Hello everyone, I've been working independantly on a freeware C#/Managed Directx game for some months now. I've been lurking on these forums picking up tips on using the language and I thought now that its in a fairly stable and featured version it'd be nice to get some commentary from you guys...
You can download it at:
Its sort of an attempt to blend the Real Time Strategy and Collectible Card Game genres, kindof my attempt to take the stuff I liked most about Warcraft, Warlords, and Magic the Gathering and put it in one game...
Please try it out an let me know what you think :)
(It's a 5 Meg download + another 1 Meg for the manual, you also need .Net 1.1 and DirectX 9.0 but I'm guessing everyone here already has that installed)
System Requirements: (roughly)
256+MB Ram, 1 Ghz or above processor,
GeForce 2 generation or above graphics card
-Vivek Vaidya
oh... if you have any comments, questions, or something about the game is confusing you write me at :