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Everything posted by hog

  1. ? that just takes me to a long list? Ignore me, it's late and I'm tired:( Of course you mean "lookup system.data.datview" :) Thnx
  2. Not sure, but if it were me, I'd reinstall to ensure any other corruption is dealt with. Might save you a lot of bother in the long run
  3. Hi, is there a way to sort the contents of a dataset using a given column within that dataset? I'm loading an xml file into a dataset with; dsHighScores.ReadXml(objXValReader) This gets my xml into the dataset but now I need to sort it? Eh no it doesn't? I have just found that altho I get 10 rows as expected I only get one column instead of two? Any help muchly appreciated....:)
  4. beautifully explained:) ever thought of becoming a tutor:) thnx:):)
  5. Although I seem to b able to write some decent apps in VB.NET, well for work anyway and the odd one for fun I do think I'm missing some of the basic understanding of the language:( Can someone enlighten me on this one please? this line block of code; Imports Microsoft.DirectX Imports Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D Imports Direct3D = Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D 1. wouldn't the first line suffice? If Imports Microsoft.DirectX is imported then doesn't the project then have access to all namespaces within it? 2. I don't understand Imports Direct3D = Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D at all? Thnx
  6. Thnx:) As I said before it is really only my input to creating a program supplied in the book I have, but I used stuff I picked up in the SDK samples plus a bit of my own invention to give the final result. All in all tho a good learning exercise:):)
  7. I have found this excellent DirectX sample on the GameDev.Net forum. http://www.jeremypardon.com/parp/pages/downloads.html Oh one day I hope to do something like this.... Well I can dream I suppose:)
  8. Darc, I had this problem but it was sorted when I indtalled the redist pack. I then recompiled my setup app and all has worked fine ever since.
  9. marble_eater I mentioned this title in my post above:) I agree tho it is a very good book:)
  10. OK I got it to load OK and the colours seem OK but it does not have the 'metalic' look with specular light etc as seen in meshviewer etc? I have used these two lines to try to help but no joy:( m_obj3DDevice.RenderState.Ambient = System.Drawing.Color.Pink m_obj3DDevice.RenderState.SpecularEnable = True
  11. hog

    Alpha mesh

    The only diffeence in your code to that in my book is this line: dev.RenderState.DestinationBlend = Blend.InvSourceAlpha Don't know if that helps?
  12. Aha, just used my PC at work and got the PrintScreen to work.. Here ya go caught in mid auto rotate:)
  13. Hi, yes this is the approch I tried, but when I go into Paint the paste option is not available :(
  14. Hi, thanks I did look at Milkshape but I think anim8or is far better, even more so as it's free:) Right thinking thru this whilst dropping off to sleep last night I came to this conclusion. Lets say I have created a sphere and applied a material to it then convert to .X Therefore I have the material info I should think in the .X file along with all the other detail. I suspect what I have done is got confused with textures and materials and hacked the SDK sample to open my mesh. But the SDK sample is geared to use a texture so I think that is where my problem lies. I need to revisit the code and modify to handle material not texture......I think?
  15. Not sure if this is the answer but I'll look into to it and report back. I got this feedback from the anim8or forum...
  16. It displays a walking man and you can choose the rotation type zoom in out etc. I am aware of the multi .bmp issue but as this is not a game purely an educational distraction I simply used the files as is:) I've tried doing a screen dump whilst it's running but it won't do it:(
  17. Yes. The pig mesh I'm using is displayed pink in anim8or and meshviewer along with the nice hue, ambience etc. But in VB.NET when I load it into DX9 it is just plain with just a solid colour, not matching the true colour
  18. nah.....it's C++ What a let down:(
  19. this book is for VB.Net ? Introduction to 3D Game Programming With DirectX 9.0 I can't seem to get any joy from the sellers etc on it?
  20. Aha...duh...doh:) The SDK has the redist files. I ran that then recompiled my app and it works:)
  21. I have been working through the Tutorial6 that comes with the SDK. I created a mesh in anim8or, converted it to an .X file and loaded it successfully in VB.NET using the code from Tutorial6. The problem I have is that the SDK sample has the texture in the file tiger.bmp which the program loads. My .X file must have the textures in it as it appears the same using meshview as it does in anim8or. Does anyone know how to get at the texture detail in the .X file so my mesh looks correct when displayed in the VB program? Thnx
  22. Can't rmember if there is already a vote about this on this site or another one, but yes I agree that finding DX9 help for the beginner is hard. I don't rate the SDK help much, and the samples need far more comments in to explain how/why it works. I'm getting there but only trough pure determination to learn it using .Net Game Programming with DirectX9 and gatherering what I can from the samples. There really should be a novice startup book but I can't find one:(
  23. hog


  24. I have a problem with this site using both IE or Opera. If I try to move to any other page in a given forum past the first one I get 404 file not pfound:(
  25. Not sure if this helps but if the string you will be formatting is always going to be camel cased you could use the string.split method?
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