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Xtreme .Net Talk


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Everything posted by hDC_0

  1. Keeping forum members updated.. Thanks VolteFace for your reply as well as for all the work you and other admin types have done. I stop by this forum every once and a while and I really notice the improvements, but I do wish this site and all the iNet sites (XVBT) kept some kind of change log or maybe "issue-waiting-resolution" log so people like me who only stop by once and a while can see what changes (php, etc) were made, issues resolved, and so forth. People like the starter of this thread, I think, just get frustrated because so much stuff happens behind the scenes with little or no notice of the progress being made and such a change log would go a long way to alleviate the impression that nothing seems to be happening (a lot of the time). But from reading the other thread: http://www.xtremedotnettalk.com/t87700.html ...maybe the lines of communication with the iNet people will not allow this.
  2. Forum slowness I'm one of those unfortunates that have dial-up at home. I use an AMD 2800 with 56K modem and it takes 25 seconds per page (every page - and i've tried multiple browsers with cache-ing enabled). The old forum never took more than 5. And I'm part of the XVBT site and am one of those who don't complain -- I just don't go there as much anymore. Perhaps others are the same way. There is a similiar thread over there about a fall off in traffic after the re-skinning and the admins tried to trot out a bunch of statistics to prove no slowdown. I think it's both the behind the scenes stuff (PHP,CSS, etc) and the graphics (combined) that are contributing to "bloat". A "lite" version of the forum would be very welcome (maybe bring back the old version in a slightly revised form that it could be optionally used without disturbing the internal structures of the new version) But the main reason I don't come here is that most of the people I deal with use Win98SE and don't see any reason to upgrade. Yes, you can run .Net stuff under 98, but they won't even shell out enough money to get a Win2K license (let alone WinXP) for me to develop at work. I tried submitting a couple .Net sample programs I developed at home to the IT department, but they took one look at the size of the runtime and balked at having to install it over the network. *sigh* But I'll keep stopping by now and then...hope to see more DirectX stuff :)
  3. GetPixels and LockBits() I'm just a .Net newbie, but from what I've read you can still use GetPixel to access the ARGB/RGB color data with VB.Net, but the question is do you want to... because it seems like using GetPixel to loop through a bunch of pixels in VB.Net is really slow, because of all the LockBits and UnlockBits going on behind the scenes. So is seems it's better to take charge and do the LockBits yourself. Here's some code snippets I found to get you started: http://www.dotnet247.com/247reference/msgs/28/140355.aspx http://www.dotnet247.com/247reference/msgs/13/66263.aspx It's interesting...I think dealing with a VB.Net color space is is going to mean a little bit of a re-orientation to thinking about manipulating graphics at the pixel level (or in memory).
  4. EVBF was down for maintenance so I thought I'd come by to check if anything has changed and it HAS! Thanx for all those who posted on this thread. I like the new (default?) skin --kind of cool grey, but with yellow icons. Looking a lot slicker. And Banjo's avatar is the same one he uses over at EVBF. he's actually changed it a little (I read in one of the old threads the eyes were a little different) I like his avatar, but I also like BillSoo's (on EVBF - it's a big peanut with a cowboy hat and googly eyes). Anyway, just wanted to note the improved look...
  5. Thinks are a little different here than in the Extreme Visual Basic forum (and I'm not talking about .Net content vs VB6 content) It's like the "look" of this forum is some bizzaro version of EVBF lol A few things: Is this forum running v3 of the vBulletin software? How come the Avatar pics don't show up in the members listings pages(you have to individual go into each members profile page to see their avatar)? How come, on the Post New Thread compose screen there aren't icons (pretty nice icons like in EVBF) for formating, inserting code, PHP, etc? How come the "Lite" coloring theme shows smileys as green? (Extraterrestrial emoticons?) How come in the J# forum it says it has 3 threads and 6 posts but I don't see anything when i go in except for Thinkers "Posting Guidelines" sticky I read in "Broken things" post that: "Inet Interactive has been dragging their feet in regards to fixing the site up, but hopefully something will take place soon. The wheels are in motion as we speak." What wheels? What is being planned ? What will be fixed up? Is there plans to redo the look of this forum to more closely match the look of EVBF? (hopefully). Maybe (at least) a skin that looks like EVBF?
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