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Everything posted by haezeban

  1. Hey, I have an object Client, and that object has an object address and different other property�s (like name, age,.... all sting, int�s,..). While debugging and passing with the cursor over Client.Name you will see Client.Name = �Johnny�, also you see the contents of the other property�s. But for the property address (which is another object) you will see only the name off that object -> Client.Address = {Namespace1.Address}. Is it possible to see also the contents of that object while passing the cursor. For example when I pass I will see the contents of the zip-code of that object address. Now we have always to use �QuickWatch� to see that. I looked already in using attributes �DedfaultProperty� but no luck. Thanks for help. Jac
  2. Hey, I have an ASP.NET application that was running fine. I have a user RecO with the minimal creditials. In my webconfig I have : <identity impersonate="true" userName="RecO" password="RecO" /> When I start my app I receive following error. Could not create Windows user token from the credentials specified in the config file. Error from the operating system 'A required privilege is not held by the client. ' What is wrong here. As far as I know nothing changed on that machine and sudddently I receive that error. Tkx in advance for help.
  3. Spiel, I found if the second property wasn't a property but a field. So, I changed it to a property and now it works. Thx
  4. Hey, I try to bind a datasource to my combobox. The datasource is an array of objects. Then I set the cmb01.displaymember = "Propertyname1". Till here everything works fine. But then I will also set the valuemember like this : cmb01.ValueMember = "PopertyName2". At runtime I receive always following exception : "Could not bind to new display member. Parametername is newdisplaymember" What will this mean? And how I have to resolve it? Tkx, Jac
  5. Hi, We have a smartclient application in C#. We don't know the clients resolution or dpi. I know it is possible to detect this. But then we want to adapt or forms and fonts to that type of screen. Do we have to create a piece of code for each combination (resolution/dpi) to adapt font and controls (hight/width)? Or is there something automatically that can do this for us. Ex. we wrote all forms and they are very nice on a screen with a dpi=96 and pixels 1024/768. But when we run the app. on a screen with other setting it is like hell. So, I would before showing a form that we detect the settings and then adapt our whole app. forms for this screen settings. Maybe build one form that consits of a panel. Call it mainpanel.cs. And then all forms hire of that mainpanel. .... I don't know where to start with this problem. Thanks,
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