Joe Mamma
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Everything posted by Joe Mamma
yeah. . . that could be a problem I guess :o
you guys are way over complicating this i think. Remoting is the perfect application model. .net 2.0? IPC remoting. here is an example I wote on the msdn forums for win app to win app, can be easily switched to make the client an asp.net application against a vb.net server.
whoa wait a second. . . events are processed on postback. what you need to do is write javascript for the client side onhover event. . . thats the event in jscript right? onhover???
isnt this what an image list is for? Wont disposing an image list dispose the Bitmaps? load your images into an image list. Add references to the images to a hash table. to free, dispose the image list, reset your hashtable.
suppose you have two form types - public class ThisForm:Form {} and public class ThatForm:Form {} now, in the Main form of your app, you have two menuItems - ShowThisFormMenuItem and ShowThatFormMenuItem put this code in your form: protected override OnLoad(EventArgs e) { ShowThisFormMenuItem.Tag = typeof(ThisForm); ShowThatFormMenuItem.Tag = typeof(ThatForm); base.OnLoad(e); } wire both menuitems to this event handler- protected void ShowFormMenuItemClick(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { using (Form frm = Activator.CreateObject(((sender as MenuItem).Tag) as Type) as Form) frm.ShowDialog(); }
are these singleton forms??? meanin you can only have one form of one type open at a time??? I have a neat solution for MDI apps if this is the case.
Advise required for database structure
Joe Mamma replied to Rattlesnake's topic in Database / XML / Reporting
First, save yourself alot of trouble and make Month, Year one fields. . . a Date. You can force it to be the first day of the month, or the last, depending on what is appropriate. Dates are dates! treat them that way! Second I could see a need for two tables. . . if there is anywhere else in the database where (CustomerID, ProductID) is a primary key, it makes sense to add a surrogate to that table and then use that surrogate key in the MonthlyForecast for that relationship. for example, lets say you also were trackingproduct inquiries such as Customer A requested info on Product 1 and you were keeping track of Customer support for a customer and Products such as JohnDoe supports Customer A on Product1 and MaryDoe supports Customer A on product 2. this would be the best schema: note: Bold indicates primary key fields, Italic indicates surrogate key [CustomerProduct] CustomerID references (Customer) ProductId references (Product) CustomerProductID (unique) [ProductInquiry] CustomerProductID references (CustomerProduct) DateOfInquiry DateOfResponse [ProductSupport] CustomerProductID references (CustomerProduct) EmployeeID references (Employee) [SalesForecast] CustomerProductID references (CustomerProduct) ForecastDate ForecastQuantity Third, as far as unpivoting an excel spreadsheet I don't know of any automatic way. you can open the spreadsheet using the Jet OleDb Provider. psuedo code: for i = 0 to 11 select CustomerID, ProductID, i Month, monthcolYear into aDataTable add a ForecastDate column to aDataTable as a date time and iterate throught the table setting the ForecastDate based on Month and Year now you got a datatable you can use to move to the SQL server psuedo code: foreach row in aDataTable if not exist select * from CustomerProduct where CustomerProduct.CustomerID = aDataTable.CustomerID and CustomerProduct.ProductID = aDataTable.ProductID insert into CustomerProduct(CustomerID, ProductID) values(aDataTable.CustomerID, aDataTable.ProductID) foreach row in aDataTable insert into SalesForecast select CustomerProductID, aDataTable.ForecastDate, aDataTable.ForecastQuanity from CustomerProduct where CustomerProduct.CustomerID = aDataTable.CustomerID and CustomerProduct.ProductID = aDataTable.ProductID -
hah! never!!!
watch it. . . 31 is young to some of us!
this is a test. . . this is only a test. . .
I have seen a few people tring to reinvent the wheel by creating an application log file and then having problems with accessing the file, keeping the fiole synced between instances, etc. . . Don't rebuild the wheel, just do the following: 1. Drop an EventLog component from the components tab on to your form/page and : windows - eventLog1.Source = this.Name; eventLog1.Log = Application.ProductName; eventLog1.WriteEntry("Something Happened", System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntryType.Information,0); or ASP.NET eventLog1.Source = this.Name; eventLog1.Log = HttpContext.Current.Request.ApplicationPath; eventLog1.WriteEntry("Something Happened", System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntryType.Information,0);
That is just a coincidence. . . Use parameters. . . never build sql!
Not using parameters!
oops. . .just saw that this is ASP.NET!!! the same ideas should apply!
