Wyrd, I gave my resume a while ago but for you here it is again:)
I'm 39, left school with absolutely nothing, got a apprenticeship in sheet metal working when I left school at 16. Gave that up after two weeks to become a delivery mans assistant. Gave that up to bottle paints for the motor industry. Took a year out dossing until my parents kicked my arse and so got a six week temp contract humping parcels into lorries.
That was 20 years ago and I' still here:) I have worked my way up as I found a flare for programming which started in 1985 on the ZX81 then onto the Commadore64 writing silly graphics programs for my son.
My employer realised my hunger to learn programming and now I have my own office, laptop supplied by work, am on £25K and get to do my hobby all day.....programming:):)
Yes I do know I landed on my feet and I do know that there are plenty of programmers out there earning more than me, but I'm happy doing what I do, on a reasonably good salary and a reasonably secure job.
I always think back to my teachers that said I was a waste of space and think yeah......look at me now arseholes:)