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Everything posted by DR00ME

  1. Finally got it working ....it got as many operations as the array lenght * lenght :(
  2. hmm I think the index of Counts goes out of range ?
  3. "mList.contains(Key)" I think there is no such a thing as .contains ? it gives me error there.... did I miss something ? also curCount = Convert.toInt32(mList(Key)) + 1 why do you add 1 to the actual value ? or is the index added with 1 ? a bit confusing tough :D
  4. Thanks for the help, I'll check it out!
  5. Damn, love you guys lol :D I'm gonna try it! Im also interested what nerseus got in his mind... I think he got a few tricks for dataSet... If you have energy to could you please show me a little example of it without using an array ? Never used dataSet I'm pretty new to vb.net anyway. I dont have to use an array neccessarily ....I might got one variable named x which is running some values between 0 and 255 so don't have to store 'em in an array. P.S. There are over 70 000 numbers it is running between 0 and 255..... so basicly My array contains 70 000 numbers of type of byte and I have to find out which number occur most. But as I said earlier I do not have to store those 70 000 numbers in an array... just one variable going through those values. P.S. nerseus what's the normal way to do it if I use an array ? and if I'm not using an array (dataSet?) ?
  6. OK, lets say I got an Array which contains numbers from 0 to 255..... like: Dim MyArray(50) as byte and it got values 4,4,4,7,6,3,230,100,2,1....n now I want a code which calculate what number occur most... in this case it would be 4. Or is there a function for this ?
  7. Well are you able to set the properties back like they were before editing the registry values ? Hmm... lol or install OS again :D
  8. myLovelyPixel.GetHue myLovelyPixel.GetSaturation myLovelyPixel.GetBrightness ok now I got the HSV values... how about if I want to set them as myLovelyLabel.backcolor ....how do I do it because I cant find a set method for it ? weird why it is missing... I dont want to convert them to RGB... or is it the only way to do it ?
  9. Might need Cstr... im not sure...Label14.Text = Cstr(Math.Round(CDbl(Label16.Text) - 0.01))
  10. DR00ME


    B(50) as byte lblPixelClr.Text = CStr(Array.IndexOf(B, 240)) the problem is that B is not an Array... well it is ..but its type is not array... so that thing is not working... so is there way to convert byte array to array ? huh... or what is the difference between: B(50) as Byte B(50) as Array But both are arrays right ? im confused... someone lighten me please!
  11. DR00ME


    how do I make a normal array to ArrayList object and search inside it for a specific integer huh ?
  12. DR00ME


    is it like if array.indexOf is empty then it didnt find the requested e.g. number or string... and its false.. ?
  13. DR00ME


    Is there a similar function for VB.NET as in PHP : array_key_exists -- Checks if the given key or index exists in the array. return true or false. <?php $search_array = array("first" => 1, "second" => 4); if (array_key_exists("first", $search_array)) { echo "The 'first' element is in the array"; } ?> if there isnt could you please write me one :D
  14. problem solved.... seems like multidimensional arrays take more memory than 3 separate arrays(well you put em together it makes 3 dimension) ... ... im confused... anyway...
  15. this.. Store 76000 rgb combinations to 3 dimensional array....1 dimension is for R values... one for G and one for B.
  16. lol I think I have a BIG PROBLEM!
  17. Dim ABC(76240, 76240, 76240) As Byte so any suggestions ? is the processor cache limit ? im getting system.outofmemoryexception when it try to reserve memory for this array... Do I have to cut it in pieces.... ?
  18. lol you really saved my day... I also noticed how dumb I am LOL ..I never payed attention to those properties like .R .G .B ... i just tried to find a function ! anyway THX A LOT! :D
  19. the problem is that i cant separate R,G,B components from color.tostring .... the string looks something like this "Color [A=255, R=255, G=255, B=255]" now i cant get those components to int variables.... notice the string lenght is changing when the RGB values change... I also tried this ToArgb but it gave me weird readings like -16777232 how do u read it ? is it hex or what ? is the colors in random order ? im trying to do a proggy which can identify colors and play the color from .wav ...but the colors can vary...i need a scale for the colors... e.g. from dark blue to light blue....if the RGB value match in that RGB scale the proggy consider the color as e.g. blue and play the blue.wav... i really need help with this one.... so suprise me! sorry for my bad english!
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