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  1. i would like to know how to determine if a textbox is binded in a data and how to remove it. hope some one can help me! thanks in advance!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. the program does this : 1.load mDI form 2.select from menu(child form 1 load) 3. in the child form 1, a button will be click to show another form the problem is how can i load the new form activated by the shild form 1 to look like a child form contained in the mdi nedd some help here!!!thanks
  3. i am new to c#,i have created a program updating,inserting,deleting data in a sql server.can somebody tell me o r show me how to bind data in txtbox in different way.my program goes like this : 1.search for a record(choices:by lastname,by studnum) 2.when lastname datagrid will list the names in a data grid how can i bind the data in txtbox when i double click specific grid in data grid
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