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Everything posted by hog

  1. This is a big problem now! If I use manual sql I loose the optimistic concurrency! Any ideas on how to implement this manually? The way things were prior to changing the datasets ensured no data clashes!!
  2. I've just order the book you mention Mutant.....I'll let you know what it's like :-)
  3. DOHHHHHhhhhhhhh! thx :-(
  4. Until recently my datasets only referenced a single table and all my code worked fine. But to aid the production of useful reports I ended up modifying my datasets to include multiple tables, which all seem OK. The problem I have just discovered now is that all my code that previously works using the dataset method GetUpdateCommand now produces this error: Dynamic SQL generation is not supported against multiple tables Am I correct in assuming that I'm goning to have to create the update sql manually and use .ExecuteNonQuery?
  5. I start off with adding a dataset and data adapter on the form to be used at design time in order to get all the fields I require at design time. I then create the dataset and data adapter at run time which will contain the users required data knowing the field names exist on the form.
  6. I think this method is topper and have implemented it. The only problem I have now is that I get an error stating there is an error in the UpdateCommand, following the call to GetUpdateCommand Any ideas?
  7. don't worry about this as I have found a good post on this site....see my next post
  8. I'm just looking into this password thing and note you mention the use of Environment.UserName to see who is logged. I use this method in an Access97 app I wrote and would probably do the same with .NET. However, in the Access97 app I have hard coded the allowed user names into the app of those who are allowed access to certain parts of the app. Is there a way to have an external lookup of allowed users for my .NET app which I can maintain but no other person using the app can see or modify? If I have it in an external lookup file for example then the user would require access to it when my app tries to verify them, which would mean they could access this file via other means, explorer for example. Any ideas?
  9. think I asked this before.....but have been asleep a lot since... I'm on VS Pro have been since January. Should I be considering a move to 2003 or leave it for now? no worries.....just read the other posts, @ $29 hell why not!!:D
  10. you need to trap the error and inform the user outlook is required.
  11. Not sure if this is the right way to go about it, but have you tried setting OwnerDraw to True and then design and draw the menu yourself? Never done this so not sure if this is correct advice?
  12. I have experieced the "Query Engine Error" message many times and it has always turned out to be a missing field or misspelt field name. Double check that the dataset is returning all the fields which you have placed on your report.
  13. why don't you use winzip?
  14. good point Nerseus.....
  15. heehee :-)
  16. Aha.....that works a treat...ta Also I was always taught the following about programming.. There is no wrong way to program, as if it works it's right. There is only efficient and inefficient ways to program! PS like you name.......does it mean what it I think it means? :-))
  17. Aha got the query result ok, SelectedItem not SelectedValue. Just need to suss the displaying the first item...
  18. If I add a list of items to a combobox any ideas on how I solve the following: I assign 5 values to a combobox using the items.add method, but when I try to query the users selection using selectedvalue it returns nothing. Is there some other way to add items, or is there a step I have missed. Also how do I make the first item added to the list appear in the combobox, cuurently it appears blank and the user has to click on the control to display the values. On other comboboxes on the form which I have pre assigned values I use selectedvalue and it works ok
  19. Not sure what you mean here? I don't have any gaps? Are you talking about the indentation? If so just aligh the text to suit your needs, left, centre or right.
  20. Thx Divil, being a impulsive kinda dude I decided it would be best to be with a UK hosting service, if only for the right time zone. So I investigated Fasthosts and was impressed, had a chat with them and now my transfer is well on the way :-)
  21. if it's anything like using the Bitmap or Imgae object then let the user selct their image file, and set the background to it?
  22. I dont do it the way you have? But this works for me: Dim myReport As ReportClass myReport = New repWhatEverReport() myReport.SetDataSource(m_WhatEverDataSet) Me.CrystalReportViewer1.ReportSource =myReport
  23. OK...thanks guys, food for thought. At present I'm currently migrating to Inifinology.com which as usual being American means the service is better than what you get in the UK. Examples. I emailed my current provider on Tuesday early evening for help.....no response yet. On the same night I emailed Infinology who replied with exact and concise help withing 20 minutes! If I phone my current provider I cannot get through until the afternoons and then a long wait on their queue! I phoned Infinology from the UK to the States.....instant answer, instant help! OK lets go for some real UK bashing :-) Why is it if I order something from a company in the UK many times I have to wait upto a week before getting the goods, yet many times if I order from the States I get the goods within two days!! The UK should wake up as it appears to still be living in the Victorian age!!
  24. if you look at http://www.elpuerco.co.uk you will see I'm just in it for the fun and destraction from all life etc.... So it is for personal fun use and to supply the occasional downloads
  25. OK so here I am with my first web site up and running only to find out the company I'm with are a bunch of no hopers! I was locked out all last weekend and the weekend before that. They have no support at weekends and when the do reply to emails it's "well is't working now" WELL it wasn't at the weekend DOHHH!!! I see a company called Infinology come out pretty good in the ratings war, anyone have any experiece of them as I'm migrating...can't be worse than the jokers I presently with. So does anyone know how difficult or not it is to set up your own host and site from home? Remember.....I know nothing about this:confused: .........but like the idea of learning, the quick way:D
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