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Everything posted by bzbiz

  1. Hi everybody, First of all: I talk of VB, CompactFramework and SqlServerCE... I've a dataSet filled as follow: sql = "SELECT artAnag.*, inventario.qta " sql &= "FROM artAnag " sql &= "LEFT JOIN inventario " sql &= "ON artAnag.artCodice = inventario.artCodice " cmd.CommandText = sql daSqlCe.SelectCommand = cmd daSqlCe.Fill(dsElenco, "artAnag") [\VB] I need to do another fill to load the changes in the db, but i don't have a primary key (well i have keys in the 2 tables but not in the query), so all the row are re-added. I don't want this! I want (would) that only the changed rows are refreshed. How can i do this? Hope it's clear Thanx in advance BiZ
  2. Hi Guys and Girls, how can i change the cell's backcolor of a dataGrid in the compactframework? I've googled around but i only find examples for the full framework o in C#, no way for VB.NET? TIA ByeZ BiZ
  3. Great! :cool: Remeber the 1st law of computers "If it works doesn't matter how it works" And the 2nd "If it works don't change it!" :) See you in the future ByeZ BiZ
  4. Hi, you wrote: sender = txtbroadcast.text But i think that the correct way is: sender.name = txtbroadcast.text True? ByeZ By BiZ
  5. Hi, i'm not a 'Networking master :cool: ', but i think it's possible. The app listen on a open port, if this port is opened on the internet it can (i think) recive messages from it. You have to specify somewhere the IP of the server. I think that security become a main problem in this case! Lots of more awarded instant messanger like ICQ, MSMessanger and so on, have some problem a selfmaded solution may be dangerous. HTH ByeZ By BiZ P.S. Probably i've written a lot of stupid things in this post sorry! :D
  6. Hi, thanks again, i'll haven't more than 20 records at time in both tables. So i'll continue in this way. Sql Server CE is not so powerfull like his "Big Brother" 2000 and less i do with it, better the apps will work. ByEz By BiZ
  7. Hi, sorry but i don't know. Try to re-post your question in a new thread. ByeZ By BiZ
  8. Hi, I'm not sure but if you look at this: Private Sub SendToClients(ByVal strMessage As String, ByVal sender As UserConnection) Dim client As UserConnection Dim entry As DictionaryEntry ' All entries in the clients Hashtable are UserConnection so it is possible ' to assign it safely. Try For Each entry In clients client = CType(entry.Value, UserConnection) ' Exclude the sender. If client.Name <> sender.Name Then client.SendData(strMessage) End If Next Catch ex As Exception clients.Remove(client) End Try End Sub Look around the "Exclude the sender" code. You can change it to send data only to the client you want, isnt't it? I've abandoned the project months ago so i don't have much ideas about it sorry. Always here for more help ByeZ By BiZ
  9. Hi Folks! I'm back after Xmas Holyday...... I've followed the pcPirate's idea. I've created my own datatable and i've filled it with all my stuff. It works fine. Thanks a lot to everyone, Happy New Year ByeZ By BiZ
  10. Ciao! I'm here again... I've looked the joinView control but it don't fit my needs. I'll try to explain myself in a better way. I want a dataGrid with rows from two tables one after another, like this: 1 Row number one (from table 1) 2 Row number two (from table 1) 3 Row number three (from table1) 4 Row letter A (from table 2) 5 Row letter B (from table 2) ... .. . And son on....... I'm not lookin' for Join or other similar stuff. In eVB (embedded Visula basic) i did that adding row to the grid from 2 recordest in a Loop. Understand? I hope yes (if not i'll move to an english spoken country until i'll cry in english ;) ) ByeZ By BiZ P.S. Merry Xmas and Happy New Year
  11. Thanks a lot, I'll watch on it. ByeZ By BiZ
  12. Hi, thanks for your reply. I've filled a dataSet with 2 tables. But if i try this: grdClienti.DataSource = dsGiro My grid remain empty. So if i try this grdClienti.DataSource = dsGiro.Tables(0) The grid will be full, but ,of course, i can see only one table. The tables are not empty nor null. The fill method works fine. What i do wrong? Thanx In Advance ByeZ By BiZ
  13. Hi folks! My problem here is: I've got two tables in my db (customer and newCustomer). I have to show the 2 tables in one datagrid. Simply isnt't it? But i don't have any idea about it. Can you help me? Some notes: *Now i use a dataAdpter and a dataSet (to show only one table) *I'm working with the CompactFramework *I can't (want) change the db (SqlServerCE) structure. *I've to show rows from one table followed by rows from the other. That's all! Thanks in advance ByeZ BiZ
  14. Hi, i've done something like this: i've selected to trust the assembly for the pc (not current user only), then i've setted the path of my app, then i've setted the trust level to the max, next, done! This is the max trust way. you have to use it only with yours apps or with very secure apps otherwise "managed code", ".NET trust" etc etc became a nonsense that's all folks Hope that helps ByeZ BiZ
  15. Hi, here the most complete answer i can: NOTE 1: I talk about a win2000 professional. Go to C:\WINNT\Microsoft.NET\Framework\ and look for configwizards.exe (change WINNT into Windows for 98/me/xp) or Control panel/admintools/microsoft.netwizards NOTE 2: i have an italian OS so my translation may not match the english one. Hope that help ByeZ BiZ
  16. in my opinion: MS = easy to use; everywhere LINUX = not easy; not in desktop/office world MS = No privacy; High cost; MSPeople think to be the best (...evangelist... phua!) LINUX = free; if something don't work linux programmer generally admit it; everyone can do his little job to improve the sistem. RESULT = i'm with linux for the ideas, the think mode, but i must "guadagnarmi il pane" (work to live), with the pc and until all my costumer become prgrammer i have to stay with MS. P.S. MS make very good hardware and video-games, why they make OS? ByE BiZ
  17. Stay where you are, learn new lenguages in your free-time or push your boss to evolve. If it (yes the boss is it!) will not evolve, when you are ready (when you know new lenguages), JUMP away and find another job. NOTE: Changing job is not easy (in Italy) but it could be nice! ByEz BiZ
  18. thank you a lot, ByeZ BiZ
  19. solved! the problem was that i've put the icon in a child form. If i put it in the parent form all works fine! Thanks u 4 the help! ByeZ By BiZ
  20. hi for x=0 to 10 for y =0 to 10 if condition = true then array (x+1, y-1)=T AND array (x=2, y- 2) =T end if next y next x Like this? Your question is not so clear, i think. ByeZ By BiZ
  21. left or right that's the question! Hi Folks! How can i know if something has been clicked with the 'right' or the 'left' mouse button? note: Something = notifyicon, in this case. Thx in advance. BiZ:cool:
  22. Thanks again Mutant (i've posted a lot today :p ) i have set the .visible = false in design mode after that Private Sub notify() NotifyIcon1.Visible = True End Sub i call this sub when some events appen, different time in the apps. Note that i use vb.net enterprise architet in ITALIAN. I hope that this isn't a bug! ByeZ BiZ
  23. Ah! thanks a lot Byez BiZ
  24. Hi everybody, i've got a problem here: Private Sub NotifyIcon1_MouseDown(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles NotifyIcon1.MouseDown NotifyIcon1.Visible = False End Sub ok don't work, nothing appen nor with .click . Simply the event is not rised. Why? What i've missing? Thankz in advance BiZ
  25. Hi folks! How can i catch different kind of exception? explain: try ....................... ...................... catch ex as exception | ex2 as system.someKind.Exception end try it's possible? Thanx in advance ByeZ BiZ
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