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Everything posted by hog

  1. I'm writing a home accounts application as just for the hell of it. The data will be in an Access2002 database. I use a laptop and so want to encryt certain fields such as account no, payment amounts etc. Would using hashtables to write to the database an encryted version of the data a good way to do it or is there a more efficient way? Thnx
  2. I have a splash form with a photo in a picturebox. I want to draw text on this photo. I have tried using a label with the backcolor set to transparent but it still shows a background colour?? So I have tried this, but the text does not appear? Private Sub frmSplash_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load Dim gfxSreen As Graphics = Graphics.FromHwnd(Me.PictureBox1.Handle) gfxSreen.DrawString("AnyText", New Font("Comic Sans MS", 20), New SolidBrush(Color.Black), 5, 5) End Sub any ideas?
  3. Mmm very interesting feedback from you both..thnx:) I'll digest this and make use of it well :) :)
  4. A bit late for the app I've just released but can I presume there is an advantage using a DataReader rather than a DataAdapter to populate a ComboBox when the data is not going to changed but is just being used to provide a selectable list?
  5. Thnx chaps...enligthening:) Mehyar, this will be of use I feel at some later stage, but what I'm trying to achieve is this: Dataset1 contains the latest import Dataset2 contains an ever growing collection of previous imports I need to end up with Dataset1 only containing records that do not exist in Dataset2. These would be actioned and then appended to Dataset2 ready for the next run. I'm currently building this into an object setup whereby the object containing Dataset1 will have a method to search an object containing Dataset2. This would mean calling object with Dataset1's MoveNext method then do the search again. Not sure if this is the most efficient way:)
  6. Tuppence worth:) Currently Xbox blows PS2 away, the controls alon make it a more usable device let alone the blistering graphics:):)
  7. Well all I can say is that a great deal of the stuff available in VS is new to me and as such provides an interesting challenge to learn how to use them for my specific purposes. I only started using DataGrids yesterday and have already learned so much about them which give a warm glow of satisfaction. To be in a position whereby you get angry, worked up or whatever and start venting it toward MS is defeatist. Work at making it do what you want it to do and seek help from members here in a friendly manner. Being irrate will not prompt anyone to help.....
  8. hog

    new release

    I tried this and I was left with both installed. It would probably be better to unistall 2002 then install 2003. Keep a backup of your 2002 projects incase you need to revert.
  9. I've never done this as yet with VB.Net but now find I might have to.... If I have dataset1 that contains freshly imported data from a corp system and dataset2 that contains previously imported and actioned data, is there an efficient way to to search dataset2 for any record that exists in dataset1 so that these records will be dropped as they have previously been actioned upon :confused:
  10. Erm yes it is:) By creating DataGridColumnStyles etc:):)
  11. DOH!
  12. Is it possible to change the text of the column headings in a datagrid? I am importing a spreadsheet into a dataset using the following sql: SELECT * FROM [sheet1$] The spreadsheet has many columns which will remain static but have the underlying corp system field names as headings. I would like to be able to populate the datagrid with the spreadsheet data but customize the headings. Can this be done?
  13. If you intent to save the name field in a padded format in Access use trim on it to get the length less space to caculate how many you need to add. I haven't looked at the CR detail yet, but have you checked to see if there is an option to auto size the fields on the report?
  14. No you don't follow, let me explain.... My app runs in C:\myapp for example. The corp app exe file is located on \\networkserver\exefolder The corp app dll files are in \\networkserver\dllfolder All users shortcuts have StartIn set to \\networkserver\dllfolder and Target set to \\networkserver\exefolder \\networkserver\dllfolder does not appear in the users PATH. Therefore I wanted to include/add it to the PATH variable. As a work around I have simply changed to the \\networkserver\dllfolder within my running app, started the corp app then return to c:\mypp. Do you follow now? :)
  15. I want to include a button in my app to fire up a corporate application. The users desktop has a shortcut to this corp app plus a start in path. This start in path is not included in the users Path when the PC boots, therefore is there a way from within a running VB.NET app to tag an enty on the Path?:confused:
  16. For your info: The following produces the logon box? myCommand.Fill(datasetname) whereas this does not?? myCommand.Fill(datasetname, tablename)
  17. When you run the VS 2002 install does it show CR is selected? Other than that try uninstalling it and trying again.
  18. I would either rdeclare the rtbText as Public or have a Public object and assign rtbText to it once you have created it. There probably is a better way but it's 7:34am, I just got up so my brain is still asleep:)
  19. You can find useful help on Crystal Reports at: Knowledge Base http://support.crystaldecisions.com/library/kbase.asp Library http://support.crystaldecisions.com/docs/ Downloads http://support.crystaldecisions.com/updates/ Tech Support http://community.support.crystaldecisions.com/support/answers.asp :)
  20. Login to Excel? (modified) I read an xls file into a dataset and use this dataset as the ReportSource for my report. Every thing works fine until I get a Logon to Database prompt? The xls file is c:\returns.xls In the login window it states the following: Table = Returns_ Server Name c:\returns.xls Database = c:\returns.xls If the ReportSource is a dataset why am I being prompted for a logon?? Any ideas:confused:
  21. OK don't that was corruption as dates are displayed as # when the cell is not wide enough. There I need to find out what version they are exporting it in:) Thnx
  22. If I use this connection string in code: Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:\returns.XLS;Extended Properties=Excel 8.0; I can connect to the .xls file. How do I create this connection using server explorer? Each time I try using this I get all sorts of error:(
  23. Aha, question is do you know what the corruption was? My problem is this: The user needs to use the corp system to export the data to Excel, I think the corp system was written in VB? As the export autmatically opens Excel with the data showing they will say it's OK. Also if the user just closes the spreadsheet there is no problem. If I know what the corruption is I may get them to sort it...BIG MAY. I also think the corp system is pre Excel 2002, may Excel 97 or 95? I have tried using Extended Properies of 5.0 and 3.0 with no joy:( Thnx
  24. yeah, I thought of this too which is why I really need to sort the Excel proplem out as that is the easiest way to do it!
  25. OKey dokey:) here's the file. If you run the code on it first you will get the error "external table not in expected format" Then open the file in Excel, click Save and say No to keep format and save the file back as itself. Run the code again and it works :( Thnx returns.zip
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