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  1. thanks,i've solved the problem
  2. thanks ,I will try, but can this "text = new texture(yourbitmap, width,height...,transparent color [see Intellisense])" work? what's the "texture",a class? use vc...
  3. yes,exactly I don't draw the squre,just set four point for (D3SFVF_XYZRHW\DIFFUSE|TEX1) to load a texture I draw the texture use (DrawPrimitive) ,I don't know how to set transperency
  4. I draw a square,and draw texture in the square,how to set the color I wantn't draw in the texture? please excuse my english, if necessary ,could you show a short code? thanks
  5. Is template can't use in class? ------------------------ template<typename T> void abc(T x) { } ------------------------ this right but ------------------------ template<typename T> class aa { void abc(T x) }; ------------------------ this is error,and it says identifier 'T' why?
  6. (3dsmax)I build a person with a sword in his left hand,but while I read it by vc,his pose was opposite(sword in his right hand ) why?is these a function let him opposite?
  7. Now I use Physic instead of Skin ,and it's ok. I have studied Maya for one or two day,it's much more hard than 3dsmax. I downed a exporter for Maya ,and export a animation with bone and skin,find it's also doesn't work,so I give up studing Maya,I don't know whether my plug's problem. does Maya also have Physic?
  8. Build an animation with 1000 frames,read one frame in it by vc, two methods: 1,read the frame in the 1000 frames' animation 2,take the animation apart(two files) , then I have two meshes with each have 500 frames,read it in one animation. Does the second method much more quick than the 1st one for vc read the frame? which is better? Are you always take the animation apart when it is too long? I want to do so,but it hard to edit when the file increase.
  9. I fond the plug you said http://www.pandasoft.demon.co.uk/directxmax4.htm export by this plug ,the skin can go with the biped now,but the skin a little out of shape. I think there 'll be no problem,thanks very much .
  10. Thanks,I'll try it. and I leave question here till I resolve it. but,it seems that forum only talk about 3ds max,not include procedure... ...
  11. I have installed the directx 8.0 sdk,which has a code in the document of "\DXSDK\samples\Multimedia\Direct3D\SkinnedMesh" run this program,you will see a person walking in the srceen; I want to cteate a Animation with 3ds max,which has a biped(or bones) ,and a skin. The skin can move in the 3ds max ,but export the file to .x ,and open it by the program of "SkinnedMesh",the skin coudn't move together with the biped,only one static mesh and a move biped. How can I let the skin and the biped move together in the program like the one in the "SkinnedMesh" (I most mean how can I build a model like the file "tiny.x",which in the document of "DXSDK\samples\Multimedia\Media" ,a person walk when you open it by the program of "SkinnedMesh") ps:In the 3ds max,I only use "skin" in the Modifier List. Both my english and 3ds max Knowledge are poor. So,please ...detailly.
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