Oh Dear I'm a bit lost now.
Basically the problem is that I can create a new record etc in the dataset but then when you hit save it isnt updating the sql server. So if you exit and re-open the application the changes are gone because the dataset has been wiped.
Ive just discovered that I haven't specified the Update Command Text which is obviously the source of the problem.
Newbie Time,
I dont know how to write an update command string
My select string:
SELECT ID, [Telephone ], [MCCB number ], , Surname, Firstname, [Company Name], [Ad line 1], [Ad line 2], [Ad line 3], [Ad line 4], Postcode, [introduced by], [Date Added], [Come from] FROM mailinglist
if i wanted to say update ID from textbox1 (which is bound to the ID field) how do i specify that?
UPDATE mailinglist SET ID=?
Kind Regards,