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  1. thank you... the VBFixedStringAttribute is just what i was looking for.
  2. does anyone know how to do the following in vb.net: Private Type ID3Tag Tag As String * 3 Title As String * 30 Artist As String * 30 Album As String * 30 Year As String * 4 Comment As String * 28 End Type i know that you make is a structure: Private Structure ID3Tag Public Tag As String Public Title As String Public Artist As String Public Album As String Public Year As String Public Comment As String End Structure but how do you specify the lenth of the properties? thanks...
  3. does anyone know how to convert binary data, received from the registry as a Byte Array, to something readable, like a string?
  4. that's perfect. i'm pretty sure it's doing just what i want it to. here's an example of the code i'm using. you actually have to call the .join() after you've already started the thread. Dim t1 As New System.Threading.Thread(AddressOf Function2) t1.Start() t1.Join() Dim t2 As New System.Threading.Thread(AddressOf Function1) t2.Start() doing it this way, makes t2 wait until t1 has finished. i don't really know if i understand the Join() method because it says "Blocks the calling thread until a thread terminates." so you would think that in the above example, i would call the Join on t2 not t1. oh well, this seems to work. thanks.
  5. i was actually starting 2 different threads but i wanted to wait until the first thread completed before starting the second one. i was doing something like this: t1.start() do until t1.threadstate = stopped thread.sleep loop t2.start() but doing it like that makes the gui hang until t1 is finished.
  6. does anyone know how to make your app pause for a certain number of seconds? i know that you can use System.Threading.Thread.Sleep() but that locks the app up. i was wanting be able to pause in the middle of my code without freezing the program. any ideas? thanks.
  7. Just wondering if someone knows how to list all of the properties and their values from a WMI class. I know how to get the number of properties, by doing the following: Dim wmi As New ManagementClass("Win32_ComputerSystem") wmi.Get() MessageBox.Show(wmi.Properties.Count.ToString) I'm just not sure how to loop through all the properties. I want to list all possible properties and their values in a ListView. Any ideas?
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