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Everything posted by hog

  1. Thx Nerseus:) I have decided to take a different approach to solve this issue. However you points will be noted as this is the second time I've required this, so you never know:) :)
  2. Thanks Divil, any suggestions on the best way to do this? I can only presume that if I run the unintstall feature that would do it. I have just finished installing it on another PC in my office and it works a treat, so it's either a dodgy install or the machine:(
  3. Needless to say that didn't work!!
  4. Well I always prefer the SAMS Teach Yourself series, but have a few others: SAMS Teach Yourself VB .NET in 21 Days (very good) Visual Basic .NET How To Program by DEITEL SAMS Teach Yourself Object Oriented VB .NET in 21 Days (very good) To name but a few :) Oh and Professional Crystal Reports for VS .NET ( but this I feel could be a lot better)
  5. I'll try this suggestion from MS and report back...
  6. Propery in code is an attribute of the object, so Car is the object and Red is it's colour property. I haven't got into using delegates yet, I think they are a kind of telling VB the makeup of a procedure. I'm sure someone will correct me:) Lastly I think you should buy yourself a good starter book on VB to get you into it all.
  7. I've logged this with MS as it is too slow to be acceptable. They are due to call be back today, so I'll let you know the out come. It is only happening with VS nothing else. If I do the same test with the key strokes in IE, Word, Outlook, Access the Task Manager reports 1% of CPU Usage, but doing the same in VS reports 100%. Somethings just ain't right here :(
  8. This used to happen in VS2002 and is still happening in VS2003. If I add a new dataadapter to my form, configure, generate then preview all works well. When I then call the .Fill method when the form opens I get an error message stating the SelectCommand property is not set before calling fill. I have found that to solve this I need to locate all the dataadapter related code generated by windows and manually cut and paste it further up in the windows code. Upon doing this everything works fine? Queation is, does anyone know why this should be so??
  9. I'm on W2K Pro fully seviced
  10. oh bums! a rethink me thinks:) Thnx
  11. Mmmm interesting is there anyone else out there suffering the same on laptops?
  12. OK any ideas on this? I have the Windows Task Manager open viewing Performance. When I open VS.NET and then my project the CPU usage jumps up to around the 70% mark and when the loading has finished drops down to about 1%. Now if I type say 30 characters into the ide the CPU usage stays at around 1%. But as soon as I start using the backspace key to delete the characters the operation is jumpy, like pause then 5 to 10 characters a wiped at once then another pause. At this point the CPU usage is at 100%. Is this correct? My IDE is painfully slow:( Whilst opening IE and typing this the CPU usage hasn't gone above 2%??
  13. Yoinks! How to you guys get into all the nitty gritty of this stuff? I spend my time learning bits and bob here and there to develop new or existing apps, I never seem to get to all this stuff! Do you spend eons reading or is there a secret club:)
  14. Mutant, at present I have my app using Outook for sending auto emails, but this only works if the user has Office2000 installed. We still have many user on Office97 so the email function does not work. You mention web mail above, do I need any thing particular to make that work. I mean if my app was to send an auto email would it open up a browser or something?
  15. Also consider : Getting a copy of .NET Game Programming With DirectX 9.0 It starts off by covering stuff you are doing not prior to getting stuck into how to use DirectX. I've said it before and I'll say it again.....it's a bloody good book:)
  16. hog


    I got a load of grief trying to make use of the validation setup and using a Cancel button and got so bogged off with it I adopted a method similar to what wyrd suggests
  17. If I have an object that has been updated with user data and then the objects .Add method is called to create the record in the Access database then is there any easy way of getting the AutoNumber generated by Access other than finding a way to read back in the new record?
  18. Silly question have you tried speaking to crystal decisions? I beleive when you register you get 2 free support calls?
  19. Mmm now I'm am starting to worry:) 640MB RAM :)
  20. Mmm, wonder what goes on then? I'm running it on a mobile p4 2.2 with 640RAM so the machine is well up to it??
  21. Is it me or is the VS2003 IDE considerablly slower than the VS2002 IDE? My cursor movements are verly slow and sluggish, sometimes with a delay only to see the cursor jump 10 characters at once. Loading is slower as to are things like preview dataadapter, selecting the target dataset results in some delay before the tables appear in the data tables list, yet VS2002 was near instantaenious (excuse my crap spelling:) )
  22. Now VB.Net Before VB, VBA, C++, C, Assembler
  23. Sorry? where is int?
  24. OK firstly :) Yes I can confirm that my code works fine elsewhere usin ? I'm using Access not SQL Server..... Heiko this is the transaction: m_strSQL = "UPDATE tblContracts SET active = 0 WHERE (contractid = @contractid)" ' set properties of the oledbcommand object m_odcJob.CommandType = CommandType.Text m_odcJob.CommandText = m_strSQL ' set the parameter details m_odcJob.Parameters.Add("@contractid", m_ContractID) ' execute the delete query m_odcJob.ExecuteNonQuery() This approach works in other sections of my app?
  25. OK I tried it like this and still no update:( Private Sub CheckForClosedContract() ' set internal error flag to false m_Error = False ' create SQL string to obtain active jobs m_strSQL = "SELECT COUNT(jobid) AS TotalRecords FROM tblJobs WHERE (contractid = @contractid) AND (active = @active)" ' set properties of the oledbcommand object m_odcJob.CommandType = CommandType.Text m_odcJob.CommandText = m_strSQL ' set the parameter details m_odcJob.Parameters.Add("@contractid", m_ContractID) m_odcJob.Parameters.Add("@active", -1) ' check if the connection is set and open If m_odcJob.Connection Is Nothing Then m_odcJob.Connection = m_objConn m_odcJob.Connection.Open() End If ' try to obtain the count of active jobs, if there are any return, otherwise contract jobs are all closed ' so close contract Try If CType(m_odcJob.ExecuteScalar(), Integer) Then Return Else ' create SQL string to archive the contract with this contractid m_strSQL = "UPDATE tblContracts SET active = 0 WHERE (contractid = @contractid)" ' set properties of the oledbcommand object m_odcJob.CommandType = CommandType.Text m_odcJob.CommandText = m_strSQL ' set the parameter details m_odcJob.Parameters.Add("@contractid", m_ContractID) ' execute the delete query m_odcJob.ExecuteNonQuery() End If Catch objException As Exception ShowError("Location: Class Job" & ControlChars.CrLf & ControlChars.CrLf & _ "Procedure: CheckForClosedContract()" & ControlChars.CrLf & _ ControlChars.CrLf & "Error Text: " & objException.Message) ' set internal error flag to true m_Error = True Finally ' if the connection is open then close it If m_odcJob.Connection.State = ConnectionState.Open Then m_odcJob.Connection.Close() End If End Try End Sub Might it have something to do with the call to m_odcJob.ExecuteNonQuery()? Is there something that might need resetting??
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