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  1. thanks for the reply... but I have to use win2k server only... is there any other solutions?
  2. Hi to all, I just want to know if there is a way that I can combine all my web services (asmx) in one web reference site? I have read about vsdisco file... but how will i start from this? can anyone help me? Thanks in advance. chris.
  3. hi, I think the problem is in your lblPeticiones.Text... you must change it to lblPeticiones.text... hope that helps! regards, chris
  4. Its a nice one too Arch4ngel! Thanks for all your help! regards, chris
  5. Ah! Now I got it! I have just to override that class constructor. and make some coding! Thank you very much JABE! You're such a great programmer! (san ka sa philippines?) just askin... Regards, Chris chrisaldi20@yahoo.com
  6. Hi JABE, First of all, thank you very much for the reply. I'm a little bit confused! could you explain to me what have you done? I am adding a menu item programmatically and this is my codes in doing it: MainMenu mainMenu = new MainMenu(); mainMenu.MenuItems.Add("Entry"); MenuItemEx menuItem = new MenuItemEx(); menuItem.AssemblyName = "Customer.dll"; menuItem.MenuItems.Add(new MenuItem("Customer",new EventHandler (this.Menu_Clicked))); The "sender" parameter has now the AssemblyName, but it is declared as object so I have to cast it to MenuItemEx, but the thing is... I could not retrieve it whenever I click the menuitem? From what part of this codes do I missed something? could you help me explain further what you have done? Thank you. chris
  7. Hi, I have a problem regarding casting a custom class I created. The situation is this... I created a menu item in the mdi with a corresponding click eventhandler, I passed a certain parameter on this menuitem by using a custom class I created that inherited a MenuItem class. the codes of the class I created is shown below: using System; using System.Windows.Forms; namespace WarehouseMDI { public class MenuItemEx : MenuItem { private string assemblyname; public MenuItemEx() { } public string AssemblyName { get{return assemblyname;} set{assemblyname = value;} } } } on the menu item click event: private void Menu_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e) { MenuItemEx item = (MenuItemEx) sender; <---Specified Cast not valid MessageBox.Show(item.AssemblyName); } when I use the quick watch on the sender parameter, the AssemblyName is there with its corresponding value. How can I cast this object so that I may be able to view the custom property I created? Any help would be greatly appreciated! thanks, Chris
  8. I am developing an Webservice app that will have many methods, some methods choices can be executed by some users only, all can be executed by administrators, user are placed in Windows security groups on the W2k Server domain controller. If a user belongs to a certain group he can have access to a method and run whats available from that. I am now using Thread.CurrentPrincipal class to get the user account group domain but it returns an error of "The request failed with HTTP status 401: Access Denied"! Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks. Chris
  9. Hi to all, I would like to ask if there is a best documentation about security on web service. Like for example about Recognizing the user of the No-touch-deployment client and Limiting to access the methods of Web-Service base on the user. Any help from you would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Chris
  10. can tell what exactly is that exception?
  11. Hi to all, I would like to ask if does anyone here encounter the problem when a COM+ library application, specifically Business Object, throws an error and becomes different in Webservice application? actually Webservice will call a method from this COM+. and COM+ will throw an error. We have tried many different kinds of method that generates different kinds of exception but still we were unfortunate. We have also read the article about custom exceptions from Enterprise Services but this one uses a COM+ server application. We are trying to do it in Library Application because it indeed happens once but we cannot reproduce it again. So please, does anyone have an idea how to reproduce this phenomenon? Your reply is highly appreciated. Thanks, Chris.
  12. yes thanks! I figured it out by making a COM+.
  13. Hi! I have this Business Object Application which is a COM+ that is made from Visual Basic. There is a method to this Business Object that I call from Web Service Application(made in C#). My question is.. Is there a way I can handle the custom exception which was generated from BusinessObject to make it not a COMException when it comes to webservice, and the only thing to do is to fixed it in the Web Service Application? Any Idea would be of great help! Thanks!
  14. I have a problem regarding the classlibrary I made. Whenever I inherited the ServiceComponent object to this class and i called a method under it, it returns an error of "The dll doesn't have a strong name!" How can I fixed this? Any idea would be a great help. Thanks! Chris
  15. I have a question and i hope anyone could help me on this... I am testing a webservice project that calls an exception generator class. Actually, this exception generator is connected to the database and everytime i tried to change the connection so that it creates an error... the exception it generates is different to the exception raised by the webservice. For example, if the error message from exception generator is "Login failed for user "sa"!" the error message raised from web service is "Object reference not set to an instance of an object!" These error from web service only happens if I intentionally changed the connection of database. any idea would be of great help! Thanks! Chris.
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