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Everything posted by hog

  1. Will you allow me to have a link to this site on my web site?
  2. When a user selects to resize the form from a menu as soon as the new width and height values are changed the user sees a momentary glimpse of the controls on the form prior to being rescaled to the new size. I know in VBA you can turn off screen refresh until you have finished making modifications. Hoping there is something similar in VB.Net
  3. So bung us the code then......:-) I'm sure I'll find a use for it :-))
  4. Come come, surely that is how it should be? I remember when I used to program in Borland C++ and had to create Windows forms from the ground up. I felt like yeah I'm a programmer I can do this tricky stuff. When I moved to VB5 I felt I was cheating as hey presto intant Windows forms minimal effort. It took me a while to get over that feeling, but now I agree with what many authors say in the books I've read. Why waste time doing mundane stuff when you can call a function, method or whatever that someone else has already created? Better to concentrate on what you want you application to be doing than faff about rewriting the Format function. Not having a pop here Derek, I'm a firm believer in each to his own, but if VB is making life too easy then are you saying you would rather code everything to ensure any application you write was done so with maximum effort right the way down to writing your own keyboard interupt handler?
  5. Thanks Mutant. In the end I went for a point and click approach and skipped the smooth drag motion. Although saying that I did manage to get the smooth drag to work but the control would jump to the cursor position which looked naff. IE user clicks middle of control and starts to drag, the control jumps to the cursor position then starts to drag. I suppose your PointToClient would solve that :-)
  6. I haven't used the BindingContext as yet, I assign the dataset fields to the textboxes using my own code. I therefore use the format() method to display the currency symbol.
  7. Yeah.....they can hurt :-(
  8. Mmm is it me or is C# making life a tad difficult? Sorry wyrd didn't know you were using C#
  9. I've been looking through the object explorer without much success to find a method of turning off screen refresh util I've made the required form changes at runtime and then turn it back on so the user sees a smooth change of screen content. any ideas?
  10. Point taken, but I've never experienced the situation you mention, each to his own I suppose?
  11. I must agree so I did it, I've bought my own domain name and starter package to get something up and running, £1.99 a year for the name and £1.99 pm for the starter pack. When I have something there I'll let you know what it is, if your interested??
  12. I left school with nothing, worked here for 20 odd years. Worked my way up from loading bay loader to now full time system developer. All self taught along with training stuff supplied by work......Oh and I'm 39
  13. I always thought programmers in the private market earned a mint?
  14. Private Sub btnCompute_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnCompute.Click Dim callNumber As Single callNumber = Val(InputBox("The call number of a book:")) Select Case callNumber Case 100 To 199 txtOut.Text = "basement" Case 200 To 500, Is > 900 txtOut.Text = "main floor" Case 501 To 699, 751 To 900 txtOut.Text = "upper floor" Case 700 To 750 txtOut.Text = "archives" Case Else txtOut.Text = "Call number must be between 100 and 900." End Select End Sub End Class
  15. This is how I make my Splash form work Set the startup form of your solution to be your splash form. Set a timer on your splash form to the desired delay Have this code on the splash form timertick event Replace frmMain with the name of your main application form Private Sub tmrSplash_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles tmrSplash.Tick Dim frmNewMain As New frmMain() Me.tmrSplash.Enabled = False Me.Hide() frmNewMain.Show() End Sub some say don't use a timer, but I have always done it this way and have never come across any problems as yet in doing so
  16. try: Dim dblValue as Double = -32.53 MessageBox.Show(Format(dblValue,"$0.00"))
  17. OK I get what you say wyrd, thanks. However would it be wise therefore to buy my domain name to secure it? As it would only be £1.99 a year it would break the bank would it?
  18. I have found this site http://oneandone.co.uk It allows you to register a domain name for £1.99 a year Does anyone have any experience of this sort of thing and could they advise if it is a good idea to opt for just registering the domanin name or should I go for their package that give you web space, software etc. If I just got the domian name how would I go about using it? if I don't buy one of their packages? soory if these are dumb question just trying to save a lot of reading time if someone already knows a quick answer....thnx
  19. Thanks chaps I'll look into this now I know where to go....
  20. Thanks Divil, problem is I haven't a clue how to do what you say as the web site thingy is a complete unknow to me. I wouldn't even know how to find my so called free web space on BT Internet as I can never get anyone there to answer the phone!!
  21. When I have completed my puzzle game how easy is it to get it out to the public domain? I am not overly bothered about earning from it, as I get more of a buzz knowing my name is in lights..(gee will I go to heaven mommy?) :D I do not have a web site but apparently I have some free web space through my ISP, but have no idea how to use it, set up a page or anything like that. Does anybody have any ideas to share with me? Also would the fact I need to direct people to install the .NET Framework be a put off. Thnx
  22. Not sure as I have not tried this but see if creating a Word application object helps. You'll need to add a reference to Microsoft Word 10.0 Object Library. I presume through this you'll be able to access your Word document and dataset seamlessly
  23. m_drContract.Item("dated")) = Now() results in no error and the date is written correctly to the database. The field in the database is set to Indexed=No and Required=No
  24. When I read a date field into a dataset I do so like this: m_Dated = IIf(IsDBNull(m_drContract.Item("dated")), Nothing, m_drContract.Item("dated")) this works for me and has not caused any problems as yet. However if you do not want it to assign Nothing do the following m_Dated = IIf(IsDBNull(m_drContract.Item("dated")), Now(), m_drContract.Item("dated"))
  25. try this: DataAdapter.SelectCommand.CommandText = _ "SELECT Task_Date, Task_Description FROM TasksTable " & _ "WHERE Task_Date = #" & Today & "#" or if that fails this: DataAdapter.SelectCommand.CommandText = _ "SELECT Task_Date, Task_Description FROM TasksTable " & _ "WHERE Task_Date = " & Today
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