now. . . all that being said - Do you need more than one of these selected year combo's in your app??? It may be worth your while to inherit from ComboBox and publish out a max, min, AllowNull and SelectedYear properties. Implement ISupoportInitialize and Create and Populate the bound collection in it's EndInit method (only if not designmode!!!) - public class YearCombo : System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox, ISupportInitialize { int _min; int _max; bool _allowNull; /// <summary> /// Required designer variable. /// </summary> private System.ComponentModel.Container components = null; public YearCombo(System.ComponentModel.IContainer container) { /// /// Required for Windows.Forms Class Composition Designer support /// container.Add(this); InitializeComponent(); // // TODO: Add any constructor code after InitializeComponent call // } public YearCombo() { /// /// Required for Windows.Forms Class Composition Designer support /// InitializeComponent(); // // TODO: Add any constructor code after InitializeComponent call // } /// <summary> /// Clean up any resources being used. /// </summary> protected override void Dispose( bool disposing ) { if( disposing ) { if(components != null) { components.Dispose(); } } base.Dispose( disposing ); } #region Component Designer generated code /// <summary> /// Required method for Designer support - do not modify /// the contents of this method with the code editor. /// </summary> private void InitializeComponent() { components = new System.ComponentModel.Container(); } #endregion #region ISupportInitialize Members public void BeginInit() { // TODO: Add YearCombo.BeginInit implementation } public void EndInit() { if (DesignMode) return; ArrayList al = new ArrayList(); if (_allowNull) al.Add(string.Empty); for (int i = _min; i <= _max; i++) al.Add(new YearValue(i)); this.DataSource = al; } #endregion public int MinYear { get { return _min; } set { if (_max < value) throw new ArgumentException( string.Format("Minimum Year must be less than or equal to {0}", _max.ToString())); _min = value; this.EndInit(); } } public int MaxYear { get { return _max; } set { if (_min > value) throw new ArgumentException( string.Format("Maximum Year must be greater than or equal to {0}", _min.ToString())); _max = value; this.EndInit(); } } public bool AllowNull { get { return _allowNull; } set { if (_allowNull = value) return; _allowNull = value; EndInit(); } } public YearValue SelectedYear { get { //returns null if empty string is selected. . . return this.SelectedValue as YearValue; } } } public class YearValue { int _value; public override string ToString() { string s = _value.ToString().PadLeft(4,'0'); return s.Substring(s.Length-2,2); } public YearValue(int value) { _value = value; } public int Value { get { return _value; } set { _value = value; } } }
or - if (this.SelectedYear == null) MessageBox.Show("Please Select a Year") else MessageBox.Show(string.format("{0} = {1}", this.SelectedYear.ToString(), this.SelectedYear.Value.ToString()));
there are many ways to filet this feline. . . and maybe this is simpler. . . though the value of the combobox will be a DateValue object where the first one the value was an int. . . public class YearValue { int _value; public override string ToString() { string s = _value.ToString().PadLeft(4,'0'); return s.Substring(s.Length-2,2); } public YearValue(int value) { _value = value; } public int Value { get { return _value; } set { _value = value; } } } and to load: comboBox1.DataSource = new ArrayList( new object[] { new YearValue(2005), new YearValue(2006), new YearValue(2007), new YearValue(2008), new YearValue(2009), new YearValue(2010) } ); set the DropDownStyle of the combo to DropDownList. And to get the actual year value: MessageBox.Show((comboBox1.SelectedValue as YearValue).Value.ToString()); do you need to allow a null selection in the combo??? comboBox1.DataSource = new ArrayList( new object[] { string.Empty; new YearValue(2005), new YearValue(2006), new YearValue(2007), new YearValue(2008), new YearValue(2009), new YearValue(2010) } ); then you can add a property to your form: protected YearValue SelectedYear { get { //returns null if empty string is selected. . . return comboBox1.SelectedValue as YearValue; } } then to get the value: if (this.SelectedYear == null) MessageBox.Show("Please Select a Year") else MessageBox.Show(this.SelectedYear.Value.ToString()); Again. . .the concept here is that the control only manages the GUI events and presentation, That is, it presents the selected object from the bound collection to the GUI. It has a reference to the collection of objects but it dose not explicitly contain the objects. I hope this sparks some ideas.
dont mix format with value. . . Do something like the following: public class YearValue { int _value; int _min; int _max; public string Display { get { return _value.ToString().PadLeft(4,'0').Substring(2,2); } } public int Value { get { return _value; } set { if ((value >= _min) && (value <= _max)) _value = value; else throw new ArgumentException("Value out of range"); } } public YearValue() { _min = 2000; _max = 2010; _value = 2000; } public YearValue(int min, int max) { _min = min; _max = max; _value = min; } public YearValue(int min, int max, int value) { _min = min; _max = max; Value = value; } } usage System.Collections.ArrayList al = new ArrayList(); al.Add(new YearValue(2005, 2010, 2005)); al.Add(new YearValue(2005, 2010, 2006)); al.Add(new YearValue(2005, 2010, 2007)); al.Add(new YearValue(2005, 2010, 2008)); al.Add(new YearValue(2005, 2010, 2009)); al.Add(new YearValue(2005, 2010, 2010)); comboBox1.DataSource = al; comboBox1.DisplayMember = "Display"; comboBox1.ValueMember = "Value";
well. . . '05' is a string. . . do you want the integer 5 or the string '05' to get the the string '05' string currentYear = DateTime.Now.ToString('yy'); from there you can figure out how to get integer 5.
yes. . . now, this isnt a submit button. . . if you want the submit to do the check, then you need to attach to the form's onsubmit event. If onsubmit return's false, the form is not submitted. . . that being said you would do something like: <html> <script> function editValues() { var invals = new Object(); invals.value1 = document.all.value1.innerHTML; invals.value2 = document.all.value2.innerHTML; var vals = window.showModalDialog("./editVals.htm", invals, " dialogHeight: 200px; dialogWidth:300px; dialogTop: px; dialogLeft: px; " + "center: Yes; edge: Raised; help: Yes; resizable: No; status: No; scroll:no;"); if (vals == null) return false; document.all.value1.innerHTML = vals.value1; document.all.value2.innerHTML = vals.value2; return true; } </script> <body> <form onsubmit='editValues();'> <span ID="value1">foo</SPAN> <br> <span ID="value2">foo</SPAN> <br> <input type="submit"/> </form> </BODY> </HTML>
sounds like a job for CSLA. check out lhotka's C# Business objects http://lhotka.net/