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Everything posted by frida

  1. hi, i'm here again!!! i have a new problem, jejeje, i want to create a dsn but by code, and i don't have the idea how this will be... i hope that anyone could give me a help, thanks a lot!!! bye
  2. hi, i solved it without graphical component, this is the code: string conexion="DSN=adio"; string selectQuery="Select * from Nom10030"; OdbcConnection myconexion=new OdbcConnection(conexion); DataSet ds; OdbcDataAdapter adapter=new OdbcDataAdapter(selectQuery,myconexion); try { myconexion.Open(); ds=new DataSet(); adapter.Fill(ds,"Nom10030"); this.dataGrid1.DataSource=ds.Tables"Nom10030"].DefaultView; } catch(Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } myconexion.Close(); but i need to do this with graphicals components, i need your help, please!!! thanks a lot
  3. hi again! now i have a problem, i'm use a paradox database, and i'm trying to conect to the database, i made the dsn in odbc, i'm using a paradox 5 database. when i add a odbcConnection component, i bind the component with de dsn that i made, and then i test the conection and it works, then i add a odbcCommand and bind to the conection component, but when i try to edit the command text, and select one of the table of the database, it gives me an error: object reference not set to an instance of an object and i don't know what is happening, please help me!!! thanks frida
  4. hi, i want to read data form my database: string SelectQuery="SELECT * FROM datos2 WHERE (numero='"+this.valor+"')"; and i want to put the data in textboxs, i did this: if(myreader.Read()) { this.textBox1.Text=myreader("nombre"); this.comboBox1.Text=myreader("depto"); } but i have some errors like: 'myreader' denotes a variable where a metod was expected and i don't know what is the problem, could you help me? please!!! sorry, my english isn't good... thanks
  5. hi spiel79, thanks that help me!!!
  6. hi, i'm new in .net, i'm using visual c#.net and sorry but my english isn't very good. this is the problem i'have my principal form and i have multiple mdichilds forms, and i need to call one form from another form, in fact i can see the form with it's in form1: form2 nueva=new form2(); nueva.Show(); i have a variable in form2 and need to manipulate this one in the form1 how can i do this? thanks a lot!!
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