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Everything posted by hog

  1. Thanks Nerseus, I'll give it ago tonight and see what happens...
  2. wyrd, I use diconnected mode but bung the data into textboxes on the form. The users can then edit whatever textboxes I allow them to. My objects perform validation prior to attempting to refresh the database and Optimistic Concurrency ensures data integrity. Haven't moved onto using the datagrid yet as to date the method I use seems to work fine for me
  3. I have used IE, Netscape, Mozzilla and now Opera. By far this version of Opera is better than the others for looks and speed, (well to me they are:-) )
  4. Any chance somebody can enlighten me as to where I'm going wrong please, as this code does not error but does not draw the image on the button either ' get the image to resize Dim imgImage As Image = Image.FromFile("c:\anyjpg.jpg") ' create a size object Dim szNewImageSize As New System.Drawing.Size() ' set the new size szNewImageSize.Height = 100 szNewImageSize.Width = 100 ' load the resized image into bmpBitMap Dim bmpBitMap As New Bitmap(imgImage, szNewImageSize) ' create a graphics object from Button1 Dim gfxButton1 As Graphics = Me.Button1.CreateGraphics() ' try to draw the image on the button gfxButton1.DrawImage(bmpBitMap, 0, 0) :confused:
  5. Aha just read Divils post on " Resizing jpg images" so I'll see how I get on with that
  6. Hold on just trying something.... OK.....:( Don't get cross but.....I just looked at my Firewall, (internet and firewalls not my strong point :confused: ), and I turned off this: Mobile Code Control? Allows embedded objects, mime objects, scripts and javascripts. Yoinks.....means nothing to me:confused:
  7. Well I've played about with loads of settings in the preferences to see if it helps! No no no no!!!! ARGRGGrgfjjhhjh What the hell is wrong with my browsers?????
  8. Is it possible to say open a jpeg file for example and load and display it onto a button? I'm attempting to do this and am not getting anywhere?? I'm hoping to be able to open a image file and first of all see if I can scale it to fit neatly on the button. I then want to move on to takinging a portion of the image and using that portion to fill the button. Am I asking too much?
  9. Crap....no it didn't!!
  10. Banjo, I think that may have fixed it :-)
  11. I think it is a good browser, and works a treat. This problem with the pages not being refreshed happens in IE too??
  12. hog

    Random Numbers

    Thnx, I'll give it a go
  13. Doh, Banjo I'm having to press F5 on every visit to every page, any idea what gives??
  14. hog

    Random Numbers

    Nice one... Tell me, is there any easy way to find the new stuff in VB.NET? I somehow didn't find the Random object? Is there a good method to use or am I just not looking right :-(
  15. hog

    Random Numbers

    I thank you :-) For intX = 0 To 8 Do While True intButtonNumber = CInt(Int((8 + 1) * Rnd())) If intButtonNumber < 9 AndAlso intButtonsSet(intButtonNumber) = 0 Then DirectCast(m_htControlsHashTable("Button" & intX + 1), Button).Location = intZones(intButtonNumber) intButtonsSet(intButtonNumber) = -1 Exit Do End If Loop Next
  16. I'm trying to get 9 numbers from 0 to 8 using this intButtonNumber = CInt(Int((8* Rnd()))) I am then testing using an array if the random number has already come out and if so loop until an unpicked number appears. Trouble is it stays in the loop forever, numbers like 4, 6 and 3 keep repeating? Any ideas please?:(
  17. From what I've been told you can drag the contents of controls using inbuilt methods but not the actual control itself. I wanted to do this so ended up coding it myself, which turned out to be quite simply
  18. Dim dblNumber As Double = 3.98888888 MessageBox.Show(Format(dblNumber, "0.00"))
  19. Result :-) Thnx Banjo
  20. I'll give it a whirl and see what happens, cheers
  21. How do you get the X,Y coords of a mouse click relative to you apps form rather than the entire screen? When I get the location using Cursor.Position.X and Cursor.Position.Y I get a value way bigger than expected? Ah, just used this: pntMousePos.X = Me.Cursor.Position.X But what happens is the Me object X return 381 but 769 get assigned to pntMousePox.X??
  22. Hi, I'm using Opera 7.10, and not sure what I should be looking for??
  23. No they don't appaer at all? For example this post is in the right forum. When I look at this forum the post is there as it was prior to my post reply, but when I search for posts by me it appears in the search results with my changes included. This is driving me nuts!! OK. I look at the home page, it says I was last to modify this forum. When I go into the forum it shows this post as last answered by Hornet, not me or you?? When I search for my name all changes since Hornet are there??
  24. OK get this: I place a post/reply. I go to the home page and the forum states I was the last to modify that forum. I go to that forum but my post/reply are not showing? The only way I can see them is if I search on my name?? So a post says 0 replies, I reply to it and it still says 0 replies?? Is there a delay for posts to display?
  25. You can either use one of the .NET animation files in the Comman7\Graphics|Videos folder within the VS folder in Program Files, or download a gif file off the web.
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