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  1. hi i need to fill drop down box with dates when page loads first time. i am getting date from database like 03/01/2005(it changes every month). i need fill dropdown with values like 02/15/2005,02/01/2005,01/15/2005,01/01/2005 and 12/15/2005(greater than today date) basically i ned to fill every 1st and 15 th of the month between todays date and database date value(03/01/2005). thanks for any help
  2. Hi i am doing .net application.i want to validate password ,it should contain at least 8 characters(including numeric and special charaters) and not more than 4 characters(username contains only alphabets) of thier username. I would appreciate if any help thanks
  3. Hi i need to convert two PDF doc's into one PDF document at runtime programatically. i would appreciate if any help Thanks
  4. still i hv one more question i need to change cell text too like id ,name,state in other asptable id,name,county depends on user selects
  5. Hi I want to generate asptable rows and cells programatically.i created two divisions in html row then i placed the asp:table with id in each division like below <table> <tr> <td style="WIDTH: 324px; HEIGHT: 168px" colSpan="1"> <div id="divA" runat="server"> <asp:Table ID="Table1" Runat="server"> </asp:Table> </div> </td> <td style="WIDTH: 324px; HEIGHT: 168px" colSpan="1"> <div id="Div1" runat="server"> <asp:Table ID="Table2" Runat="server"></asp:Table> </div> </td></tr></table> I have checkboxlist in previous page depends on user selects i need to generate rows and cells with different labels and values. in one division we can have like name "AAAAAAAA" state "MO" city "KKK" in another division like name "BBBBBB" zip "50234" County "LLLL" user can select to see two types of first division info or user can select one each.if user selects two types of first division info or each one division info then i need to show side by side. I would appreciate any help or giving some articles about it or is there anyway todo this. Thnaks
  6. hi i am displaying checkbox,id and name in datagrid.when user selects 2 or more checkboxes and clicks confirm button on the webpage i need those id's of checked rows.how do i get them. i would appreciate any help thaks
  7. chand

    session data

    hv can i check how can i check them which are changed and compare against old values and send them in mail.i know sending mail but my problem how can i check which values are changed thanks
  8. Hi I have aspx page with 10 text boxes and change buttons.each textbox have change button.when user clicks change button it will enable textbox and user can change value so on.what i have to do is when user clicks finally submit button i need to grab in which textboxes he made changes and those changed values i need send in mail.i know how to send mail but how can i grab user made changes only.whenver user clicks change button that screen post to the server to enable that texbox. txtaa change1 txtbb change2 txtcc change3 .........so on can anyone tell me hv do i grab changed values or any article.initially i am getting values from dataset. i would appreciate anyhelp
  9. hi my user is storing data in multiline textbox as paragraphs and it retrieving same .but i am doing html report like using td's. my code look like this in aspx page <td id="tdout" runat=server></td> in aspx.vb file dim ods as dataset tdout.innertext=oDs.Tables(0).Rows(0)(94) it's not displaying paragraphs even i tried with tdout.innerhtml.can anyone give me idea how do i display as it is in tablecell(td). when i debug it i saw i am getting paragraphs from table. I would appreciate any help thanks
  10. chand


    Hi i have multiline text box with other textbos and dropdowns.when user prints the screen i need to be able to print all the text info in the multiline textbox .right now it's printing only the info vat i see on the screen. i would appreciat if anyhelp with sample code thanks
  11. u can goto this site and use free software http://www.meadroid.com/scriptx/index.asp
  12. chand

    import dll

    Hi i am doing .net application and i am using third party software.i placed that dll in my application bin directory.how can i import that dll and use their dll functions in my zzz.aspx.vb(code file of aspx file)file. thanks for any help
  13. can you post me code can you post me code
  14. Hi i am using sql server as database server.when user not enters datetime field value it's storing like 1/1/1900.i got code from net to correct it . here is the code i got Dim sqlStmt As String Dim conString As String Dim cn As SqlConnection Dim cmd As SqlCommand Dim sqldatenull As SqlDateTime Try sqlStmt = "insert into Emp (FirstName,LastName,Date) Values (@FirstName,@LastName,@Date) " conString = "server=localhost;database=Northwind;uid=sa;pwd=;" cn = New SqlConnection(conString) cmd = New SqlCommand(sqlStmt, cn) cmd.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@FirstName", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 11)) cmd.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@LastName", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 40)) cmd.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@Date", SqlDbType.DateTime)) sqldatenull = SqlDateTime.Null cmd.Parameters("@FirstName").Value = txtFirstName.Text cmd.Parameters("@LastName").Value = txtLastName.Text If (txtDate.Text = "") Then cmd.Parameters("@Date").Value = sqldatenull 'cmd.Parameters("@Date").Value = DBNull.Value Else cmd.Parameters("@Date").Value = DateTime.Parse(txtDate.Text) End If cn.Open() cmd.ExecuteNonQuery() Label1.Text = "Record Inserted Succesfully" Catch ex As Exception Label1.Text = ex.Message Finally cn.Close() End Try ------------------- My code look like this ssql="insert_aaa" txtactno "','" & _ txtdate.txt & "','" & _ how do i convert mycode to accept sqldatenull value
  15. Hi i am doing .net application and one of my user is creating access reports. sqlserver is default datetime value as 1/1/1900.when user doing reports she is getting 1/1/1900. how can user display blank instead of 1/1/1900 in access reports thanks
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