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Everything posted by hog

  1. He is living in denial:) He says he want to quit, but deep down he knows "oh just five more minutes":):)
  2. Thnx:)
  3. Now this really is off the top of my head, I haven't tried it and maybe someone has a better thought...but. Have you tried trapping the kepress, test for Tab, test for is active control the DateTimePicker, if it is send an Arrow key press to make the move you want??
  4. cos I can't get to the next page!! Is there any news on a fix for the very annoying issue about not being able to see any page in any given forum apart from the first one? It really is a bind:(
  5. Not sure if this is the answer you need but can't you provide a LinkLabel to the file which requires downloading? This way when the user clicks on the link the download should start
  6. I think you move between the fields in the datetimepicker by using the arrow keys, not the tab key
  7. Doh, so not only do I have to try to decode help from a different language I also have to suss out what the different name is for the command?? Way to go MS....they sure like to make things difficult:(
  8. Wanna see your .x mesh files auto rotate etc? Then checkout MeshView available on my site. Another app on my road to learning DirectX and VB.Net for that matter made possible by the help received here and from other sites.. Thnx...I'm having a ball:):)
  9. :):) Just got me a full version XP Pro off ebay for £80 :):)
  10. I hadn't but just tried searching in it for ComputeBoundingBox and get a "No Topics Found":( What a suprise! Why? MS Why?
  11. Sure:) this is the rendering part: ' stay in render loop until flag turns false Do While m_blnRenderScene ' call render code Render() ' allow application time to do its stuff Application.DoEvents() Loop ' dump current 3D object If Not m_obj3DDevice Is Nothing Then m_obj3DDevice.Dispose() m_obj3DDevice = Nothing End If Once the code above has run prior to the render loop running again this code runs and returns true? Public Function Init3D(ByVal D3DDeviceType As DeviceType) As Boolean ' attempt to setup a 3D device ' save the adapter number Dim intAdapter As Integer = Manager.Adapters.Default.Adapter ' get the current display format Dim dspDispMode As DisplayMode = Manager.Adapters(intAdapter).CurrentDisplayMode ' create a new presentation parameter object m_objPresentationParameters = New PresentParameters ' setup the presentation parameters m_objPresentationParameters.Windowed = True m_objPresentationParameters.SwapEffect = SwapEffect.Discard m_objPresentationParameters.BackBufferFormat = dspDispMode.Format m_objPresentationParameters.AutoDepthStencilFormat = DepthFormat.D16 m_objPresentationParameters.EnableAutoDepthStencil = True ' try to create a 3D device Try m_obj3DDevice = New Device(Me.cboAdapter.SelectedIndex, D3DDeviceType, Me.picViewPort.Handle, CreateFlags.SoftwareVertexProcessing, m_objPresentationParameters) ' success Return True Catch objException As Exception ' failure Return False Finally ' tidy up dspDispMode = Nothing m_objPresentationParameters = Nothing End Try End Function The error occurs when I try to then load in the mesh file selected by user: m_mshMesh = Mesh.FromFile(m_strMeshFile, MeshFlags.SystemMemory, m_obj3DDevice, extMaterials) The error says object not set to an instance of... If I remove the dispose bit of code above everything works fine. I can't understand why this should be happening??
  12. Thnx:) so is there a difference in getting an OEM rather than buying from a shop? I want to get XP as the AMD Athlon 2.8 chip says it is optimal for XP?
  13. Thanks chaps :) Just finished tutoring my 16yr old son on building his first computer from the ground up. He runs XP Pro on his laptop and I use W2K on mine. I just needed to know what advantages XP Pro had over XP HE and you have answered that:) Thnx
  14. Thanks that is helpful, I shall have to experiment but I still think it would be better if they supplied a simple example like they do in the standard help!
  15. Or... is there any advantage in a home user getting XP Pro over XP Home? Is there much of a difference?
  16. This is as I suspected, but consider this.. I have a render loop, when the loop ends I dispose the object. Then when the render loop needs to start again I create a new object which does not error. But when I try to load the mesh file I get an error saying the object is not set? If I remover the dispose code I don't get an eror and all works OK??
  17. hog


    Mmm how odd! I have just loaded the app on my PC at work and there is no loag as far as other apps are concerned but the animation is a bit jitty probably cos the Video Card is naff? Running on an RM P4 1.8 GHZ, 512MB RAM and Intel® 82845G/GL 64MB the animation is jitty but no lag on other apps. Running on a Mobile P4 2.2GHZ, 640MB RAM and GeoForce4 420 Go 32MB the animation is well smooth but other apps jitter????
  18. Anyone in the UK know the best place to get the cheapest price for the above OS? Thnx
  19. hog


    OK this is what is happening; The render loop runs as usual -> Render Application.DoEvents The application itself does not lag. But if I kick of the render loop and just leave it running then try to open up another app, folder etc there is a delay and the mouse jitters?? This is the code involved: Private Sub Render() Dim intX As Integer If m_obj3DDevice Is Nothing Then Return End If Try ' clear the backbuffer to the colour set by user, black when first run m_obj3DDevice.Clear(ClearFlags.Target Or ClearFlags.ZBuffer, m_colBackColour, 1.0F, 0) ' begin the scene m_obj3DDevice.BeginScene() ' setup the world, view, and projection matrices SetupMatrices() ' meshes are divided into subsets, one for each material, render them in a loop For intX = 0 To m_matMaterial.Length - 1 ' set the material for this subset m_obj3DDevice.Material = m_matMaterial(intX) ' draw the mesh subset m_mshMesh.DrawSubset(intX) Next intX 'end the scene m_obj3DDevice.EndScene() ' display on screen m_obj3DDevice.Present() Catch objException As Exception ' bugger, somethings gone wrong, so tell user MessageBox.Show("The following error has occured during the render process" & ControlChars.CrLf & _ ControlChars.CrLf & objException.Message, "Mesh View ~ Render Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error) ' set flg to stop this code being called again m_blnRenderScene = False End Try End Sub
  20. ...object created with New ...program runs ...users changes settings ...object is disposed and set to nothing ...object is created with New again ...program errors later down the line object not set? Question: So if I dispose an object to clean up the create it again using the New keyword will this fail as I disposed the object?
  21. hog


    ? but I have looked through my code and eack proc that gets called releases any objects it creates prior to leaving? There is definte lag as whilst the app is running if I open My Documents for example there is delay and the mouse cursor lags:( I'll look again, any pointers on the best way to find if it is memory leak?
  22. hog

    Matrices etc

    Thanks chaps:) I loaded your camera class and got it to work, basically just replacing the LookatLH . I will see what else it can do later:) A rather messy fix I have to my problem at the moment is a combo box with scale factors which the user can select from to make the object appear correctly. Only trouble is if I set it to 0.00 the viewport is blank, if I set it to 1 some objects appear ok, others too small and others too big:( This will not encourage the user to continue using my free app:(
  23. It is possible, but do not have the answer on me. I have seen this question raised before on the forum, so do a search on "Screen Resolution" or similar and you should find what you are looking for.
  24. Just to add, my employer of some 4000+ has a very large IT department/infrastructure etc and test things to death before pushing updates out to users PCs. SP4 was pushed out some time ago and there has been no negative feedback from the staff:)
  25. In your setup project go to View -> Editor -> File System From there you can create the shortcuts and assign icons that will appear on the users desktop etc
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