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Everything posted by jccorner

  1. Okay, finally figured it out. Thanks everyone. I also tried the detail view but I can't make the images larger so I'll be going with the largeicon view.
  2. Yeah, I tried that but it asks for a System.Drawing.Size and I keep getting an error.
  3. Great thanks, that worked. But one thing, how do I make the icons larger?? I set the view to large icon view but the thumbnail is not large enough to know what's inside. Is there a way to set the icon's size or change the size of the imagelist?? Thanks again.
  4. So, if listboxes can only display strings, then what control should I use to display the list. I am trying to create a list of thumbnail images that can be selected on and when selected, the image will appear on the main picturebox.
  5. I'm not using a particular method, but here's the code: dim img as Image img = System.Drawing.FromFile(filename) Listbox1.Items.Add(img)
  6. Maybe going about this the wrong way but I'm attempting to create a selectable list of images (.jpg and .gif) using the listbox, but every time I add one of the images, it just says System.Drawing.Bitmap in the list. Appreciate any help.
  7. FBCmd = New FBCommand(SqlString, FBConn) FBConn = New FBConnection(mstrstr) FBConn.Open FBReader = FBCmd.ExecuteReader() FBReader.Read() If FBReader.HasRows then 'Do this FBReader.Close() FBConn.Close() I'm using 1.1
  8. Alright, I'm using a datareader and in my code, I check the datareader property .HasRows, but here's the issue, when does it return false?? I have an empty table and for some reason when I perform the read with the datareader, the .HasRows property is set to true. Even when the select statement returns zero rows, the property is still set to True. Anyone else have any problems with the datareader .HasRows property?? Thanks.
  9. I've found a good article to print a picture of a form. Now the question is, would anyone know how I can bind data to appear on the form?? Print picture of a form
  10. Well I don't know about an application thread, but why not try using a main form that is not visible (runs in the background) and do a call to your class to determine which form the main form should open. When a user switches, close the form and then show the other form. In other words, if I run the app, the main form determines that I should have frmA to start so the main form shows it. When I want to switch, the code can close frmA and then the main form will call to show frmB, I guess you can use an addhandler to handle the closing of either form to show the other form immediately. But just an idea.
  11. I was hoping someone here can answer my question. I have downloaded the SDK for Quickbooks and am interfacing with Quickbooks with a vb.net app. I need to run a query on a bill to see if it was paid (done) and if it's paid, then I need to obtain the check number (not done). Problem is I can't see how the bill and payment are tied together. I looked at most of the values but can't seem to find the right combination so I am unable to find which check number ties to the bill. I grealty appreciate the assist.
  12. New problem. I'm able to get it to work for the most part. But I did realize something. I use panels every now and again and I found a interesting development. On one of the panels, I have several textboxes. Well when the form loads, the panel is not visible, so the textboxes on the panel are not included in the collection of me.controls. My question now is, how do I get the addhandler statements to execute when textboxes reside on a panel??
  13. Sorry, I never said thanks. Appreciate the assist JABE.
  14. Plausibly, thanks, I've been coding in VB so recently, that I forgot about creating new types using inheritance and the rules associated with them. Alright, that should work out great, thanks. I'll let you know if I run into anything else. Very appreciative of the time.
  15. Nerseus, actually, you are correct, upon adding the event handler, now my other textboxes only allow two chars. So now I need to use your idea I guess but my question is if I don't tie the event handler to the form, how can I distinguish between textboxes, one's that I want to perform the new event and ones that I want to act as they always do. And if you have one available, could you send me an example?? I'd greatly appreciate it. I wish to learn this technique because in most (pratically all my apps) on the gotfocus event, I change the backcolor to yellow and on the lostfocus I change it back to white, but it gets so repetitive to do that for every single textbox. But for this proj I need it for the textchanged event, but I will look around for an example on the web. Just wondered if you had one.
  16. Actually, I'm not using either. I'm using VR.Net. But I will try that, thanks and I'll let you know if I have any problems with the conversion.
  17. I have over forty fields on a form and in each textchanged proc for each field I have this code: Private Sub Field2_TextChanged(...) Handles Field2.TextChanged Field2.Text = Trim(Field2.Text) if Field2.Text.Length = 2 then Field3.Focus() End Sub Now, is there anyway where I can save myself the trouble of repeating the same concept. Basically, I want to check the length of the field, if it is two then go to the next field. Any ideas?? Appreciative for the time.
  18. I have a MonthCaldendar control on a form with dimensions: 2,1. The issue I have is that the first month shown is the present month and the second month shown is the next month. How can I set the control up so that the first month is the last month and the second month is the present month. For example, today is 6/3 so the calendar shows June and July. I want it to show May and June. Appreciate the assist.
  19. Nerseus - Appreciative, but that doesn't work. The latest example is that I just opened up the solution and the options were disabled. Obviously since I just opened the solution it is not in debug mode. I then closed the solution and repoened it, didn't work. I then closed the .Net app and reopened, didn't work. But when I rebooted the machine, things were back to normal, the options are available once again and I can delete controls from the form. Kind of crazy but that's coding for you.
  20. It would be useful to see some of your code, but here's an alternative. This is extra work but it should work. You say the textbox is bound to a dataset, try using a dataview and when you rowfilter the dataview, check the value of the field in the dataview you want to appear in the textbox and set the radio button accordingly. Dim dv as new Dataview dv.Table = dataset.Tables("Tablename") dv.rowfilter = "Filter criteria" textbox.text = dv(0)("Fieldname") if dv(0)("Fieldname") = "Radio1" then Radio1.checked = true else Radio2.checked = true endif
  21. It happens while I'm just coding regularly. I can still select controls individually, but I am unable to delete them using the keyboard and the options are disabled when I right click on a control. But if I go into the code, I can remove the control by removing the windows generated code. It is quite weird and I was just wondering if anyone else has run into the same problem because it is quite annoying to fix. I did run into it again last night while coding but I'm guessing it has something to do with the tab control that I'm using. Since the last two apps I've been working on have utilized a tab control.
  22. Still looking to see if anyone else has this problem.
  23. Has anyone else run into this issue: I have a windows form and for whatever reason, at some point while I'm developing, the options are disabled on the right click menu in design view. Thus, I am unable to delete any controls from the form even when pressing the delete or backspace keys. This has happened to me a number of times (5 in two weeks) and I was curious to see if anyone else has run into the problem. I am able to workaround the problem by copying the code from the original form, creating a new form and repasting the code into the new form. Then I delete the old form and rename the new one. So, it's not a coding issue because then the new form would have the same problem, but it doesn't, I am able to delete and copy the objects on the new form. As you can see, it is quite annoying, it works, but annoying. I was wondering if this was a bug in .Net or maybe something I am doing and not realizing. I've compared the properties of both the old form and new form and found no differences so I'm quite curious if anyone has found a reason and/or a solution. Thanks for the time.
  24. Never mind, found the answer. Forgot to add the connection statements to the 400 on the form being called.
  25. The signature should have clued you in, it's VR (Visual RPG). *Nothing disconnects the object from its memory address therefore the object virtually equals Null. The error I'm getting is: Error creating window handle. It occurs on the Show statement of the form.
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