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About RobyDx

  • Birthday 01/17/1980

Personal Information

  • Occupation
    graphics programmer
  • Visual Studio .NET Version
  • .NET Preferred Language

RobyDx's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. He, I'm trying to send a meeting request by code. Using office.interop I was successfull but a noisy popup appear when application send the email "an application is tring to access to outlook etc etc" and I must press the button to permit it. Anyone know a way to resolve (also changing the way to send meeting request)?
  2. I'm writing a windows app that send email. It' an extreme easy application, I just write MailMessage msg = new MailMessage(); msg.From = "myEmailAddress"; msg.To = "destinationEmailAddress"; msg.Subject = "subject"; msg.Body = "body"; msg.Attachments.Add(new MailAttachment("attachment")); SmtpMail.SmtpServer="smtpServer"; SmtpMail.Send(msg); no login, no password. Why? In this way I can send email from a email address of another person. What's the conseguences of this? Can I have problem from my host? My Application is finished but I don't want to have problem for using my email from an application like this one. Can you help me?
  3. For those who are interested, I made a Tokamak wrapper for .net using the swig compiler. I have no time neither to write the documentation nor to test it, than if you want to test it you can find it on my website (the zip file also contains 2 samples). http://www.robydx.135.it in Game & Code section under robydx's software. I tried to keep the same structure except for static function (included in the classes) and something else (terrainMesh). The wrapper is not fully complete (there aren't virtual functions) then let me know if you have some suggestions or if you find some bugs. If you want to write some documentation or demo for next release I'll thanks you.
  4. I'm realising a dll in C# and in it there are some namespace that I use in the dll. But I want to hide this namespace from one who 'll use this dll. This namespace must be invisible outside How can I do this?
  5. RobyDx


    my website exits from 2 years, moving from a provider to anothers. I 'have written many tutorial (and other come every week) and infact I want to became the most complete website on directX for VB ;) the every one please help
  6. RobyDx


    Good. With few correction it's perfect. You had a good idea. Thanks
  7. RobyDx


    Thank you pentium guy, probably put them in the translator and then correct the error can be a good way to do. After I can controll the translation and then pubblish on my web site. Do you want to help me? robydx.altervista.org has 2 section: directX9 and directX8. In DirectX9 there is direct3D with directX + VB.Net tutorial. Starting from the last (from the beginning I have some translators) can you try? If you see only in section Direct3D9 there are 47 tutorials (all web site with sound, input and network for both directX are about 100 tutorial). I'm not a good translator and I'm a lot to do with other stuff. I'm search people to divide work (If I get 30 person, 3 tutorial for person is not a long work). The project with another friend is to create a php web site with automatic language changer (http://vincedx.altervista.org/) to make public for everyone in Italian and English Do you have a translator? Did you want to help me? Thank you so much to arch4ngel but in most case the translation is not so good (but for the moment could work). Thank you for everyone.
  8. RobyDx


    I've started the translation of my web site from Italian to English. Anyone can help me? My web site is in the sign
  9. use gamma correction
  10. If you can't see nothing the problen could be that you havent passed transform matrix in properly way
  11. HLSL is case sensitive then pos2 is differente from Pos2 hovever to interpolate value use Lerp that do a linear interpolation from 2 vector passing a single value from 0 to 1.
  12. You must declare in effect file (vertex shader). I can't help anymore because this second way it's so difficult that I didn't spend any time to study it
  13. I have 2 problems: 1)I want to draw cubic bezier rectangular patch. When I draw 1 path I put vertex from left to right and up to down to create a 4 x 4 group (an array of 16 vertex). How I must order then if for example I want to create a plane of 4 x 4 patch? 2)How work patch mesh? I create one, I use tessellate applied to the normal mesh and in present it give me an error if I draw the mesh that I tessellate. patchMesh.Tessellate(4, normalMesh) normalMesh.DrawSubset(i) Initialitation code is this Dim paInfo As New PatchInformation paInfo.BasisType = BasisType.BSpline paInfo.PatchType = PatchType.Rectangle paInfo.Degree = DegreeType.Cubic paInfo.TessellateLevel = New Single() {3, 3, 3, 3} Dim elementi() As VertexElement = {New VertexElement(0, 0, DeclarationType.Float3, DeclarationMethod.Default, DeclarationUsage.Position, 0), New VertexElement(0, 12, DeclarationType.Float3, DeclarationMethod.Default, DeclarationUsage.Normal, 0), New VertexElement(0, 24, DeclarationType.Float2, DeclarationMethod.Default, DeclarationUsage.TextureCoordinate, 0), VertexElement.VertexDeclarationEnd} PatchMesh = New PatchMesh(device, paInfo, 4, normalMesh.NumberVertices, elementi) How it works patchMesh? Anyone can help me or give me a website that cover also in C++ this topic?
  14. I solved in this way: I used a format like this position normal binormal (the second normal) tangent textureCoordinate memory access and it works. But I remember that is possible to pass two vertexbuffer to device.setStream n and declare position0 and position1 for the two vertex position (idem for normals). The first is sure (I used it in my 3DEngine), the second it should work but I've tried it one time in directX8
  15. RobyDx


    can you show me the code for drawing and vertex creation?
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