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About Kavan

  • Birthday 09/16/1980

Personal Information

  • Occupation
    Student, Lead programmer
  • Visual Studio .NET Version
    VS.NET 2003 Enterprise
  • .NET Preferred Language

Kavan's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Instead of using Compare.Always just use Compare.Equal.
  2. If I remember managed C++ does not support properties. You'd have to access properties by their accessor methods like: x->set_Item(0, value); x->get_Item(0);
  3. I'm guessing here, but I think the problem is in one of the following lines: d3d.Dev.RenderState.ReferenceAlpha = Color.Black.ToArgb(); d3d.Dev.RenderState.AlphaFunction = Compare.NotEqual; d3d.Dev.RenderState.ColorVertex = true;
  4. This might sound dumb, but are you setting the texture? Some code would probably clear things a bit.
  5. As far as I know you cannot export splines in x files. At lest not without custom templates, which means that you'd have to extend the format. For drawing lines I suggest you use the Line class as this is the easiest way to draw (poly)lines with varying widths.
  6. If you expose directx objects to the user then he also needs reference to directx. if it's behind the scenes then they don't have to.
  7. Ok, but the main part is done using Unproject. I guess this one uses the currently set world matrix. You could use Vector3.Unproject to get the same result without setting world matrix.
  8. It just seems so. In fact the main part is done in D3d. I'm not sure what that is, but it looks like some library (not MDX).
  9. Lights are not transformed = they are in world space Mesh.Intersect does not know of transformations = it works in model space
  10. Check http://www.lightlink.com/tjweber/StripWav/WAVE.html if it's of any help to you.
  11. Are DirectX samples working for the guy that installed DX 9 SDK?
  12. You'll have to do it "by hand", there's no built in function to save wav files.
  13. If you have a program that will generate mesh for you then that is probably the easiest way. If you'll need more advanced algorithms then you should look at http://www.vterrain.org.
  14. Take a look at the billboarding sample in the SDK. That should give you some basic ideas to get you started.
  15. Only limited amount of things can make it to the mdx. They have troubles just covering the things that are already in dx. Here's an idea: create the function yourself and make it available to the public.
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