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  1. I have read all the "replays" and I understood them very well , why do you say that ? in fact I didn't get a good idea that suit my desire .
  2. thank you all for your concern. indeed, if you get an interesting idea , it would guide you to learn the language very well. it seems that you are sharing me the same problem ;) but anyway thank you very much
  3. Mr. Iceplug these kinds of programs are popular, and almost every one has an experiance with one of these programs at least. but I want somthing new , something interesting that motivate me to learn new stuff in the language. Mr. Jay1b well , if I find an interest idea that will motivate me to look through this forum .
  4. I discovered that the best way to learn any programming language is to figure out new idea and then implement it. but my problem is that I don't have new and interest idea to implement it . so can you help me and give me your idea , may be it will help me . thank you
  5. it looks like low level programming . but any way thank you
  6. thank you Mr. Kavan . ok can you tell me how ? or at least give me the idea if you know it of course. or lead me to any link that may helps thank you very much
  7. Using Direct Sound, I creat a secondary buffer and use it for playing a wav file and altering the frequency. My question is : can I save the sound file (which I have loaded recently) with the new frequency value ? if yes , please tell me how ? thank you
  8. thank you Mr mutant fot respond. but can you give the Idea in a (code format) instead of explain it . thank you ..
  9. Public Sub DString(ByVal p As PictureBox) Dim imageRect As Rectangle = New Rectangle(0, 0, p.Image.Width, p.Image.Height) Dim G1 As Graphics G1 = p.CreateGraphics G1.DrawString("hola", New Font("Verdana", 24), Brushes.Black, p.Width / 2, p.Height / 2) End Sub this code draw string on the picture box it self . How I can draw the string to the image inside the picture box control and save the image with string . thank you ..
  10. I'm thankful to you Mr.divil and Mr.Hamburger1984 . they were so helpfull .
  11. in other words, what is the algorithm of grayscale image . I knew how to invert color and other stuffs but still don't know how to make it grayscale . thank you
  12. no no no < don't be rush . In the future you don't need to do that . cuz it will be in the system defaultly . like longhorn or windows 2003 server(now)
  13. thank you
  14. Just for learning purpose. but I don't understand "direct access to pointers" . what will be the difference if I can access directly to the memory ?
  15. thats what I want but in VB.NET . THANKS
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