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Everything posted by Miura

  1. Hi, Is it possible to play a *.avi or *.Mpeg or other video format using DirectDraw ? I would like to have a video playback "window" in one side and some other DirectDraw stuff in the other!, And I must be able to use pagefliping. How can this be done ? Thanks, Miura Denmark.
  2. Miura

    Speed up

    Hmmm, how does the code work ? Is seems like the FPS value will be the same no matter if the monitor will run at 75 Hz or 100 Hz. The procedure must count to 75 (75 Hz) and 100 (100 Hz). Thanks, Miura
  3. Hi, Can anyone show a example how to use the Contrast and Brightess properties in ControlControlObject. I'm thinking of using them to make a Picture fade to Black. Thanks Miura
  4. Miura

    Speed up

    Thanks, I will try to study the code to understand it. I'm sure that it will help me alot. Thanks again :-) Miura Denmark
  5. Miura

    Speed up

    In fact I would like to make the animation on base of a framecounter. How can it be done ? I would like a procedure to run everytime there is a new frame. Ex. 75 Frames a Sek with the monitors 75 Hz and so on. it seems that my computer is too slow, tried some samples from DirectX7 SDK. Thanks, And have a nice day :-) Miura
  6. Miura

    Speed up

    Yes, it is the same.
  7. Miura

    Speed up

    Maybe you know of a place where I can download samples for Visual Basic.Net. I have only the samples that comes with SDK.
  8. Miura

    Speed up

    I'm using the C:\DirectX9\Samples\VB.Net\DirectDraw\AnimatePalette\animatepalette.vbproj as "backbone" program. But When I run the microsoft sample program is sometimes freezes just 1 or 2 frames, and moves normaly again. Freezes again, and the runs again. This can happen many times and differenct places when the program runs. My program does the same thing. Maybe my computer is too small to run Win XP, Visual Basic .Net and the DirectX9-program at the same time. OR maybe the program code from Microsoft could be better!!!!!. Regards, Miura
  9. Miura

    Speed up

    Of Cause, I have made a test, and draw 62 32x32 Pixels in 16 bits color, and it is very faster. I used the drawfast metod. Thanks a lot. Miura
  10. Miura

    Speed up

    I'm using a Pentium 3 450 mHz and the ATI 32 MB graphics card and 384 MB. Will a faster processor and/or more powerfuld graphics card increase the preformance?
  11. Miura

    Speed up

    Hi, I'm trying to blit a bitmap image 259x347 pixels in 24 bit color. But it's VERY slow. I'm using VB.Net and DirectX9 Is there any idea's how to speed up this, thanks, Miura
  12. Yes, I must have been a same thing like in Assembler Amiga Days. But I get tearing in diffenent places then the program runs, so I wonder if my computer is too small, and Windows sometimes use to must "power". I'm using a Pentium 3 450 Mhz and 384 MB Ram, and my graphicscard is a ATI 32 MB. Thanks, Miura
  13. Hi, I'm trying to make a pagefliping in a program, but I can't find any information about this: Surface.flip(Backbuffer,Donotwait ) Surface.flip(Backbuffer,Even ) Surface.flip(Backbuffer,Interval2 ) Surface.flip(Backbuffer,Interval3 ) Surface.flip(Backbuffer,Interval4 ) Surface.flip(Backbuffer,NoVSync ) Surface.flip(Backbuffer,Odd ) Surface.flip(Backbuffer,Stereo ) Surface.flip(Backbuffer,Wait ) Thanks, Miura
  14. Thanks, How do you know that these lines are incorrect or missing. I just got an error how tells that someting it incorret or missing in line createdevice = New Device(0, DeviceType.Software, Me, CreateFlags.SoftwareVertexProcessing, presentpara) Where can I see what there is missing and incorrect ? Regards, Miura
  15. Hi, I'm almost lost in this. I started with GDI+ but it is very slow on the alpha effects. So I just started with DirectX9 for Visual Basic .Net. So I tried to setting up a Device with DirectX3D, but I get a error. Imports Microsoft.DirectX Imports Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D Public Class Form1 Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form Dim createdevice As Device Dim presentpara As New PresentParameters() Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load Me.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.None Me.Text = "" Me.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized System.Windows.Forms.Cursor.Hide() presentpara.Windowed = True createdevice = New Device(0, DeviceType.Software, Me, CreateFlags.SoftwareVertexProcessing, presentpara) End Sub End Class I get a error in the last Cretedevice line, can someone tell me why ? Thanks, Miura
  16. Hi, Is there a function where I can see there the rasterbeam is drawing the picture. If I would change a color, I don't want to do this in a middle of a picture, but when the Rasterbeam is somewhere else. In the Amiga Assembler days this function was called "Vertical Blanking" Thanks, Miura
  17. How much faster is DirectX 9 Vs. GDI+, if I will use 2D graphics and animation.?
  18. Hmmm, It's look like a height of 2 pixels. when using: transpen1 = New Pen(System.Drawing.Color.Yellow, 1) grafik.DrawRectangle(transpen1, 50, 50, 1, 1) any idea's ?
  19. Hi, How can I draw a single pixel ? If I use Drawline (pen1,100,100,100,100) Nothing is showed on the screen if I use Drawline (pen1,100,100,101,101) A small linie is showed, as it should. The function in older VB was called PSET !!
  20. Hi, I'm using a Pentium 3 450 mHz processor and a 16 MB graphiccard. Can/Will I increase the preformance of my GDI+ applications if I use a faster processor fx. Pentium 4? Thanks, Miura
  21. Hi, How can I load a bitmap-fil into a array, and then begin to change the values (pixels) in this array, and in the end show them on the screen. Thanks, Miura
  22. Thanks, I will try to get more into this Framework :) Miura
  23. I have fixed the problem now. Thanks a lot, and have a nice day.
  24. I got this errormessage: An unhandled exception of type 'System.ArgumentException' occurred in system.drawing.dll Additional information: Invalid parameter used.
  25. Thanks, I have read a little!. But what am I doing wrong. Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Dim GraphicsFun As System.Drawing.Graphics Dim myBitmap As New Bitmap("D:\Murcielago1.bmp") GraphicsFun = Me.CreateGraphics GraphicsFun.DrawImage(myBitmap, 10, 10) End Sub Thanks, Lars.
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