Well my tuppence worth is this:
I started with my employer 20 years ago as a grunt humping parcels. I'm now a double distribution Site Systems Developer, mostly due to an insane passion for programming, started on a ZX81 :-)) remember them. My employers have picked up on my enthusiasm and have forked out regularly on various training, the latest being a 27 CD training pack on VB.NET.
I know I could be earning a lot more elsewhere but am happy where I am, which as said by others above, is important.
I get where you are coming from re the help desk calls as I have only just got away from that in the last six months and am now left to program in peace. Can you not explain this to your employers?
I know there are many go getters out there that live life in the fast lane going where the dosh is, but me....I like it safe, nice environment to work in, nice crowd to work with and hey I get to do my hobby for a job:-))
Not bad seeing as I left school with nothng at all....look at me now ma, I'm on top o the world