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Everything posted by hog

  1. it is if you use the DOM
  2. How I do this is the following; In your query that populates the combobox include as the first value returned a combination of id and description; strSQL = "SELECT id + ' ' + description AS MyField, id" cmbCodigo_sitio.displaymember = MyField cmbCodigo_sitio.valuemember = id
  3. OK this is from memory long ago:( I had awful trouble with it then found that there was a text file or something in the MSDE folder which requires you to enter a username/password I think. There was also a text help file detailing this. Not sure if this helps but I'm sure it was this that solved my problem...
  4. Stick to VB.NET you'll be suprised how kool it can be:)
  5. I had this problem and got round it by having a variable in the parent form which is set True when the child opens. The if it is True on subsequent clicks it does nothing. Remember to set to false on close tho:)
  6. You need to set cull mode off And you need to set the near and far clipping planes Matrix.PerspectiveFOVLH(fov, aspect ratio, near plane, far plane) The far plane determines when vertices are no longer vivsble.
  7. Thnx Nerseus :)
  8. I knew there was a reason I hated IE! I just tried opening it up again only to get the hanging thing again!!!!! So here I am back in Opera Any ideas gurus? :(
  9. Aha got IE working:) I re run the connection wizard:) Thnx
  10. DOH! I didn't like Mozilla so deleted it. Just finished installing Netscape and found no ActiveX denial:( I can get IE to work:( When at work it uses a proxy config file. I disable this and whether I set to auto detect settings or not it just hangs:( Thats why I have been using opera
  11. Thnx for the advice.... I'm downloading Mozilla as I type :)
  12. I was an avid user of the registry until I got my head around xml. Now I save all app settings in xml files
  13. Not sure about the actual reasons behind the code listed but... You don't need me.show in the forms load event as the form is already loading ready to show. It is now Application.DoEvents InitGame & PlayGame I can only presume are procedures detailed elsewhere in your book which do what they say, namely Initialise the game then play the game in a loop until something happens to stop the loop.
  14. Thnx for that:) I use my employer supplied laptop which come with the regularly updated SOPHOS anti virus. I use ZoneAlarm Pro when at home and so not protected by my employers firewall. I was informed about the allowing activex etc thing a while back and took notice of it. Doh, just looking at my Opera setting I can't see anything re activex...any ideas folkes?
  15. Crystal reports is a report generating package. Prior to .NET it was supplied as an external utility to use with VB. But now Crystal Decisions have moved toward integrating it with the VB, C++ etc within the VS.NET IDE. Result is an easier way to create your reports. CR is still available as a stand alone product as well, 9 is the current version I believe.
  16. I have to agree whole heartedly with createdbyx! From where I stand is this; I'm only interested in learning how to program graphics or game apps just for my own sad pleasure to make me feel worthwhile, you know "look I did that":) I post my apps on my site and hope people download them. I watch my site stats and get a sad little buzz when I see another stranger has downloaded one of my programs. I don't see myelf as a threat to any game business as to be perfectly frank, hell I just ain't that good. BUT, I agree there are many out there who are and would as stated be a threat to the gaming industry.
  17. hog

    Mesh / PMesh

    so does this decrease in vertices happen autmatically or do I need to code for it?
  18. hog

    Mesh / PMesh

    Erm I don't know? In MeshViewer the File menu mentions PMesh and Mesh. If it is means progressive mesh, what does that mean?
  19. I notice that no matter what the mesh size etc when viewed in MeshViewer it always appears centre screen at a reasonable size. When I load meshes of differing types with the camera looking at say 0,0,-100 the mesh is sometimes acceptable, sometimes offset and sometimes completely out of view until I modify camera position. Any help most welcome:)
  20. hog

    Mesh / PMesh

    What is a PMesh? Should it be dealt with differently than a Mesh?
  21. I just ran the BPS program and it found a total of 117 cookies/files etc which were listed as either spyware cookies or programs. I have ZoneAlarm Pro running on my laptop and I connect to the net via a Netgear router which has some form of protection on it. You see I'm in the dark here:( How does this stuff get on my laptop if I have a firewall etc running? Thnx
  22. This has popped up a few times on this site. A quick search should hopefully find the answer you need:)
  23. ok I'll show me ignorance:( Longhorn? is there somewhere I can see screen shots? My employer is still on W2K not sure of Longhorn plans, but I woul like a look:) VS 2004? Will there be an easy cheap upgrade for VS 2003 users?
  24. Tricks is probably a good book, but it is for C++ tho not VB.NET. A shame really as it was his first Tricks book of his I used to learn my first go at games programming
  25. lol :)
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