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Everything posted by jccorner

  1. In my projects, I currently have a class that handles all my database connections and I copy that class into new projects as they are built. Someone suggested I move my methods into a dll project and use that instead. But I was concerned about speed and things of that nature. Can someone let me know which is better?? Greatly appreciate the insight.
  2. I have a VS2005 windows app that accesses the registry fine in XP and Windows 2000 but the key value is null when running on Vista. I've looked at KTM and TXR but am getting lost a little bit. Before I start down this path, has anyone run into the same problem and if so, how did you tackle it?? Appreciate any suggestions.
  3. Certainly does, thank you very much MrPaul.
  4. MrPaul, then to send say e.Message then I should use a delegate??
  5. Re: Audio data format? I'm using 32 bit samples and you are correct, I'm using the sbyte data type.
  6. I'm fairly amazed that I'm having trouble finding some code to do this. So I'm asking my fellow programmers. Here's my situation: my windows program currently has one form and several classes which each run a thread that performs specific tasks including downloading a csv file from an ftp site and consumes it into a sql server db or checks the time and performs a stored procedure which will kick off some other tasks, etc. Now certain events/errors may occur in these threads. My issue is that I create a new class and then start the thread, but am having problems when I want to send a message from the thread class to the form when an event or error occurs. I can't invoke a method from the class and the form has no idea when an event occurs in the class. So, I'm stuck on where I should be going to accomplish this since multiple threads can be running on the form at once. I know I can create a form for each thread class, but want to try to utilize one form and not have to look at three different forms to see what the thread is doing. Thanks for any assistance.
  7. MrPaul, thank you very much. I actually didn't know I got another resopnse since I found something that gave me some estimate using a very complicated algorithm (FFT) but I will definitey look to implement when I get a chance. One question though, should I be looking in a range, because when I look at the data I see a lot of zero and 255 values (255 being the highest)?? Thanks again.
  8. Thanks but I didn't see anything regarding a .net implementation. I understand that decibels can be calculated from power or even voltage, but how do I gather this information when looking at an array of bytes??
  9. I ran into similar problems until I ran into this article: http://msdn2.microsoft.com/En-US/library/aa457093.aspx. It works in all my windows and CF apps and also takes away the need for using Thread.Abort. Sorry if I missed the actual issue but thought I'd add my two cents.
  10. Howdy folks. I've been searching and searching but have not found a suitable solution yet. My issue is that I have an array of bytes that is holding the data of a audio signal. What I want to do is simply measure the volume. Does anyone have a direction to point me in?? I would greatly appreciate the assist.
  11. Not one person has done this??
  12. I've been at this all afternoon and can't figure a way around it. The method has to be static so that is not an option of not being static. Here's the code: private static void ConnectionFilter(String sRemoteAddress, int nRemotePort, Socket sock) { lstMsg.Items.Add("Connection request from " + sRemoteAddress + ":" + nRemotePort.ToString()); } lstMsg is not available but I can't figure out why. I would greatly appreciate any assistance with this.
  13. Can someone direct me how to stat my program immediately after install. I'm using VS.Net 2005. Thank you very much.
  14. I've recently been presented with the task of getting a file from a FTP/SSL location automatically for a nightly feed. Thus far I've been able to manually do this using MoveIt Freely software that I downloaded and am are able to perform the necesary commands via command line. Now I'm trying to mimic the commands by running a batch file. For example in my batch file, I have: ftps -e:on -a url -user:username -password:password cd General get file1.txt C:\My Documents\file2.txt Problem is it executes to login perfectly but then the command tool stays up and never executes the change directory command. I can't seem to find out how to make it execute the second line of the batch file after it logs in. Appreciate any assistance. Also, if someone knows of a better way of performing this task, by all means, suggest a way. Thanks again.
  15. jccorner


    Has anyone found a .net library to access PGP?? I have a project in which we will be given a encrypted PGP file and the program has to decrypt, read the file and then transfer info into the database. Issue is I have not seen too many tools to access PGP from .Net. Thanks for any assistance.
  16. Hello all, I created a web app that is located at, for example, and it works beautifully. I then created an A record so that now when you go to it points to, or "redirects" to, myapp.mysite.com. Now the problem is when I go to view a page that includes a crystal report viewer on it, the images do not appear, I get the little red X. I know this is a reference issue but where in the world do I change the reference so that the images now appear when visiting the particular page with a crystal report viewer on it?? I greatly appreciate any help anyone can provide.
