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Everything posted by hog

  1. I have spoken to MS who say as part of my VS .NET setup I already have MSDE, although I cannot confirm the version. What is the difference between 1.0 and 2000 and how do I get hold of 2000? When speaking to MS they said I already have MSDE but were unable to confirm to me which one? Also I'm trying to find a simply download service pack to fix my version which is open to the slammer worm. I can't find a download which doesn't go into hundreds of pages which simply confuses the hell out of me??
  2. a_jam, this is what I found re msde: MSDE 2000 is a local data engine that can be shared. It has a managed concurrency workload governor that limits up to five concurrent batch workloads for optimal performance. Commands and log entries are available to monitor instances where more than five workloads are executed concurrently, a situation that can cause slower performance even on well-tuned systems. As more batch workloads are submitted beyond the five-workload limit, the concurrency governor continues to slow down the system. These workloads are not dropped or lost; they are still processed, but in an increasingly degraded performance mode. If your solution must support more than five concurrent workloads, it is highly recommended that you migrate to SQL Server 2000 or SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Edition for optimal performance at this higher level of scalability.
  3. Derek you say Access is naff in multi user? I have a application I wrote in Access97, 390MB and accessed by 30+ users with no bother? It is however readonly so that may make a difference??
  4. OK, pardon my ignorance :-( but... With MSDE isn't there a limit to how many users you have running it as opposed to SQL Server. Also is it the same as Access whereby the MSDE database just resides on a file server and my application looks after everything else?
  5. If you choose one of the dialogs, say Textboxes(A), to allow the user to enter info during install, where do you go to add code to action on it? I would like to allow the inclusion of a password check to validate installation. User will see the Units application setup folders/files but will only be able to install if given a password which the setup application will validate. :confused:
  6. BUGGER! Done it again. OK re read what you said Nerseus and got it to compile to release mode and yes there is a distinct speed increase, although fisrt time in there is a pause which subsides. The request re database method still stands though cheers
  7. OK, but every time I select release(active) in the drop down box and click ok then build it ends up changing back to debug? I have a real problem now that when I install this app on a target PC it runs very slow. For example, one form opens up and refreshes a combobox with data from an mdb file on out file server. It is only pulling back 4 fields and at present there are only two row in the table. The form takes 11 seconds to open! This is happening on all forms. The time improves but changes from 3-5 seconds a go. The same happens on selecting from the drop down to reteive the data. Again, only about 12 fields from one row being returned. If I run this with the database on the hard disk it is almost instant. So could someone see my post re which is the best method under Databases please??
  8. What is the best/most effcient method to develop an application to a backend database. Currently I have developing using Windows Application using ADO.NET to connect to an Access2002 mdb file residing on a file server running Server2000. Which is better and why? My setup described above? My setup decribed above but using a WEB application instead? Using MSDE? I have no control over having SQL Server installed on our local server and have no knowledge of it anyway. Any guidance would be greatly recieved. Oh also is there any way to optimise the accessing of an mdb file?
  9. Well.....I'm glad I started a healthy debate :-)
  10. Aha... the app just shows the splashform first, nothing fancy there then opens the main form. But all my setup files are in a folder called debug, the release one is empty. So am I supposed to be changing a setting somewhere to go to release and does the release went made run faster?
  11. Yep, been there done that....Anyway Linux has some work to do before it poses any real threat to MS, that's my view anyway after the experiences I've had with it
  12. OH Bugger! I stand corrected, there is a difference....Office97/XP This page http://www.microeye.com/resources/res_outlookvsnet.htm explains all
  13. The application I running following deployment runs somewhat slower than I expected. 1. It takes a minimum of 10 seconds before the splash screen appears. 2. All forms whenopening have a combobox which references datasets of data in a mdb file in My Documents, there is a delay when each form opens. I intend for the mdb to be on a server which will mean even slower response.....is this the norm? 3. Am I correct in assuming the delay at the beginning is due to the .NET Framework loading before my app? 4. Is having comboboxes referencing disconnected data the wrong way to go about it? 5. I have been on an intensive learning curve to migrate from AccessXP/VBA to use VB.NET/ADO.NET as it now seems so much easier to create front end apps.....but the slow response won't go down well me thinks :confused:
  14. When an application I have deployed on another PC attempts to use the feature to send email via Outlook I get the following error: COM object with CLSID {0006F03A-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} not valid or not registered. The detail mentions InteropServices.ComException This email fuction works fine on my development PC? The app references a file interop.outlook.dll and office.dll Have I missed something here? Am I supposed to write some form of code to register these? I thought the setup was supposed to sort out the dependencies. A point to add is the target PCs are all running the same company and MS software.
  15. I contacted my companies IT department that deploys the standard suite of packages plus company specific stuff across all networked PCs, the number runs into thousands of machines, about when will we have the .NET Framework install as a matter of course on all PCs. I was suprised to be told I was ahead of the game and that they have no plans as yet to globally install it. Especially as they say as the .NET is relatively new it is no doubt predictably unstable! Is this true? Is they any evidence out there I can feed back to them to the contrary? Thx
  16. The bootstrap file setup.exe downloadable from MS does the detecting supposedly for you. You run this file, it detects .NET or installs it then install your application afterwards. Just can't get it to do it at present,
  17. No I have done loads of reading this afernoon. Goes like this. Any .net app requires the framework on the target PC. The warning you see is simply telling you that. The runtime of the framework dotnetfx.exe comes with VS or you can download it from the web. You can also download a bootstrap setup.exe file that you configure via a setting.ini file. This setup file checks if the framework is on the target PC and installs it silently if it does not then install the application. My problem is I have configured the settings.ini file correctly, and run setup.exe but it errors saying the setup has failed, before it even starts to install my application. I can install my application and the framework manully OK but need to use the bootstrap way though. The source files are in CPP I think, which I have not installed and don't know anyway. Any help out there please??
  18. I am affraid I am my own worst enemy when it comes to running before I can walk. Namely, try something, find it does'nt work, post a thread without taking time to read other posts for possible solutions or even reading the MS help on MSDN. I'm sure I am not the only one that does this, but thought I should point this out as obviously the main help contributors will eventually getted miffed at this sort of happens. I will endeavour to try harder.......
  19. hi, yes I'm trying to use the bootstap setup.exe file but not getting any joy.
  20. OK either with or without .net framework installed I only have one dotnetfx.exe file. Also whether the framework is installed or not I still get application error. If I runthe msi from my solution it installs ok so it must be the bootstrap setup.exe that's going wrong somewhere
  21. is this something to do with bwells thread re the dotnetfx.exe being run is the packed one not the unpacked? I have tried to run the dotnetfx.exe I have but it wants to install the framework.
  22. I have. I have my test solution setup program built into the debug folder. I have copied the bootstrap setup.exe file and the settings.ini file into the debug folder and that is the error I get
  23. OK, thanks I had started to wonder down that road so at least. However when I have included the correct path to the msi in settings.ini and then run setup.exe this happens: 1. click ok to start 2. setup is working, this may take a few minutes 3. application setup has failed. if problem persist contact support
  24. I have had a look at the page you pointed us all to Divil, but am still getting problems. 1. I downloaded the setup.exe sample, I get 'fxCopSourceSetup.msi missing when I run it. 2. Can find anywhere to download the source code sample anyone out there know anything about this?
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