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Everything posted by hog

  1. I'm running VS 2003 on W2K with SP4 and have had no problems whatsoever?
  2. I query ComputeBoundingBox Method and get this: --------------- Note: This documentation is preliminary and is subject to change. Computes a coordinate-axis-oriented bounding box. Definition Visual Basic Public Shared Sub ComputeBoundingBox( _ ByVal pointsFvf As GraphicsStream, _ ByVal numVertices As Integer, _ ByVal vertexFormat As VertexFormats, _ ByRef min As Vector3, _ ByRef max As Vector3 _ ) Parameters pointsFvf Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D.GraphicsStream. numVertices System.Int32. vertexFormat Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D.VertexFormats. min Microsoft.DirectX.Vector3. max Microsoft.DirectX.Vector3. ------ Which tells me next to diddle! I dare say there are some real whiz kids among us that will understand this with ease, but for a lot of us it mean nothing, no explanation, example etc? Is there any other source of help out there or as an up and coming DX programmer must I resolve myself to having to keep asking the gurus for advice?
  3. I suppose it's the same as in America you say Aluminum (Ah - loo - minum) Where as in the UK we say Aluminium (Ah - lu -minium) :)
  4. hog


    I do dispose of the objects etc when say selecting another mesh etc. The lag seems to occur when the mesh is being rotated in the viewport. No disposing can take place here as the objects are in use?
  5. hog

    Matrices etc

    I have been told that the bounding box would give an idea of how big an object is. Is this so? And if so how would I go about extracting this information from an x file?
  6. hog


    I find that if I have my app running which displays a mesh rotating in a viewport that after a time the pc starts to lag if I try to do anything else. Change focus to another app, move mouse etc. Is there some form of garbage collection I might be not aware of?
  7. seriously tho.. When in windows I only use folder as most people at work take it that that's the new work for directory. when in UNIX I use directory. I actually take them to being one in the same....
  8. hog

    Matrices etc

    Mmm perhaps you are right....:( I shall explain a little further tho... I am writing a VB.NET app which allows the user to open any x file to display the content in a viewport. Basically I'm trying to mimic Mesh View but with some added thrills, all as an execise in learning how DX9 works. From where I see it I want to be able to open any mesh as mesh view does and have it scaled centred into the viewport. I have managed to sort out the rotation by x,y,z etc but just need to know how to find out what scaling factor a given mesh requires. My app works perfect with a sphere I created, but when I open meshes from the SDK to test they appear tiny. If I hard code the scale factor to another value they appear perfect and the app works as intended. Is there something in the mesh file that meshview reads to know what scale factor to use? Perhaps the answer to the problem would be to supply a scaling control which the user adjusts to the get the display correct....but messy me thinks. I get what you say about walk before running, but the app I have at the moment does so much that I never thought possible it seems like I'm so close yet so far if you get my drift:(
  9. hog

    X File Format

    Might be of use to someone :) http://astronomy.swin.edu.au/~pbourke/geomformats/directx/
  10. Does any one use this? I have clicked on the chat button and is says error could not connect to server?
  11. hog

    Matrices etc

    halobear333, I have after much probing managed to get the results I'm after apart from one thing. The problem is solved at the moment as far as the sphere is concerned by the following; matMatrix.Identity matMatrix.Multiply(Matrix.Scaling(0.05,0.05,0.05)) This allows the sphere to be displayed filling the viewport nicely. I then load the aeroplane mesh from the SDK media folder and find that the scaling factor is too much so the aeroplane appear tiny. Do you or does anyone know how I tell by what scale factor I should use on each matrix?
  12. I prefer the term Logical Storage Location:)
  13. I have to add the Managed DirectX help is naff! For an example try a search on Scaling, the three results give you the very very bare minumum and that's it! Not much use at all:(
  14. hog

    Matrices etc

    Thnx for the example and description, but alas still no joy :( I have created a sphere in anim8or which has its centre right on the origin. When I load it and render to my viewport the camera z value is -10 and I see a black screen. If I move my cameras z value to 63 I start to see the wall of the sphere, at 176 I see the sphere completely. No I presume that when the mesh is fisrt loaded my camera is actually inside the sphere? What I want to be able to do is for my app to scale/move whatever so that it is displayed as it appears when I move the camera z value to 176. Do you follow? Any more help most gratefully recieved:)
  15. I thought this too, but it is not necessarily the case as you can find examples in the SDK sample browser that show how to do what you are after and by simply changing a few values you begin to undertand what is happening. Take a look at the directx demo I have created on my site. This link will take you to the source code so you can see how it is done. http://www.xtremedotnettalk.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=80747&highlight=Walking
  16. hog

    Matrices etc

    I can't seem to get me head round this problem... I want to be able to load any x file and scale it and display it in at the origin. I can't suss out how to do this? I have tried looking in the SDK help but it's as much use as a chocolate condom! I know it has something to do with the transform.world matrix but can't suss it... Can anyone explain in plain English how I go about this? :(
  17. It's a sad world we live in where violence seems to be the answer to everything! Humans seem hell bend on distroying everthing they touch, including themselves:( What's wrong with everyone just getting on with their own lives, leaving others alone, have a few beers and make......mmmmm sweet lurvvvvvve:)
  18. In my VBA days I had this problem. The result was staff were informed to work in resolutions 800*600 or above. If they dropped to, oh my God 640*480 then it was their look out! Any app I create now I design to take up the full screen at 800*600 which works fine, any user who is @ 1024*768 or above just see a smaller form. No complaints yet:)
  19. I had a terrible problem with my installation of 2003 whereby the CPU was showing 100% usage in whilst in the IDE. The key response was extremely slow. I raised the issue with MS but whilst awaiting a response I wiped the machine and installed everything from scratch and have not looked back since :)
  20. hog


    Is there any spanky funcky sort of buttons available anywhere for VB.NET other than the boring rectangular ones provided as normal? This goes for combo boxes, radio buttons etc?
  21. But wouldn't it be so much more relaxing to take a paddle steamer? Life is all too much in the fast lane these days :(
  22. I am a firm believer that if God had intended us to fly he would have given us wings. Flying should be banned for the following reasons; Terrorists The spread of deseases The spread of undisirable persons Air pollution And worse of all.......air hostesses who seem to be on a mission to keep make up manufacturers in business! and they all seem to be stuck up their own bottoms!! OK yes yes I am a big scaredy cat who is frightened of flying, hence I alway drive from UK to Bavaria cos I luv to drive and yes I do believe it is safer! All joking aside...yes I am joking, the world would be a better place without planes, cars, buses, Tony Blair, trains and the dreaded tomato soup.....aghhh it is the devils's source! sorry...I think I lost the plot:(
  23. Oh praise the Lord :) I shall revert to Opera as I'm well used to using it now:) I have tightened the settings on it tho thanks to this post... Thnx. Oh I'm considering buying the full version of Bullet Proof Softs Spware/Adware remover which did a good job of finding the nasties on my laptop. Does anyone have any other comments/contenders to add? :)
  24. Create all the grouping etc you like in the query that is used to create your dataset. Then display it in your datagrid.
  25. Start Menu -> Microsoft DirectX 9.0 SDK Update (Summer 2003) -> DirectX Documentation For Managed Languages :)
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