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Everything posted by hog

  1. Whooooooo hold da phone:) m_obj3DDevice.RenderState.FillMode = FillMode.WireFrame :)
  2. Yes but this type of code does not appear in the sample I've learned from the SDK; For i = 0 To m_matSphere.Length - 1 ' Set the material for this subset m_obj3DDevice.Material = m_matSphere(i) ' Draw the mesh subset m_mshSphere.DrawSubset(i) Next i So can't see how to do it?
  3. I can now create an object and load an object into DX9. What I can't seem to do is display an object as a wireframe? All I seem to be able to do is display it with a solid colour?? Any pointers please:)
  4. The second one is sorted by passing the handle of the picturebox when creating the device. m_obj3DDevice = New Device(intAdapter, DeviceType.Hardware, Me.PictureBox1.Handle, CreateFlags.SoftwareVertexProcessing, m_objPresentationParameters) works for me:)
  5. Oh......I just woke up.....it's 2004 I believe :) m7j4p7... I like it, but had to read it three times as my brain is still numb...lol HAPPY NEW YEAR!
  6. hi, thnx. I'll check this out:( This is GDI+, once I am up to speed on DX9 I will probably rewrite it:)
  7. Depends what you are after? If pure gaming most will say C++ although VB.NET is cool for gaming too. Haven't really looked into the other .NET languages, VB.NET is very easy to get to grips with. Can't comment on the others, altho pre .NET C and C++ were a lot harder than VB.
  8. Mmm so I may well have a sniff round this DD thing:)
  9. Hi, Thanks to feedback and my "talking out loud" on this forum I have now released a new more improved version of BloX. Check it out on my site:) Please feel free to give me feedback as this version only came about from some users pointing things out to me I'd missed:( Cheers:)
  10. Me too :(
  11. hog

    DX9 gone crazy

    the IDE update patch makes sure the Managed DirectX help is available from within the IDE. Without it the help on it does not show up within IDE
  12. OK, so here I am with a work around that has fixed the problem, but altho it works it still seems OTT for what is needed. I created a dataset class using the schema and then created a global object of this. I load my xml into this object and it all works fine. So problem solved, but I think this is messy tho:)
  13. Xactly what the X stands for not sure, but Xcuse my non related VB post sort of... I drive a Nissan X-Trail.....:)
  14. Alcohol free? Surely not:)
  15. yeah this is what the .NET book said but I was confused that two book published to deal with DX9 by the same publisher gives two conflicting views? Thnx to you both:)
  16. hog

    DX9 gone crazy

    you need to install the summer 2003 update, the managed directx update and the IDE update
  17. I have two books, .NET Game Programming with DirectX 9.0 and an Xmas present from the wife, Learn VB.NET Through Game Programming. The latter was bough as it had .NET and Game Programming in the title:) Thing is both these books are 2003, both are smae publisher, but the first states that DirectDraw is available in DX9 for backward compatibility only and should not be used for new projects. The secon does not mention this but does detail how to write DirectDraw apps? So should I avoid DirectDraw or not?
  18. Still stuck with this? I'll go a little deeper with the setup. I create an xml file and use the IDE create schema option which sets the score field to being a string rather than integer? I change the type setting in the schema to be xs:integer When I load the dataset thru an xmlreader thru and xmlvalidator it works ok. If I make an illegal change to the xml file and load again it errors stating it is illegal so I know that when it is being read into the dataset it is getting validated. However it still thinks the score field is a string? If I try your suggestion Nerseus I get errors on some or no change on others? From reading more on the readxml method I understand the second param is to be used on inline schema not an external xsd file? So I'm completely stuck? I can't get the dataset to load the xml file as two columns, one string and one integer. It keeps loading them as two string fileds? So I am forced to pad the score field in the xml file out with leading zeros to get the sort to work right?? Anyone....pls help :(
  19. To every member and guest on the forum whereever you are... Have a good one :):):)
  20. OK I either get an exception or no change depending on which second param I use. I cannot get it to read the second column in as an integer even tho the schema states that it is?
  21. When I use this code to sort a dataview I can't seem to get hold of the correct row within the dataview? My understanding of this code snippet is sort the dataview by the score column default to ascending. Display the fist rows second column. This should display the lowest score, but it does not? Any ideas? :( dvDataView.Sort = "Score" MessageBox.Show(dvDataView.Table.Rows(0).Item(1))
  22. Hi, the datatype is String? I know the xsd file is being read as when I make a change to the xml file not contained in the xsd if throws an error which I would expect it to do. Here's the code snippet; ' read in xml file objXTReader = New XmlTextReader(strXMLFilePath) ' parse xml thro validator objXValReader = New XmlValidatingReader(objXTReader) ' add to schema collection xscCollection.Add("http://tempuri.org/HighScores.xsd", strXSDFilePath) ' set handler of validation event handler to our sub AddHandler objXValReader.ValidationEventHandler, AddressOf ValidationCallBack ' add scheam collection to validation reader objXValReader.Schemas.Add(xscCollection) ' load xml file into dataset validate on the way dsHighScores.ReadXml(objXValReader)
  23. In an xml file plus schema I have an entry set as type integer. However the only way I can get the sorting to work correctly when using dataview is to whack a load of leading zeros in front of the number? Any ideas?
  24. Oh brother! dvDataView.Sort = dsHighScores.Tables(0).Columns(1).ToString Obviously!! Thnx 4 the help Derek:) Problem solved:):)
  25. Hi, OK almost there but not....:( The sort method wants a string. My table is Table(0) The columns are therefore 0 and 1 But whether I use dvDataView.Sort = 1 or dvDataView.Sort = "1" I get an error saying column 1 not found?
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