I hope I'm missing some blatently obvious point and this will be a simple problem to fix...
I'm trying to use an animated gif (downloaded from web) as a sort of status indicator for a program I'm building. The program does a *large* amount of database access, calls to remote executables and launches and prints from Adobe Acrobat. As you might guess, these tasks can take quite a bit of time. I want to provide my users feedback so they know the program has not locked up. Unfortunately I cannot politely increment my tasks in order to use the ProgressBar. I've tried using a Label wherein I update the text based upon a timer. (e.g. it says "Working", then "Working. ", then "Working..", then "Working..." and starts again) While the timer fired correctly, the Label text didn't consistently update. As that didn't work, I've put an animated gif in a PictureBox that I make visible or not based upon whether or not the system is doing things. Again, this isn't consistent. The animation works fine until I reach the code for any of the issues above, at which point it stops and only resumes when the task is complete. Rather defeats the purpose, no? Any calls to Invalidate or Update I try to force based upon a timer are only executed after the above tasks complete. Again, defeats the purpose.
Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong??
Liz :confused: