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Everything posted by eramgarden

  1. I've inherited this code and it has a function below. I've been readying about childrows but my light bulb is still not bright. Anyone can explain what that line is doing .. Public Function GetPricings() As Pricing() Return CType(Me.GetChildRows(Me.Table.ChildRelations("contract_line_item_pricing")),Pricing()) End Function
  2. Ok, been looking at RedGate and ACT..but is there something I can do to trace the code in production?? For example, I have SQL Profiler on and I can trace the production Stored Procs ... I want to do something smiliar because the code doesnt have good error handeling ..users get lots of errors and very hard to trace in code.. For example, users get this error :"Failed To Load Page State from Session"..I looked at the "stack trace" that's on the error page but still dont know to exactly trace this..
  3. Ok, at this new job of mine, we have 10 something stored procs. DBA says there are performance issues with a lot of them...he said maybe 400 but he doesnt know which ones... I know I can turn on Profiler and look at Stored procs. ( he has profiler running all day long)..but what I want to find out is can I turn on Profiler (or something) on specific Stored Procs (or a set of stored procs) to see loops, exception path, etc ?? Basically What is the best way of monitoring SPs and finding out which ones need redesign and tuning etc?
  4. now, would that cause the app to slow down if I do it in production? Also, is there some kind of ASP.Net load tester package somewhere out there? I'm new at this job, another company developed this app and they only do a little bit of unit testing and turn over the code to us (that was their agreement!). It would be good to load test the app in our test environment. The app is huge, takes 10 to 15 mins to compile. I thought about using NUnit but I dont think that's efficient.. thoughts?
  5. Is there a tool to see what an ASP.Net page is doing? for example, track what stored proc it's calling , the behind the scenes activities of an application? I found this site but not what I'm looking for: http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/cpguide/html/cpconmonitoringaspnetapplicationperformance.asp
  6. They said they were keeping datasets in session. Now they change the code and using cache and this should fix the issue but we shall see when the code goes into production.
  7. Do I need to keep outlook open on the box that runs the app? That's how VB6 app was...
  8. I worked on some VB6 apps that sent emails based on certian criteria in database tables...It used Microsoft CDO... At this new job..we dont have SQLMail (SMTP stuff) and managers want emails sent to them when a SQL Job fails. Someone said that having SQLMail puts a load on the database and not worth doing it... Wodering if I should propose to them to have a VB.Net Email application that reads some value from database and then email the appropriate people... Anyone has used CDO and VB.Net to send emails? Any thoughts?
  9. Thanks for the response..Going to talk to the developers in the morning to get more info. Will post again.
  10. Ok, I have a new job and they have this issue... There's a ASP.Net "worker process" that keeps Viewstates. Users like to keep their sessions all day long.When the limit reaches 630 Meg, users get a msg that viewstate has been deleted and this "worker process" restarts and users lose their session... Solution by the people who developed the app is to move viewstate to the database. I think a lot of code changes... what other solutions are there? I think one is to keep the viewstate on another server..i think... any thoughts?
  11. this is a good site for creating classes: http://www.developerfusion.co.uk/show/1047/2/
  12. good answer
  13. I recently had an interview and one of the questions was... what is the process of designing a whole new .net app (vb.net/asp.net) from scratch? I answered it by saying first design, then this and that, etc... any thoughts? How do you design an asp.net/vb.net app from scratch??
  14. can someone recommand a good VB.Net? I've looked at amazon and found VB.Net Primer. Anyone else with a better book recommandation?
  15. Can you put a debug step on strQ and grab the value and run that outside your app (In Query Analyzer something)?
  16. "reusable code?".. you mean code that could be taken from VB6 and put in .net? I asked them and they said it's not for reporting. Going back for a second interview and just wanted to get a better idea...
  17. I had an interview and the company is upgrading their code. They said they have a VB6 application with 400+ Forms and they're thinking about upgrading to ASP.Net/VB.Net.. How do you go about doing this?? any thoughts? I was thinking mapping out the functions and just go page by page..But seems like a huge task.
  18. I came across this example and the output is 101. But dont understand why. Anyone can give me a brief explanation? using System; class MainClass { delegate void PtrToMethod( string str, params object [] args ); static void Main( ) { PtrToMethod PtrToWriteLine = new PtrToMethod( Console.WriteLine ); PtrToWriteLine( "{1}", 100, 101, 102 ); } }
  19. ah. Goto to http://www.4guysfromrolla.com Do a search for my id there and i had similar image questions..resizing without bluring and deforming. Hope u find your answer there
  20. maybe have a cookie...when users log in, keep track of it in that cookie. When they log out, delete it from the cookie. Always check the cookie when someone logs in... Or do this in a database table.
  21. i would like to know the answer too if anyone out there has aany ideas
  22. do u mean..for example, the textbox size looks different?.. If so, have u tried using CSS? At my other job, i was developing an asp.net app. It looked fine in IE but not in Mozilla. When I started using CSS...the textboxes, button sizes started looking fine.
  23. can u run your sql in Query Analyzer..whatever you're trying to do to make sure your sql is correct? Again, it's really hard to read your code in that link
  24. that error is very hard to read on that image..can u post it here
  25. do a search for Mike55 and there's a thread about .net crystal viewer.
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