Come come, surely that is how it should be?
I remember when I used to program in Borland C++ and had to create Windows forms from the ground up. I felt like yeah I'm a programmer I can do this tricky stuff.
When I moved to VB5 I felt I was cheating as hey presto intant Windows forms minimal effort.
It took me a while to get over that feeling, but now I agree with what many authors say in the books I've read. Why waste time doing mundane stuff when you can call a function, method or whatever that someone else has already created? Better to concentrate on what you want you application to be doing than faff about rewriting the Format function.
Not having a pop here Derek, I'm a firm believer in each to his own, but if VB is making life too easy then are you saying you would rather code everything to ensure any application you write was done so with maximum effort right the way down to writing your own keyboard interupt handler?