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Everything posted by Machaira

  1. Are you using Managed or Unmanaged C++? If the former I'd be surprised that you can't see it.
  2. If you want to hide the taskbar this will do it: Private Declare Function FindWindow Lib "user32" Alias "FindWindowA" (ByVal lpClassName As String, ByVal lpWindowName As String) As IntPtr Private Declare Function ShowWindow Lib "user32" Alias "ShowWindow" (ByVal hWnd As IntPtr, ByVal cmdShow As Boolean) As Boolean Private Const SW_HIDE = 0 Private Const SW_SHOW = 1 Private hTaskBar As IntPtr Public Sub Main() hTaskBar = FindWindow("Shell_TrayWnd", "") ShowWindow(hTaskBar, SW_HIDE) ShowWindow(hTaskBar, SW_SHOW) End Sub
  3. Does the table actually have rows in it? What is "Clientz"? Is the column name "Name" correct (is it actually "name")? The following works just fine for me: DataTable *dt = new DataTable(); sqlDataAdapter1->Fill(dt); comboBox1->DataSource=dt; comboBox1->DisplayMember="Name"; comboBox1->ValueMember = "ID";
  4. My take - patents exist to protect the person patenting, but the system is often taken advantage of.
  5. "lines" is a vague term when you're talking about a multi-line textbox. There's a Lines property that you can access: MessageBox.Show(TextBox1.Lines.GetLength(0)) However, this doesn't take into account lines that are wrapped, just lines with hard returns. It still might be usable for what you're doing though.
  6. You have to manually add them if they don't exist, but it's only one line of code. :)
  7. Why not just put the textbox to add the items to the listbox on the same form as the listbox?
  8. It doesn't get much easier or cleaner than that.
  9. Sounds like something that will seriously piss off users. An MDI app isn't supposed to work that way. If you want a form to be the only one that can have focus until it's closed it should be modal.
  10. I don't understand the problem. Why wouldn't you do the SELECT DISTINCT or GROUP BY when populating the dataset? Or do you mean something else?
  11. Only one window can have focus at a time.
  12. You want the focus to stay on the form when? What's happening to cause it to lose focus?
  13. I don't believe so. The mass copy functions work only if they target is the size # dimensions as the source.
  14. Is there a reason you need the Records node? Why not just have your records under the Data node?
  15. Umm, it is possible, unless I'm misunderstanding. That's what modules are for.
  16. I'm still not quite following you. When you load the mesh in your app how does it look different from how it appears in Truespace?
  17. Just for kicks I'll toss my info in: I started when I was 13-14 back in the days when most of you guys (it seems) where in diapers or not even born. :) I was using an AppleII and picked up a Commodore 64 where I started playing with animating sprites (anyone remember Peek and Poke?). I've done COBOL, FORTRAN, Pascal, C/C++, several versions of BASIC and pretty much do strictly VB.NET for work and VB.NET/C# for play. If I manage to get back into the game industry I'll be back to doing C++ (unless I can convince management to do something in C# :) ).
  18. Check my tutorial here. Hopefully this is what you mean.
  19. Granted, but you're not dealing with it yourself, which is what I understood the Joes's point to be.
  20. Not really, you can just use the Connection, DataAdapter, and Dataset objects.
  21. Try this: Public Sub LoadPresets() Dim loadBuffer As String Dim splitArray() As String Dim sr As IO.StreamReader sr = IO.File.OpenText("BALOPT.INI") 'ascii csv file 'same file as used in 10yr old QBASIC "application" loadBuffer = sr.ReadLine() '1st line contains number '1 line per preset using comma-separated variables Dim maxPresets = Val(loadBuffer) Dim myPresets(maxPresets + 1) '= nothing 'As ClassPreset 'remove this as it only instantiates the last element of the array 'myPresets(maxPresets + 1) = New ClassPreset() 'myPresets(maxPresets).Opt = New Integer( ) i = 0 'preset counter While sr.Peek <> -1 i += 1 'I miss out zero on arrays, leaving it empty 'note this added line myPresets(i) = New ClassPreset() loadBuffer = sr.ReadLine splitArray = Split(loadBuffer, ",") If splitArray.Length > 0 Then 'Opt is the special Option-flag variable for use later 'myPresets(i).Opt = New Integer() 'this didn't work myPresets(i).Opt = Val(splitArray(0)) '***ERROR*** End If End While
  22. Umm, you don't?
  23. You can do either what thenerd suggested and then search the variable that the file is read into or read the textfile line by line until you get to the name you want, then read the data for that name. There's no way to open the text file to the specific part that you want.
  24. Try: this.textBox1.PasswordChar = (char)0;
  25. You should be able to adapt this: Private Sub DataGrid1_CurrentCellChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles DataGrid1.CurrentCellChanged If Me.DataGrid1.CurrentCell.ColumnNumber = 0 Then Me.DataGrid1.CurrentCell = New DataGridCell(Me.DataGrid1.CurrentRowIndex, 1) End If End Sub
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