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Everything posted by hog

  1. I ran the same test on a PC at work and the stats were pretty much similar except for one thing, no mouse lag! Upon closer investigation it appears that my USB host controller and graphics card share IRQ7 and I just happen to be using a USB mouse! Mmm me thinks could this have something to do with it? I am however unable to change the IRQ for either so cannot test to see if this is the case? Logged it with the laptop manufacturerer to see if they know:(
  2. Just fiddling here:) Is the Auto Hide checked? This would make it dissappear even if always on top is checked
  3. :) no probs....
  4. Yes, the AutoNumber value in the Group table will be needed in the Products table to create the link. Adding the AutoNumber to Groups will be no problem, but I'd need to see a sample of data to see the link you have at the moment between the too, long day and all that and another hour & 10 to go:( post a couple of records from each table so we get a better picture:)
  5. budoom dish! :D BUT........ do u have owt to offer? :)
  6. apart from this site, I visit daily; http://www.gamedev.net http://www.anim8or.com http://www.anim8orafterlife.tk http://www.fasthosts.co.uk to monitor my site stats etc
  7. Not sure I follow you but if you add an AutoNumber field in the Group table as the unique key then use this field to link to products
  8. Are you talking about the W2K, XP taskbar? If so right click on it and select always on top:)
  9. samsmithnz...:) I needed a laugh and your comment above just lit up my day.. cheers :D
  10. hog


    Not sure if this is the answer but still looking into this on my laptop my graphics card and usb host both share IRQ7 and I have a usb mouse. Me thinks could this be it? Anyone know the ins and outs of IRQs?
  11. I'm no expert, not by a long shot:( But the line in your render code; device.SetStreamSource( 0, vertexBuffer1, 0); Why are you using an array subscript and not simply; device.SetStreamSource( 0, vertexBuffer1, 0);
  12. This is a know bug in VS 2002 & VS 2003, perhaps it will be resolved in VS 2004:D
  13. Have tried to google for free gifs etc. I have in the past found numerous sites with images you seek:)
  14. I would love to drive across Oz, alas me thinks it shall never happen:( My parents have been there twice and adore it...
  15. Just before I go to bed..... I cannot work out these stats when running my MeshView app. Could some one help me please? If I have the app running on its own everything is fine, but say if I open My Documents the system starts to jitter and lags something shocking? Below are the results of the Process Watch I did which I do not understand:( P4 Mobile 2.2 GHZ 640 RAM 32MB NVidia card Only MeshView CPU Usage 6 - 10% Totals: Handles 6607 (but rises by 1 with each refresh) Threads 403 (but slowly drops) Processess 41 Physical Memory: Total 654832 Available 458400 (drops slowly) System Cache 182292 Commit Charge Total 201692 Limit 1619084 Peak 202700 Kernal: Total 49352 Paged 41676 Non Paged 7680 Open My Docs while MeshView runs Massive lag CPU Usage 100% all the time? Totals: Handles 6607 (but rises by 1 with each refresh) Threads 403 (but slowly drops) Processess 41 Physical Memory: Total 654832 Available 458400 (drops slowly) System Cache 182292 Commit Charge Total 203128 Limit 1619084 Peak 202700 Kernal: Total 49352 Paged 41676 Non Paged 7728 Anyone know whats going on? I do not know how to interpret these figures? :(
  16. me thinks you should lighten up.....I'm havin a joke dude:) life is too damn short to be serious all the time:):)
  17. Well I have driven from the UK to Bavria, Austria, Italy 3 yrs in a row and would rather do that than go anywhere where there is a chance that I would be either eaten by the wildlife...er or the people, robbed, murdered, B*****d etc. Surely there are far safer places to drive......Belgium? Er yeah ok Erm America? I'd love to get over there get in one of those HUUUUUGE tourer thingys and just drive from one end of America to the other. Of course avoiding any of those towns where every one is relative:)
  18. Many moons ago I was into gaming, loved Wolf3D, Doom, Quake and oh oh Duke Nukem 3D..... But that was in another life:( Now I watch in amazement at my son playing XBox live with all the new games and think....oh to be there again:( I have the odd go at Crimson Skies, basically cos it's about the only one where I can hit somethin:)
  19. ThePentiumGuy yep I was cayght out like this for a while, drove me nuts til I realise what was going on:)
  20. hog

    screen shot

    I might not be understanding you, but Alt-PrintScreen?
  21. I'm stuck into trying to learn DirectX as I wanna write a proper DX game. I'm considering rewriting BloX to use DX. But am also heavily drawn towards just exploring landscapes etc in DX
  22. I am thinking about a new project to continue learning DX9 so am posting on various sites for all the knowledge I can find:) I want to create a program that will display an island surrounded by sea. The user will be able to control the camera and basically fly around the island and a bit of the sea both up and down etc. So.... 1. I am trying to understand how to create a landscape in the shape of an island using Anim8or. 2. I do not know whether the sea should also be created in Anim8or or whether it is fancy code in VB.NET/DX9 which creates the sea. 3. I have not learned collision detection on a mesh yet? I know and understand some methods used with sprites tho. Any advice would be most welcomed:)
  23. PlausiblyDamp, I am amazed! I had noticed this happening before and thought I was doing something wrong.. Is there a way in VB.NET to test/turn on this feature?
  24. AlexCode: sweet:) so much nicer than the way I do it! I shall use this method in future:)
  25. I use this method when dealing with MDI forms. Have a global variable, say gblnIsFormOpen. Set to true when open. Test to see if this variable is true before calling Show. If it is true, don't call Show. Remember to set variable to False when the form closes tho:)
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