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    GIS Consultant and freelance programmer
  • Visual Studio .NET Version
    Visual Basic .NET Standard
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  1. Would it be difficult to create the 3D model from an Array? So each value in the array to the equivelent to the height at the coodinates of the Array. Thanks
  2. Well, the whole idea is still just a concept, but I don't really want to spend any money on anything, because that will defeat the object of me doing the work!!! I'd also rather keep away from the idea of having to use other programmes to 'convert data', I've been down this route before (where 'A' will only with 'B' after being run through 'C' & 'D' & 'F') and it just tedious. There are lots of very clever people out there who I'm sure can think of a way (or have already found a way) to do this type of thing with the minimum of fuss. Maybe I'll take on your advice though and try to look for some custom stuff. Besides I ned to actually render the images is 2D first!!!! :)
  3. Thanks, I kinda figured I'd have to do something like that.. Had a look at the site and it looks quite interesting... I think I'll have a play around and see what I can come up with... ..Watch this space
  4. Thanks for the replys... ...The last method you describe is how I thought about doing it (because it is the most logical sounding to me), but I didn't know if there was another way around it... ...I've looking around and have seen things like BitBlt's and something like ImageToSurface, but I'm ot sure that these mean a 3D surface!!! I'm going to continue to investigate...
  5. Hi Everyone, I've looking through these threads and it seems like theres some pretty complex 3D stuff out around so I thought I'd aska few simple questions. Firstly, I have no experience using DirectX, but am a fairly reasonable programmer, so I think I should pick it up quite quickly, but before I bother I want to just make sure it will be able to do the things I want. I'm interested in building an application that uses real-world data as a source for heights, so that one can roam around a virtual representation of a real place. So heres the questions: 1. Is it simple to supply a raster image (like a tiff or bmp) and create a height model based on its pixel values? 2. is it possible to supply a cartesian coordinate system to a 3d model? 3. would it be possible input a series a points and display them either as points or a joined line between the points? 4. Would it be feasible to be able to feed a real time data input (like a GPS feed) and have the 3D scene update for every new input? and finally.... 5. is it possible to make an animation follow a set track across a 3D plane? Thats all for now Thanks for the help Guys (& Girls :D ) Rob GP
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