorial
  19. thanks for the tip
  20. You could try: objDR.Item("reviewer_notification_date")=System.DBNull.Value
  21. I have the following test code: <%@ Page Language="VB" %> <html> <head> </head> <body> <form runat="server"> <asp:Textbox id="Textbox1" runat="server" Width="250px"></asp:Textbox> </form> </body> </html> Nothing too fancy, only a TextBox is displayed. The problem is that in IExplorer the textbox renders with the appropiate width, but in Netscape it appears at the default width. It may not be a very large issue, but I want mi webform to look the same in both browsers. Any help is greatly appreciated
  22. I'll Quote an article found at the MSDN help: I've been working with .Net for a short time, but have found CR to be an easy to use and very powerful tool for designing reports. The support for ADO.Net makes it even simpler, as you only need to fill a Dataset and send it to your report to make it have your working data. So I would say go with CR :). But anyway, that's just my opinion
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