I'm just getting started with DX9 with C# and its my first graphics API that I've worked with so I'm a complete novice. The tutorial is decent but doesn't explain anything beyond "creates a nice blue background" which.. is sort of obvious once the program is run. So I just want to make sure that I'm getting the right hold of things. Here's what I'd like to clarify:
1. Device.BeginScence() starts ONE frame.. or buffer I guess? ...that shows on image on a screen.
2. Device.EndScene() closes that ONE image and everything that has to do with a displayed object inbetween Begin and End is shown in that one frame.
3. Device.Present(). This puts that frame (from the back buffer I guess) on the form and it starts over. So the while(frm.Created) makes this happen many many times per second. All I need is a yes or no answer. Thanks.