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Everything posted by hog

  1. hohohhhoh is that a joke or are you being serious....heehee :-)
  2. Mmm nice one, I'll give this a go....cheers :-)
  3. This tutorial, however is the same as the others, drag contents rather than the whole control
  4. hog


    If you can't access directly though the childs methods then create a reference to the parent form and modify it's status bar that way
  5. Moving to VB.Net has been one of the best things I've done of late. I hate having to go back to apps I've written in VB, VBA etc. I think VB.Net is a dream to program in.
  6. Thanks Divil, at least I know I'm not going nuts now :-)
  7. Mmm am I misunderstanding the drag and drop terms? I have found bits and bobs on the web that demo drag and drop of text, tree nodes and images, but nothing that mentions dragging the actual control itself and not just it's contents. Is it possible to allow a user to drag say a button from one side of a form to another, in a smooth motion?
  8. However if you use a string you should quote it thus: Dim myStr As String="5" Dim query As Stringquery="SELECT * FROM somewhere WHERE something= '" & myStr & "'"
  9. How come some of my posts do not appear in the topic listings? Sometimes it says I was the last to modify, but when I take a look my entry does not appear? If I search on my name I find it??:confused:
  10. Just messing about and modified this to create an international TimeZoner. Private Sub Timer1_Tick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick Dim cx, cy, rad As Integer cx = 100 : cy = 100 : rad = 80 Dim grpLondon As System.Drawing.Graphics Dim grpNewYork As System.Drawing.Graphics Dim grpMoscow As System.Drawing.Graphics grpLondon = Me.pbxLondon.CreateGraphics() grpNewYork = Me.pbxNewYork.CreateGraphics() grpMoscow = Me.pbxMoscow.CreateGraphics() ' London grpLondon.FillEllipse(Brushes.White, cx - rad, cy - rad, rad * 2, rad * 2) grpLondon.DrawEllipse(Pens.Yellow, cx - rad, cy - rad, rad * 2, rad * 2) DrawHand(grpLondon, Pens.Red, cx, cy, Hour(Now) * 5, rad * 0.6) DrawHand(grpLondon, Pens.Green, cx, cy, Minute(Now), rad * 0.9) DrawHand(grpLondon, Pens.Blue, cx, cy, Second(Now), rad) ' NewYork grpNewYork.FillEllipse(Brushes.White, cx - rad, cy - rad, rad * 2, rad * 2) grpNewYork.DrawEllipse(Pens.Yellow, cx - rad, cy - rad, rad * 2, rad * 2) DrawHand(grpNewYork, Pens.Red, cx, cy, Hour(Now.AddHours(-5)) * 5, rad * 0.6) DrawHand(grpNewYork, Pens.Green, cx, cy, Minute(Now), rad * 0.9) DrawHand(grpNewYork, Pens.Blue, cx, cy, Second(Now), rad) ' Moscow grpMoscow.FillEllipse(Brushes.White, cx - rad, cy - rad, rad * 2, rad * 2) grpMoscow.DrawEllipse(Pens.Yellow, cx - rad, cy - rad, rad * 2, rad * 2) DrawHand(grpMoscow, Pens.Red, cx, cy, Hour(Now.AddHours(3)) * 5, rad * 0.6) DrawHand(grpMoscow, Pens.Green, cx, cy, Minute(Now), rad * 0.9) DrawHand(grpMoscow, Pens.Blue, cx, cy, Second(Now), rad) grpLondon.Dispose() grpNewYork.Dispose() grpMoscow.Dispose() End Sub Yes I realise I'm using the wrong prefix for a Graphics object..:D
  11. Have you looked at the Anchor and Dock settings?
  12. Wyrd, I had the same problem and got around it by having a global boolean variable which is set to True when the child is first opened. Any attempt to open another child is ignored if the variable is True. Messy but works a treat in my app.
  13. Alternatively: messagebox.show("First Line" & ControlChars.CrLf & "Second Line")
  14. OK, so now you got me thinking. My app at the moment has a setup form which allows users to specify certain attributes of the application which I write to the registry using SaveSetting and GetSetting. So are you saying I should drop this and adopt the XML approach? I know how to open an XML file and modify it manually by copying the layout already in it, but have no idea how to create one from scratch!
  15. wyrd! dude we must be related in some way? I am forever complaining to my wife about the very problem you have. 9/10 if I start a new app and require a certain feature I know I've learned before I got to that app, import it and modify it as I can never remember how I did it until I read my comments!!
  16. I only got VS .Net Pro in Jnauary! So are you saying there is an upgrade to this? And if so are there any big advantages?
  17. No you misunderstand, I know how to do what you have said. What I want to do is allow the user to drag the control around the form.
  18. that is bloody good :-)
  19. I'm looking into being able to drag either a button, picturebox, or whatever else can hold a image around a form. As a distraction from database programming don't you know. Thing is my books talk little of the graphics of VB. NET, well the're about databases, so no suprises there:D I've been reading the online help about DoDragDrop and MouseDown etc but can get a picturebox or button to move. I keep reading the help but am getting nowhere Could someone supply me with a code snippet which will get me on my way please:)
  20. cheers ears!
  21. Just thought I would say thanks to you guys for the time and effort you put into making this an extremely useful and worthwhile site. I have learned no end since joining and look forward to learning a lot more :)
  22. I agree with wyrd, C and C++ is the best choice. I was big time into graphics years ago and used C, C++ and assembler to create a snazzy space invaders type game, pity I never finished it! I also used these to create image file viewers, jpeg, gif etc.
  23. You need to add a COM reference to Microsoft Excel 10.0 Object Library then all the methods and properties will become visible to you: DIM objExcel as New Excel.Application
  24. paul, I find that too but accept it as the price to pay for a good development environment. My fears were laid to rest once I compiled the application into release mode and installed it on another machine and it worked a treat.
  25. Ah, how I chuckled reading this.......so I'm not the only one who is loosing memory at a rate of knots!!
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