  17. Try this: http://partners.adobe.com/public/developer/en/acrobat/PDFOpenParams.pdf
  18. Can anyone let me know how this is accomplished in asp.net using vb?? I want to automatically tab to the next control when the control has reached its maxlength. I've done it in a windows project, but not sure for web based app. Thanks.
  19. I'm trying to find the best way to read the data from an xml page that is returned to me when I access a web page. Meaning if I enter an url into my web browser with the necessary parms, then an xml file will be presented to me in the browser. I'm trying to find the best way to read the data from an asp.net web project. Appreciate any help.
  20. Hi All, I created a crystal report in the designer (version 9.0) and now I want to use the report in a .net that has been created. It has been updated to use cr v9 but now when I try to access that report as in the statement: Dim crReport as rpPayroll rpPayroll is not an option and therefore doesn't exist. I did some checking and found that when I added the existing report to my project a class was not generated for that report, how do I create this class or at least allow the app to use the crystal report?? I tried rebuilding the solution but that didn't work. I'm thinking someone here has run into the same situation and knows what steps I can take. Appreciate any help.
  21. Interesting... I did some more research and got the idea to recreate the same report in the report designer of VS.Net. Recreated the report and it works using the dataset I created and am filling in the code. So great right?? Wrong, now when I go back to the CR designer with the recreated report, it's looking for the datasource which happens to be a manually created dataset table in the project and gives me an error when trying to bring up the report. So, I'm still stuck because it's just not logical to have to make two reports everytime I have to create a report, one for the CR users and one for the VB app. If anyone has figured this issue out or has some advice, I would love to hear it.
  22. Crystal reports drives me absolutely bonkers with issues like this. My problem is that I've created a crystal report that is located on the server in which the report source is a stored procedure from MSSQL. Now I have two parameter fields Start and End along with some formulas. The issue is that if I set the report up like thus: crReportDocument.Load(rptPayrollTransmittal) crReportDocument.SetParameterValue("@Start", CDate(txtStart.Text)) crReportDocument.SetParameterValue("@End", CDate(txtEnd.Text)) crReportDocument.SetDataSource(dsPayroll.Tables(0)) I get a problem with the formula field saying that the parameters Start and End are not known. So I changed the code to pass in the parameters to the report using its datadefinitions using examples I found on the web but now I am receiving this error: Error in formula <Total> 'IIF ({spPayrollTransmittal;1.SalaryType} = 'H', {spPayrollTransmittal;1.Regular} + {spPayrollTransmittal;1.Overtime}, 40)' This field name is not known. This tells me that I'm successfully passing the parameters but now that I'm not physically setting the datasource, it's as if it doesn't recognize the db fields. Funny thing is the report runs fine in the designer. Now I've tried playing with the code, by incorporating both methods and even hard coding my parameters just to see if the report would run (which it did succesfully). My problem is how do I pass parameters to my report which I want to run from the server without the above error?? Thank you very much for any help you can give me, I've been hacking at this for two days now without any luck.
  23. Can you use the autopostback for the month dropdownlist and when the month is changed you rebuild the day combobox with the correct number of days??
  24. I have a datagrid that uses a template column. The column is basically a hyperlink to the page but with request variables. These variables are used to load a form at the bottom of the page. What I'm trying to do is go to the bottom of the page when a link is clicked on in the datagrid. I was trying to use an anchor but it only works without variables and for some reason I can't find an adequate solution. I thought about using javascript but what if the user does not allow javascript?? Is there another possible way to automatically have the screen scroll down to the bottom of the page?? Appreciate any assistance.
  25. Without going into too much detail it's for statistical reporting and the client is adamant about the form looking exactly how the report would look. In the first case, we tried to use a tab control and were able to get 350 textboxes on each tab, but when running the program I ran into an assembly issue which wouldn't allow the program to run anymore. In the second case, we again used tab controls and had to cut and paste each tab until we found the offending controls which happened to be two textboxes that became corrupt. But when running the app the program would flat line due to the immense amount of data being loaded. Finally, we opted to have each tab's textboxes copied into seperate forms which looks to be running fine now. My concern is that the size of the compiled app is now exceeding 9mb including the forms, pdfs and well over 50 active reports. I was looking to see if I break up the solution by using dlls would there be any advantage. I wish to thank all for their advice and suggestions. I will request management to allow a screenshot of one of the forms be shown here so that maybe someone will have another suggestion of how I can display the data and allow the user to change each individual statistic. Thanks again.
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