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Everything posted by dick_nl

  1. Probably some sort of floating <div> updated by some sort of AJAX stylish code...
  2. Consider the following (C#): DateTime.Now.AddDays(1).ToShortDateString()
  3. If I'm not wrong there's an event raised when a link is clicked. Process that event yourself and cancel the default action... worked fine for me (in win32)...
  4. Hey OmarB, I'm working on one myself... what kind of reporting do you want!?
  5. Tried to put it in a seperate thread!?
  6. Things like this are still valid... int i = 1; i <<= 2;
  7. No one?! :(
  8. In the Win32 API you can get the describing path of an true type font by using GetPath(..), optional in combination with FlattenPath(..). What are the functions in .NET to do this?! If there are any... Thanx in advance!
  9. Try the LockBits method of the Bitmap-class... Maybe that will do... :)
  10. Maybe setting the ControlStyle can help you further!? It has a flag 'SupportsTransparentBackColor'... see MSDN for more information...
  11. dick_nl


    It would already had suprised me! Although in the disassembler from M$ I couldn't see it too... but probably there's a way to figure it out...
  12. dick_nl


    But so far I didn't find a decompiler that could... does anybody know a decompiler that could?
  13. dick_nl


    What I mean is the following: The next code (C#): public void func() { int[] arrayOfInt = {1,2,3,4, 10}; int sample = arrayOfInt[3] * arrayOfInt[4] ; // sample should be 40 now } is in the decompiler visible as: public void func() { int[] arrayOfInt; int sample = arrayOfInt[3] * arrayOfInt[4] ; } So the values that are, in the code, stored in the array aren't made readable in the decompiler... Is that always the case!?
  14. dick_nl


    Using a decompiler I figured out that they don't display the values of an array like "int[] myInts = {1,2,3,4};" Are they just difficult to reverse engineer (and for that reason a good base for protection)?
  15. That was about what I wanted to do too! And for that it's most save to have an unique value/string (like the serial# of the cpu) that can't be changed by the users... But beside it's should be unique, I also want it to be possible to get that value with safe code only and if possible should be available on every device that runs the .NET Framework... Seems to be pretty hard to find something like that...
  16. Does nobody have experience with using an unique piece of data on a pc/device for protection purposes?! When doing class browsing through my assemblies I noticed that the defined fixed arrays weren't displayed when decompiling the assemblyfunction. i.e. from the following array only it's existence was shown but not the length of the array and values of the individual entries. A possibility to make an almost unhackable passwordgeneration... int[] myArray = {1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11} Regards, me, myself and I
  17. That's possible of course but using decompiling easy to figure out... I more like to use a fixed string/number of the cpu and make an pretty difficult calculation so reverse engineering is as good as impossible...
  18. Okay... that sounds good already.. but actually I'm looking for a magic number or string that is available on pc's as well as other (mobile) devices... so probably something in the Compact Framework... Is there any?!
  19. something like a MAC Address which is very hard to change... maybe something like another hardware-address!?
  20. Is there a unique, cpu depending, string or value in .NET 1.1.* that I can easily use for passwordgeneration!? regards, moi
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