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Everything posted by Metsada

  1. Thanks for the comments: anyways, I just put a new version up which should improve performance a fair amount, you might want to try it out... On the other stuff: -Its actually in a window for a reason: personally whenever I'm playing a game I'm always alt-tabbing out to mess with winamp, check on my downloads, etc. Personally I just always like to have access to my taskbar, so I thought I'd make a game that did that... Do you find it distracting to see the taskbar or is it the clipping problem thats concerning you (the clipping thing should be fixed in this new build). -Scrolling you mean scrolling around the map, right? Do you think it should be faster? My problem is I basically always use the minimap to get around, so the other way of scrolling was just an afterthought. -What part of the graphics did you find the weirdest on the eyes? Do you have any thoughts on making it more normal to the average gamer? -Vivek
  2. Metsada

    C++ or C#

    Yes, actually the benchmark I saw showed C# ahead of Gnu C++, it was only beaten by Visual Studio's C++ compiler... This doesn't take into account the affect of garbage collection pauses on performance however. C# is not a good language for say... a first person shooter
  3. Hmm, funny my site statistics show a ton of people coming in from this forum suddenly, but no one seems to be posting... Does anyone who's tried the game have any comments?
  4. I've moved the game over to a new website: http://www.vivekpvaidya.com/Immanence.html should deal with the bandwidth problems I was having earlier.... Theres also been a bunch of updates since I last posted: the user interface has been seriously revamped to improve clarity, give you more information on what your casting, jazzed up the way way you view creatures, etc. I also added save game functionality, autosaving, new creatures and spells, etc. -Vivek
  5. Well, theres a bunch of screenshots in the downloadable manual you can take a look at... Or would it be simpler for people if they were just directly on the website? Has anyone tried the game out yet by the way? It would be really nice to get some commentary... i.e. -is it fun? -is it too confusing? -would it be better if you could play against other human beings on the internet? (that was the original plan, but it just got quite complicated, so I've put it off for the moment) -are there any features you'd like to see in Immanence? -Is the interface clear and intuitive do the units look reasonably like what they're supposed to be? -etc... -Vivek (I think I'm just going to upgrade to a pay account on geocities to handle more bandwidth, all the free options I've found are really nasty about bandwidth. )
  6. Argh, thats going to get irritating... you happen to know a good free place to host files?
  7. Hello everyone, I've been working independantly on a freeware C#/Managed Directx game for some months now. I've been lurking on these forums picking up tips on using the language and I thought now that its in a fairly stable and featured version it'd be nice to get some commentary from you guys... You can download it at: http://www.geocities.com/metsada23/Immanence.html Its sort of an attempt to blend the Real Time Strategy and Collectible Card Game genres, kindof my attempt to take the stuff I liked most about Warcraft, Warlords, and Magic the Gathering and put it in one game... Please try it out an let me know what you think :) (It's a 5 Meg download + another 1 Meg for the manual, you also need .Net 1.1 and DirectX 9.0 but I'm guessing everyone here already has that installed) System Requirements: (roughly) 256+MB Ram, 1 Ghz or above processor, GeForce 2 generation or above graphics card -Vivek Vaidya oh... if you have any comments, questions, or something about the game is confusing you write me at : lysis23@fastmail.fm
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