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Xtreme .Net Talk


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Everything posted by GMMorris

  1. Hi, Any one know a way to set a sdatagrid's scrollbar's location to the end? What I mean is I want, programaticaly, to move the scroll bar all the way to the right. Thanks
  2. Simple - randomly pick two for the first list, and after that is done randomly pick names from the list, over and over till the drawen name dosn't exist in the first list and then add it.
  3. Some of those options repeat them selves - that may be what is causing you trouble.
  4. The reason I'm doing it that way is because there is more to it than you can see in the image. I have several panels there, in order to force particular layout behavior. I can't realy explain it, you'll see when I release the control's source code.
  5. I thought of that (thats what I meant by "manually"), but I do add controls to it in the class's definition, which I do want, so what I need is a way to tell weather the controls were added during design/run time and not during the class's constraction.
  6. Ok, it worked great - except for 1 thing: It added the control to the actuall Object, and it is only the Panel in the center (the white part in the screen-shot that should contain the control. Is there a way for me to redirect the controls added to the Object in design time to that Panel instead of the object's "Controls" member? (Other than manually moving them at load time?)
  7. Ok, I'll try it and let you know :) Thanks. I hope it won't crash the whole thing, since at the moment I inherit from UserControl, which ibviously isn't something you can just go and switch :D we will see..
  8. Take it from someone who is in the buisness - A java expert is rarer and more valuable than a .Net expert. This is not because Java is better, but because it is an expert's language. .Net is more of a easy-to-use ;anguage. Don't get me wrong - .Net is just as powerful and strong, but Java has some web-based uses which .Net could never provide as well. I personaly don't know what they are exactly :) but I know this well since I work alot with HR people.
  9. The point is though that bug corporations, such as IBM and Oralce preffer Java to save time and money - no more multiple development groups working on the same thing for different platforms. The truth is (me being a Java fan who has moved recently to c#) that C# is more comfortable and a better choice for Win32 programming- but anywhere else Java is a god send.
  10. First of all, hello This is my first thread here so I feel a aslight introdaction is in order. My name is Gidi Morris, and I have only reacently moved, proffesionally, from DBA (Oracle) to application (.Net), and so I'm in the whole process of relearning what I knew before moving to databases, about actual programming. Hence I will be around alot :) since my regular community (Yaxay.com) is all desgn and web-programming, and no good at things like .Net. Any way - my problem: I've made a custom control I call DocumentLayout, which is basicaly the document display in Outlook 2003 (Where E-mails are displayed). (See screenshot) My problem is that at the moment contents are added through methods where the aparameters are objects which inherit from Control (Such as Panel and Button). What I want is for programmers to be able to drag controls from the toolbox and drop them into the control. How can I do this? P.S.: I'm building a library of controls I've made during my study of .Net and C# so its in your interest to help me, since I plan on releasing all my control to the public :D
  11. Perhaps if you post the sourcecode I could help (I'm also interested in seeing how you implemented it :))
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