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Everything posted by DGS

  1. Hmm, something not quite right there then.
  2. Yep I am, button click for one.
  3. I'm not using it as a toolbar. I'm using it as a taskbar, al-la SAS DMS (for those who know what that is) I'm writing an add-in to replicate the DMS in SAS Enterprise Guide. The toolbar control is the nearest control to the taskbar but with a little owner drawing was the perfect thing. :cool:
  4. I feared that. Many thanks for the confirmation, David.
  5. That was also one of my first thoughts, sadly not so simple. :mad: I suspect that it is something to do with the owner drawing I'm performing is preventing the toolbar from painting the buttons, despite calling the base class paint event. Judging by the low number of replies to this post, everyone simply buys a third party tool?
  6. Hi I've created my own toolbar bar control by inheriting the Windows.Forms.Toolbar control to perform some OnPaint() drawing (having set the SetStyle to UserPaint). However when I add the control to a form and programmatically add buttons they appear invisible - although respond to mouse clicks. If I turn off the UserPaint SetStyle they reappear. Does anyone know what I'm missing here? Pointers much appreciated, David. :confused:
  7. Hi This is pretty much what I've done. There are four command line parameters used to invoke the job correctly. If any are missing the form never appears. Sadly - I know what some users are like. Imagine: Double-click. Nothing happens. Double-click. Nothing happens. Call support "What's this program..." Hence my desire to wrap it all up in a library! :)
  8. Hi - My thoughts too. The problem at hand is to run an update to the executable and its associated assemblies into the current location. As the executable is executing it can't be overwritten. Hence I want to start the update process - shut down the calling assembly but let the called assembly continue its work. I've achieved this perfectly well with an EXE and using the process.start methodology - however it would be neater to bundle this function as a DLL so interested users don't double-click the updater.exe assembly just to "see what happens"! I think that creating a Win32 DLL and calling it via Rundll32 might be an option - but I've no idea if this can be created from VB.NET? ;)
  9. :confused: Hi Does anyone know how I can invoke a class in a DLL (which actually displays a Windows form) but leave that class running after the calling application closes? I'm using VB.NET 2003. Many thanks, David.
  10. Hi I've been wanting to programmatically show a tooltip over an object on my forms, similarly to how the XP Balloon Tip appears on the task tray. Has anyone achieved this? I've seen a lot of work on the BalloonTip control by Peter Rilling, but this covers a lot more functionality than I'm looking (plus I program in VB!) Any thoughts appreciated. David.
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