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Everything posted by Machaira

  1. Free Virus Protection Software
  2. First off - you're not updating an data. Second - do you want to do an UPDATE query or use the DataAdapter?
  3. One way: Read each line, if the first character is not numeric and has text in it, it's probably a book header, check to see if this text to be searched for is in the line (use the IndexOf String function) if it is set a flag to start finding the chapter and verse as you continue reading line by line.
  4. Sure you can do it: Dim num As Integer = 1 'Don't know how you're selecting and renaming so this is pseduocode For Each <selectedfile> In <selectedfilecollection> File.Rename(<selectedfilename>, <newname> & num & <extension> num += 1 Next <selectedfile>
  5. You can't use a varaible name as an index into the controls collection, it has to be a number.
  6. It's always a good practice to close any files you open.
  7. Yes. :) Value types don't need explicit allocation whereas reference types do.
  8. http://www.codersource.net/csharp_read_write_images_database.aspx
  9. Have you looked at the samples in the DirectX SDK? There's a project there that will answer your question.
  10. Change the Format of the control to Custom and set the CustomFormat property to "hh:mm"
  11. Have you tried putting breakpoints in the Click and DoubleClick event handlers and seeing what exactly is being called when you double click?
  12. I've never found any reason to use anything but IE. Nothing else makes browsing any easier or quicker for me. As always - YMMV. :)
  13. Are these images that would be used on multiple machines? If so it doesn't make sense to store it in a folder on one machine so I would store it in the database. Also, what database?
  14. What's the code you're using currently to do this?
  15. Instead of comparing the individual components of the time, why not create a Time object from the components and compare it to curtime?
  16. I would think you'd have something like an EventManager object that would have the ViewEvent method. So your relationship would look like: - Event | Member - EventManager - Event | - Event The EventManager handles all the interaction between a member and an event.
  17. What version of VS.NET are you using?
  18. That might not be me, as my 5 year old son tends to use the PC a lot (and my wife is on every once in a while and just closes stuff she doesn't understand). I rarely use Messenger.
  19. In DC? Reallly? Where am I? See my location in the upper right of this post. :D :cool: ;)
  20. From what I've read the Panda exporter is better than the one provided by MS.
  21. Why is it IE never crashes on me? I keep hearing these stories about how bad IE is and how it crashes all the time but I never have problems with it and I use it almost as much as I'm awake. :D :cool: I have FF installed on my Mandrake box and I don't feel it's any better than IE, just different.
  22. I've used the Infragistics package in the past and found it to be a great product.
  23. I would suggest a different approach. Instead of just closing the form without warning, which will probably confuse the user, do something like: Private Sub txtFolioNumber_LostFocus(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles txtFolioNumber.LostFocus Dim frm As frmDocument For Each frm In Me.MdiParent.MdiChildren 'no need to check myself (the current form) If (Me.Handle.ToInt32 <> frm.Handle.ToInt32) Then 'if the number just entered is already used on another form, switch to that form If (frm.txtFolioNumber.Text = txtFolioNumber.Text) Then MessageBox.Show("This number already exists. Please enter a different number." Exit For End If End If Next frm End Sub Another approach would be to use just one form for entering the data and prompting the user if they enter a number that already exists: If MessageBox.Show("Record already exists. Would you like to go to that record?", "Duplicate Record", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1)) Using one form is likely to be less confusing in the long run.
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