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Everything posted by GMMorris

  1. yea, I know, i wan't seriusly complaining :D Thank for the links, but they aren't what I'm looking for (seen them already). DTE takes string commands as API commands in the ExecuetCommand method, I wanted a list of those (which I managed to extract from the DTE object already).
  2. OK, I have made immense progres, but no one seems to care. Anyway, DOES ANYONE KNOW WHERE I CAN FIND A LIST OF COMMANDS FOR THE DTE INTERFACE USED IN THE VS.NET EDITOR? Sorry for shouting, but no one is listening :(
  3. Ok, I have figured out how to make add-ins and have played around abit (made an add-in for testing), but I can't find in the MSDN any place where I can call clapse commands. Have any of you seen a place where I can command particular elements on the current page to collapse? I have been able to referance all elements on pages but I haven't been able to collapse them yet.
  4. Hi guys, I have always (well at least for the last 6 months) found one thing in VS.Net 2003 really annoying. When I press CTRL+M+O it Toggles the outline of everyting on the current file, including several thing which I don't want it to, for example Attribute tags. I basically want to write an Add-In which collapses-to-definition everyting on the current source file except for Comments and Attributes, the problem is I don't even know where to start. Do any of you know of good articles which could help me? Example code? etc.. Thanks
  5. Hi, I have a string of this format: [pwd=BlaBla][Play(c:\Jah.mp3)] What you see above is actually two tags [pwd={something}] and [{command}({data})]. What I want is to extract the Password, the command and the Data using Regex, so I don't have to fiddle around with strings. So that I end up with 3 strings. In the above example they would be thas: string sPassword = "BlaBla"; string sCommand = "Play"; string sData = @"c:\Jah.mp3"; Anyone know how?
  6. Hi, I'm making a small piece of software which needs to be able to play mp3, wma and CDA files. Any one know how I can do this?
  7. true, but when it come to developing web apps, its the output that matters. Unlike normal apps, web apps are run on one simgle point, so as long as that point is compatible - you don't have a problem. With normal apps you need to run it on every single computer, so you need compatibility.
  8. I'm not talking about a form, its a usercontrol, and it dosn't seem to have a KeyPreview property.
  9. What I did when I needed this a while ago was check what aprticular system color was, to determine the current theme, and then used alot of const's to fit each theme's differnt colors. There is probably a better way, I just didn't find it, and I had only just began then.
  10. Hi, I want to capture an event where a user presses CTRL at design time while my control is in selection - is this possible? I tried using: protected override void OnKeyDown(System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs e) { MessageBox.Show(e.Control.ToString()); } But it didn't work
  11. How does Charting sound to you guys? Suitable? or DataVisualization?
  12. well, thats no good, because it isn't about the graphics, but rather the display of data graphically.
  13. I'm actually using Diagnostics at the moment, since a few of the classea have the word Diagram already in them. But thinking about it, Diagnostics isn't really the same thing, is it?
  14. Hi, I've made sevral controls which are used to display data graphically such as Charts and Diagrams. The problem is I can't find a name for the namespace to contain them, any ideas? It needs to be a word which describes controls of this type, same way a form element would be placed under Windows.Forms. Ideas?
  15. The idea behind interfaces is this - standardisation! Basicaly, you make a "layout" or 'Stracture" of a class, and anyone who wants t use it has to follow your stracture. This dosn't have an actual function, but it is good when trying to build a big application, and you need all the programmer to follow certain stractures. But that is just sratching the surface - read, read, read!
  16. Hi, I have 2 controls I developed - lets call them CContanor and CItem (They aren't called that, but this makes it simpler). CContanor contains many instances of CItem, and I've made a designer to assist in adding these CItems to CContanoir at designtime. The problem is that when I add CItems to CContanor using the designer, it generates code which isn't suitable for my needs. It creates a new instance (In the "private void InitializeComponent()" method) of each CItem, sets several properties such as name and size, and then adds the CItems to CContaner useing - CContaner.Controls.Add(CItem); which is not good - because I need these controls to be added using a custom method - CContaner.AddMyItem(CItem); So it dosn't work properly. My two question are: 1)How do I change the code generation so that it uses : CContaner.AddMyItem(CItem); instead of- CContaner.Controls.Add(CItem); 2)How do I control the properties set in the InitializeComponent() of each CItem?
  17. Hi, I catch an item being droped into my Container control in design time using the "DragDrop" event. The thing is, I don't want any control other than a particular type to be dropped into the container. What can I do about this? Can I disallow all types other than a specific one? Can I "Abort" a drag-and-drop if it dosn't suit the type I allow?
  18. Well, its 2 AM here, and my brain is begining to make clack-clack sounds, so I'll just save my self the headache and assume your right :) thanks.
  19. how do you figure that? oh, and if this is correct - you are my king :)
  20. Hi, I am trying to, programaticaly, calculate two points in my form, and although I am very easily capable of calculating these points on paper, I can't find a way to transfer the calculations into code, perhaps you can help. :cool: To the details - I have two imaginary cicrles, located on my form (the specifics of why, are not at my disposale to reveal). I know the center locations of the two circles, and I know the radius. What I need is the (X,Y) locations of the two nearest points oin the two circles. What I mean is - two points, one on each circle, between which the shortest line can be drawn. Conclusions my calculations brought me to: 1)The two points will sit on the two points where the line running between the two circle's centers hits the actual circles. 2)The length of the shortest line = the distance between the two centers minus (-) twice the radius. Look at the picture for extra clarification. Please help me - this is very important
  21. Is there no way to controll the scrollbars?
  22. Always a good choice :)
  23. Since sending text (as in a chat) is the same as sending any data, it isn't a problem. I'm not sure about the exact code, but all you have to do is send the data read from the image's file, same as you'd read from a text file and send it over the web. The socket listner on the other guy's computer will write all the data recieved into one file, which would then be no different from the origination image file.
  24. Hi, I have a datagrid which contains a checkbox column. When ever I refresh the data from the DB I get the following error: (Title)Error when commiting the row to the original data store (Contents)Error when commiting the row to the original data store. The listmanager's position must be equal to rownum. Parameter name: rowNum, would you like to correct the value? (yes/no). Any one know what this means?
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